Gnomez, form check plz. I was going up wit my Squat, ready to hit 2 plates, but I noticed my form was really going south, my knees were buckling, I was getting further and further away from parallel, so I decided to take a few steps back to perfect my form, and build up the weight again. Going parallel/slightly below parallel, 185 is my 5 rep max. Anyways, see video. Like I said, form check, anything you see that's wrong?
>ugly, mis-matched gym clothes >wobbly legs, knees not locked out >needs more hip drive >Not grunting like a savage >2/10 wnb
Lol, it's 'cause my other shit was dirty, so I just threw that on, it did look bad, but eh, who gives a shit, my focus at the gym is training, not looking pretty. But explain your "knees not locked out" comment. :-?
Fucking THANK YOU for this. I been looking everywhere for a video specifically describing and showing exactly HOW to use your hips first on a squat, but couldn't find jackshit. This really, really fucking helps. Practicing it wit my bar at home, I have to do that overexaggerated ass movement that he was doing, but I can finally feel my hams and glutes actually being used in the squat, and it automatically plants my heels on the ground without me having to curl my toes up.
Im'ma post another video today or tomorrow, 'cause I posted this same video on Bodybuilding.Com, and the main thing pointed out was that I'm apparently not erect enough, and that I'm leaning forward too much like a Good Morning, even doe my chest stays up. The thing is, due to my height, I don't think I can stay as erect as a shorter motherfucker, 'cause I noticed that to stay completely straight up, I really have to fucking force it, and it hurt the shit out of my lower back, right by my tailbone. It felt so unnatural. If I just simply keep my chest up and my back straight, without forcing my back to stay so erect, then there's no back pain at all, and the bar is still directly over my toes, like it should be. That's why squat form is so convoluted, motherfuckers don't take height, body shape, leg length, etc. into consideration.
At the start of each squat you lock your knees so you are standing straight with your knees pushed straight back. They are not loose or semi straight or wobbly. Lock your knees, chest up, head up
So, there's a personal trainer at my gym, he owns his own business and shit, is always helping niggas out, and watching him, he has flawless form on everything. I been waiting for him to be there again on Leg day, and he was today, so I asked him to do a form check on my squat. He said I pretty much had everything down, said I was staying on my heels, leading wit my hips, keeping my chest up, knees were staying behind my toes, bar was above my toes, etc. but he said the one thing he noticed was that my back was arched inwards too much, and that that's 'caused by tight hip flexors from sitting too much, so he showed me some hip flexor stretching exercises that I can do, so Im'ma start working on those.
He also said it was miles better than it used to be. He said he's watched me a few times, and it was bad, but that he didn't wanna come over and say anything and be "that guy". Said he won't comment on form unless someone's doing something extremely dangerous, or they ask for it, like I did.
Hit dat 175 Lb. Bench today for 4 sets of 5 reps plus a dropset to failure at 135 Lbs. Boooi. New PR, almost a bodyweight Bench. Still ain't a big boi 'til I hit 2 plates.
Welp, finished the Shortcut To Size program today, today was the last workout. Another 3 months checked off. Fucking loved this program, and the gains were amazing. Way better than Body Beast. And what a way to end it this week. Broke 3 PRs. The Bench, which I already mentioned, and then today, I fucking FINALLY hit 225 Lbs. on Romanian Deadlifts, 4 sets of 5, I was actually only able to hit 3 on the 4th set, but the rep range is 3-5 anyways, so it's fine. First fucking lift that I hit 2 plates on, so fucking happy, major milestone for me. I been patiently waiting. And then I hit my highest Leg Press yet today as well, 270 Lbs. for 3 sets of 5. I didn't take too many progress pics throughout this program, but I started 3 months ago at 178 Lbs., 8% Body Fat, and am now 195 Lbs., 12% Body Fat. Which is great to me. Based on the BF% and just looking at myself, most of those 17 Lbs. is lean body mass, the only real fat I gained was my abs are blurry and I have a bit of love handles, also lost vascularity in my arms and shit, but it definitely wasn't a fat bulk. I got 3 weeks left of bulking, and then I'm shredding from April through June, 12 week cut.
