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The F.N.R.S. (Fit Niggas Runnin' Shit.) Thread



  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    i had the same problem with my grip when I used straight overhand grip. I go with the mixed grip and haven't had a problem. I also use gloves and yes you can call me a pussy all you want but I can now complete my workout rather than cutting it short three quarters of the way through cuz blisters area bout to pop.
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,550 master of ceremonies
    Callouses or GTFO
  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    ya ya ya for me the decision was never train back or wear gloves like a pussy and lift
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Gnomez said:

    Callouses or GTFO

    =; Im'ma post a picture when I get home of how my hands look, even WIT gloves.

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    This was my view of the weight room when I showed up. :D Perfect.


    Most beautiful scene I've witnessed in weeks.
  • monicaamonicaa Posts: 7,109 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Lost all of my baby weight + 10. Started going to the gym a week ago & feeling pretty great (:
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,550 master of ceremonies
  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    if you want to look at natural bodybuilders one of my best friends growing up's family were all into bodybuilding. it was a dad and 2 sons. if you google paul Iatomasi bodybuilder tons of pictures come up. theyve been in magazines, advertisments and everything. won tons of shows. Paul Sr. is still huge lol although he mostly does promoting now a days. Paul Jr. is around 30 and competes regularly and Dan the youngest of them has been battling injurys the last 3-4 years so he is quite a bit smaller than the other two lol. i would post pics here but im having trouble.

  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    doing a second gym session tonight to get caught up because i missed a leg day. i now have a shorter term goal to work towards. my gf wants to go on a cruise in june so im trying to lose maybe 2-3% bf by then.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Nigga offered me gear in the locker room today. Some Test.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Also, benched 155 for 6 reps x 4 sets + a drop set. 155 was my 3 rep max last month. DEM GAINZ BOI.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Saw the actual video for that, he has the Deadlift world record. Shit is fucking mental. Those are Hummer tires. =))
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    Hitting the gym today! Been awhile since I've gone since I didn't have a gym to go to during winter break.

    Doing starting strength with my roommate. From what I did with it last week, I like it a lot. I really like the consistent linear progression aspect of this workout
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Had the most intense fucking Legs day ever 'cause of a sudden unofficial trainer lol. Was in the Squat rack, and dude comes up to me, asks how many sets I have left, I said 6, but I'm not an asshole wit that shit, so I suggested we just trade off sets, so we did. So this nigga's squatting like 300+ Lbs. wit the most perfect form I've seen thus far in person. So, he sees me squatting, starts off wit some tips about my form and shit, then just starts going gung ho and getting in my face, "FUCKING PUSH THAT SHIT. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT RE-RACKING THAT BAR, ONE MORE FUCKING REP.". :)) Shit got me so fucking fired up. I respond best to aggression and intensity like that, fucking loved it. Most I've ever sweated from lifting.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I don't understand why Arnold is considered to have the GOAT physique. All respect to him, and don't get me wrong, it WAS an impressive physique, especially if he was natty. But it's just that I see so many modern physiques that blow him away and amaze me way more. In modern bodybuilding, there's better size, better proportions, and better aesthetics. He's undeniably the king of bodybuilding, simply 'cause of how he revolutionized the sport, and gave it a huge name, but I just can't agree about his physique being GOAT.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Tweaked my left Tri today. Fuaaaarrrk. Doesn't seem too serious doe. Gotta skip Shoulders day this week, 'cause I seriously fucked my left Shoulder last week, felt like it was being sawed off doing Upright Rows.
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Gym naught
    I love winning with women
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    1RM'd 175 on bench today, and got 4 sets of 3 reps at 165. Both are my highest numbers yet. Won't feel like I'm officially in the big boi's club 'til I'm hitting 2 plates doe.

    And I can't fucking wait to start shredding tbh. The eating aspect is gonna suck, 'cause for 3 months, it's gonna be back to LOOK AT ALL THIS FOOD I CAN'T EAT. But I've made so many fucking gains. My arms and chest are looking ridiculous, shoulders are popping, etc. can't wait to see all my hard work when I'm shredded as fuark. It's harder to enjoy when your definition is half hidden by body fat.
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