My right shoulder was fucking wit me just a bit today doing 155. That's my highest Bench yet. Nothing major, just started bothering me on my last set. Did 4x3+Dropset.
Make sure you don't get a tear in your delt or an AC injury I had a sore shoulder for a year from doin heavy bench too often Had to drop the weight right down and start from scratch before it improved
Just got back from the gym. Two hour workout and it felt good. Taking it nice and slow though. First hour was all cardio and the second was weights and all that. Feels good mang.
Tried a wider stance at deadlift today as im still trying to improve my technique. Previously I have done DL with a narrow (feet shoulder width apart) stance which I find hard on the glutes. I've previously tried full sumo with toes nearly touching the plates which I struggled with as I found it hard on my hips. Today i tried somewhere in between, like a narrow sumo stance. My shins were pretty much upright with my arms hanging just inside my legs and a straight back. It wasn't too hard on the glutes or hips so I might keep working on that set-up to see how well it works.
I'm still only doing 3 x 6 x 100kg and I'm a long way off the reps of 140kg I used to comfortably do, or the 1 x 180kg I would easily open with in a comp :-<
At the end of this year a Commonwealth competition is being held in NZ. I'm thinking of maybe entering but I'd need to get my shit together and start training 100%
oh god damn. That great feeling of tiredness and accomplishment after working out nonfuckingstop for almost 2 hours. I feel great and I feel like shit right now. Gonna be worth it in the long run though.
this is my second week at the gym doing hard lifting m/w/f and HIIT t/th. got my calipers in the mail a couple days ago and these are unofficial numbers since i measured when i got them aka not at theoptimal time but im at 5'8" 170lbs 16.47% BF my new years resolution this year is to get to 12% BF maybe 10% if possible becuase i dont know much about losing fat like how long it takes and stuff. if i get to 12 by like september ill go for 10 by the end of the year. next week im gonna go for 1RM in benches, bar curls, millitary press and leg press and ill redo them in june and decemeber.
Dat holiday bloat is finally gone. I went seriously ham on food on Christmas and New Year's, and I been bloated, looking fat, soft and jiggly, etc., shit's finally gone, back to looking shredded and feeling tight and solid.
I had a sore shoulder for a year from doin heavy bench too often
Had to drop the weight right down and start from scratch before it improved
Man some chicks look so hot running on the treadmill
I'm still only doing 3 x 6 x 100kg and I'm a long way off the reps of 140kg I used to comfortably do, or the 1 x 180kg I would easily open with in a comp :-<
Commonwealth competition is being held in NZ.
I'm thinking of maybe entering but I'd need to get my shit together and start training 100%
Close grip bench and floor press
Arms feel huge
Even bigger than Popsicles Quads
> slept all day
> wasn't supposed to be a rest day
> feels good man
> doesn't like a guys physique
> gets callled a phaggot
> irony