Took this today, looking swole as fuck after training:
Started Layne Norton's PHAT (Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training) today. Feels so good to be back at the gym. It's been 9 days of no gym. I took a week recovery after finishing Shortcut To Size, as is usual for me after finishing a program. I hate it so much, but always end up being glad I did it, 'cause I go back to the gym completely refreshed and go 110% again.
PHAT has 2 power/strength days on Monday and Tuesday, and 3 hypertrophy days on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Which is the same "Powerbuilding" hybrid training of Shortcut To Size, just arranged differently. Mixture of Powerlifting and Bodybuilding style training.
First time ever doing some lifts today, including Rack Chins, Pendlay Rows, and Weighted Dips. Did the Rack Chins wit a 45 Lb. plate on my chest, 140 Lb. Pendlay Rows, and Weighted Dips wit a 45 Lb. plate on my legs. Hit a new PR yet again today, 180 Lb. Bench for 3 sets of 5. So close to 2 plates, LEHGO.
So, PHAT has 2 Leg days weekly, power/strength on Tuesday, and hypertrophy on Friday. HOLY FUARK. 1 leg day a week is always the hardest day of the week as it is, 2 leg days in a week when your legs still have DOMS from 3 days ago, made today the most brutal and intense leg day I've ever had. But I fucking loved it, it drove me harder to push through the workout and I just went nuts. Went so hard on leg extensions that I literally stumbled and fell backwards when I got off the machine 'cause my legs were absolute jello, then I could barely walk and was stumbling back to the weight room and holding on to the wall for balance. ) My nigga was laughing his ass off and he's just like "THAT'S HOW THE FUCK YOU DO LEG DAY!". )
Almost in the big boi club for all of the Big 3! Hit 190 on Bench yesterday, 205 Squat today, and hit 225 Lb. Deadlifts almost a month ago now. Sadly, the strength gains will slow down soon, since I start shredding on April 1st, but FUARRRK, feel like a monster. LEHGO.
Fucking THANK YOU for this. I been looking everywhere for a video specifically describing and showing exactly HOW to use your hips first on a squat, but couldn't find jackshit. This really, really fucking helps. Practicing it wit my bar at home, I have to do that overexaggerated ass movement that he was doing, but I can finally feel my hams and glutes actually being used in the squat, and it automatically plants my heels on the ground without me having to curl my toes up.
Im'ma post another video today or tomorrow, 'cause I posted this same video on Bodybuilding.Com, and the main thing pointed out was that I'm apparently not erect enough, and that I'm leaning forward too much like a Good Morning, even doe my chest stays up. The thing is, due to my height, I don't think I can stay as erect as a shorter motherfucker, 'cause I noticed that to stay completely straight up, I really have to fucking force it, and it hurt the shit out of my lower back, right by my tailbone. It felt so unnatural. If I just simply keep my chest up and my back straight, without forcing my back to stay so erect, then there's no back pain at all, and the bar is still directly over my toes, like it should be. That's why squat form is so convoluted, motherfuckers don't take height, body shape, leg length, etc. into consideration.
Took this today, looking swole as fuck after training:
PHAT has 2 power/strength days on Monday and Tuesday, and 3 hypertrophy days on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Which is the same "Powerbuilding" hybrid training of Shortcut To Size, just arranged differently. Mixture of Powerlifting and Bodybuilding style training.
First time ever doing some lifts today, including Rack Chins, Pendlay Rows, and Weighted Dips. Did the Rack Chins wit a 45 Lb. plate on my chest, 140 Lb. Pendlay Rows, and Weighted Dips wit a 45 Lb. plate on my legs. Hit a new PR yet again today, 180 Lb. Bench for 3 sets of 5. So close to 2 plates, LEHGO.
I've been slacking lately
Did my cutting calculations for calories and macros, and Im'ma be eating a full 1,000 less calories daily lol. 2,600.
Sooo fucking close to 2 plates.
Good shit for anyone who wants to add height to their jumps (dunk a b-ball)