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The F.N.R.S. (Fit Niggas Runnin' Shit.) Thread



  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Doesn't really matter anyways, the only non-natural supplement I take is my pre-workouts. Your body naturally produces Creatine and you consume it whenever you eat red meat, and obviously protein is natural and found in all kinds of food, the whey is just the fastest absorbing for post workout and helps you hit your daily protein requirements. Not like I should have to explain myself doe, I could be taking all synthetic supplements and cycling boatloads of gear, and it shouldn't concern you. Do you boi.

    Anyways, Platinum Pre- was nice, but after taking Craze, which I feel is, as of now, the end all of PWOs, it was nothing special. Basically felt exactly like C4, wit just a BIT more focus. I guess at this point, for any PWO to impress me, it's gonna have to either surpass, or at least be at the same level as, Craze. Definitely glad I got to try it out doe. Gonna try a combo of 1 scoop Craze, 1 scoop C4 tomorrow. Still got a bit left of my C4 tub, plus a 2 serving C4 sample that was shipped wit my order of Craze.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    And HOLY FUCK I was a fucking animal today. That week rest blew so much dick, but finally getting back to my routine, I really felt the benefits. I was better able to keep my form right and stabilize myself for all moves, barely had to rest at all, my motivation, drive, focus, and energy were all through the roof and I loved every last second of my workout, kinda like a "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Type of deal. Like I said, due to the overtraining, before my rest, it was getting to a point where I was just like "Fuck, let's just get this done.", but being away from it reassured me how much I truly fucking love it, and I was so happy to be back to lifting. On top of all that, I had what was quite possibly my most monster set of Deads I've ever done thus far, didn't hit a new PR, due to being unable to up my weight until I get new plates, but my form was flawless, absolutely no strain on my back, I didn't get fatigued, didn't take any midset breaks, got full lockouts on every last rep, and I was able to fully keep up wit Sagi and the crew as far as pace, all the way through, when I usually have to slow it down, due to how much more weight I'm pushing compared to them. Felt like a fucking champion. Feels so good to be back. Im'ma try and get new plates this week, so I can go for 130-140 next week.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers

    Just a curious question, where did you get all your information on this stuff, Erik? A doctor or a magazine/person who promotes this stuff?

    Educated self research online on the supplements, and the individual ingredients in the supplements. Doctors would only overexaggerate all this shit like they're steroids, so I'd never go to a doctor to find out about supplements. But nothing I take is dangerous, as long as I stay within the recommended dosage, as well as doing on/off cycles wit supplements that are 'sposed to be cycled. Whey can be taken all day every day, so can PWOs, but you shouldn't. So, when I finish this tub of Craze, I'm cycling off PWOs, and any kind of stimulants, for 6 weeks. The FDA stays locked down on supplements, and anything even potentially dangerous gets banned. For example, Jack3d was one of the most hyped up PWOs, but the FDA deemed the DMAA in it to be dangerous, and people were having heart attacks, strokes, and I guess it also fucks wit your teeth. It got banned, and Jack3d had to reformulate it to rerelease it, ever since it's been rereleased, people say it's not even half as strong and disappoints compared to the OG Jack3d, but it's 'cause it's now missing the dangerous ingredient that made it so powerful. Anyways, I'm not an uninformed, uneducated dumbass that just takes anything as soon as I see that this supplement or that supplement supposedly does this or does that. I do my research, and if I feel it'll benefit me and there's no real risk to it, I'll buy it. Worse that happens, is it has no effect on me, and I wasted some money. Hell, I spent a good 2-3 weeks reading all about Creatine, which is natural, to make sure there wasn't any major risks, side effects, etc., before I finally decided to use it. And I'm glad I did.

  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Don't fall victim to confirmation bias, Erik. Just a little advice.
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    So, when I started back up again on Saturday, I picked up where I left off when I started the rest, for instance, I started the rest last Saturday, and last Sunday woulda been the end of Week 7, yesterday being the end of Week 8, but I basically stalled the schedule so that yesterday was the end of Week 7, and Sunday will be the end of Week 8. So anyways, last Saturday woulda been Back, Sunday Arms/Abs, Monday Shoulders, and I just did it to where this Saturday was Back, yesterday Arms/Abs, today Shoulders, and in all 3 workouts, I broke plateaus. So fucking happy. Finally successfully pulled off all reps of 50 Lbs. in the 8 rep sets of Skullcrushers yesterday, hit 70 Lbs. for the Tricep Extensions on the 8 rep sets, then Back day, didn't break any weight plateaus, but as I said, I had my best set of Deadlifts thus far, and then today, I got through both 8 rep sets of 60 Lbs. for Upright Rows wit no rests or having to put the bar down for a few seconds, which I've been having to do 'cause of muscle failure. Ready to up the 8 rep sets to 70 Lbs. .

