I've always had enough size in my legs (worked as a furniture mover, squatting furniture er'day for a couple years) but they were never this defined. Now instead of just being one big leg you can see quad muscle individually. They aren't super cut yet, but you def see each one.
Imo Zyzz's legs would have looked better a little bigger. They are kinda small in comparison to his upper body.
Zyzz was DA GAWD doe. His trolling videos have me rolling every fucking time.
The best was when he went into the mall and just stripped down to his underwear and started flexing and posing while going down the escalator ahahaha. Nigga did not give a FUCK.
Imo Zyzz's legs would have looked better a little bigger. They are kinda small in comparison to his upper body.
Keep living in denial that Brad is the best physique on the planet.
The best was when he went into the mall and just stripped down to his underwear and started flexing and posing while going down the escalator ahahaha. Nigga did not give a FUCK.