    Also, it's odd, 'cause my preferences are changing, my favorite day used to be Arms, least favorite being Shoulders, 'cause I found it boring, but now, Arms is my least favorite, wit Shoulders quickly climbing to the top. i just love all the moves involved wit Shoulders. I'm finding that as I get more advanced wit lifting, that I prefer compound movements, or just lifts that in general, need more physical exertion and momentum, and being that Arms day is heavily focused around Curls, they bore the shit out of me, they're just such a basic movement. I love doing the Skullcrushers, Tricep Extensions, and even the Tricep Kickbacks, but I'm just finding Curls to be such a bore now, of course, I still do 'em, there's not many better ways to directly work the Biceps, and it's not like they take up that much time, but they're, at this point, truly one of the only moves where I find myself bored during my workouts. As I said, the compound movements is what I really love, and Squats and Deads are the 2 main lifts that I most look forward to doing every week.
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    "Squats and Deads are the 2 main lifts that I most look forward to doing every week"

    Freak b-(
  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    edited November 2012
    thanks erik i tend to stay away from ON just because i feel its overpriced and i go to this indie supplement shop by my house and the guy that runs it really knows his stuff. its like a golf proshop for bodybuilding/supplements plus he matches prices so i figure ill support a local. anyway he was telling me that ON is like Nike shoes. the only reason they are different/more expensive is because its their name on the label. just throwing it out there if you want to use the info. also i have confirmed through multiple sources that you do need to cycle PWO and stimulants like fat burners but you do not have to cycle creatines, proteins etc. and you should go 4-6 weeks on and 2-3 weeks off. this is info from layne norton, obi obadike and cory gregory.

    on a side note i got back to the gym today after like a week. so far i have dropped 25 pounds since the beginning of the year while getting sidetracked and pulled from lifting for a few months becuase of work and school. my goal is 10more pounds before new years so i will get to 175. before i wasnt consistently going i think because the programs i tried were 5-6 times a week and that was just overwhelming and was like holy shit i HAVE to go everyday. i shortened it to 3 days a week M/W/F and cardio thrown in when i can
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    Did deadlift today.
    Did 3 x 6 x 220lbs
    Then 1 x 3 x 264lbs
    Nearly busted a foo-foo
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Joining a gym on Friday! A Zip Fitness opened up right by me, I just went in and took a tour today, free weight room is fucking beautiful my nigga, all Olympic bars, Power Racks, rubber coated plates, and a rubber-ish floor if you need to drop the weights. Asked about rules, and there really are none as long as you're not being a complete asshole. Dropping weights is allowed, Deadlifts, Squats, etc. are all allowed, and there's no "No grunting/making noise." Bullshit like Planet Fitness. They had about 1,000 Lbs. of plates for each Olympic bar, and Dumbbells go up to 75 Lbs., soon to be 100 Lbs. . You can lift as heavy as you wanna go. Free showers as long as you bring your own shampoo and soap, and food and drink are allowed for post workout meals. Only $12.99 a month, and a one time $10 joining fee. No extra cancellation charges, your card is charged on the first of every month, but if you wanna cancel and do so before the 15th of the month, you get your $12.99 back wit no extra fees tacked on. So fucking stoked, my first day there will be Back day on Friday, so, I'll finally be able to go for my 140 Lb. Deadlift set.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Sounds pretty sweet.

    I used to do leg day like you, until I took a hockey puck to the knee.
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Scratch that, first day at the Gym is now tomorrow. Finally get to do proper Squats wit an Olympic bar in a Power Rack!
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    Nice one!!!
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Oh my fucking God I'm in love. Today was the best workout I've ever done. Being in an actual gym adds a completely new element to it. And I hit a PR on Squats. Best set of Squats I've ever done. I squatted 145 Lbs. a total of 16 times, 'cause the reps were 15/12/8/8/12/15, wit the weights being 115/130/145/145/130/115. The plates were actually 70/85/100/100/85/70, but the bar is 45 Lbs. itself, so, those were the total weights. Also, there was a bodybuilder there, an actual one, he was telling me he's done competitions, and he asked how long I been lifting, and I said working out almost a year, but serious lifting about 3 months, and he said I had one of the best Squat forms he's ever seen from a beginner, except he said that my knees were buckling a bit too much at 145, but that my back was basically perfect, and that I was going below parallel every rep. Felt good son.

    Also, dat feel when it's a bunch of bros wit chicken legs doing nothing but Curls and Bench Press, and you're the only one doing any other body part, and they're looking at you like you're a fucking alien. =))
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    edited November 2012
    I have chIcken legs :((
    Hasnt stopped me from doing a PB squat of 407lb once before though
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    All Olympic bars will weigh 20kg = 45lb
    Not sure if that is with collars on or not though?
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Without collars, not like it matters lol, the collars are extremely light, only a couple ounces prolly.

    And how do you have chicken legs if you're squatting that much? Your legs should surely be swole if you can push that much weight.

    Also, gonna go for a 175 Lb. Deadlift set of 8 reps tomorrow, which will basically be my body weight, I'm 180 Lbs. right now. The highest weight in plates that I did at home was 115, so Im'ma do 130 pounds in plates, plus the 45 Lb. Bar makes it 175 Lbs.
  • TiradesOfTruthTiradesOfTruth Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Holy shit I was lifting today and ended doing 295 pounds on squats with reps of 6. It was one of those days where everything was going right lol.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Ridiculous fucking physique. Jesus Christ. This is like the perfect combo of mass and aesthetics. This is basically exactly the type of physique I'm aiming for.

  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    That's way overkill imo lol
    I love winning with women
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers

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