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The F.N.R.S. (Fit Niggas Runnin' Shit.) Thread



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    im curios how moving the contents of a storage container can take 9-10 hours
  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    thanks man. i tried muclstech nano vapor which is another NO booster and i got the same sort of effects just not as intense. i wasnt sure whether or not i liked it just beause i was expecting an energy boost and to feel like i was in steroids and jittery during my workout. also didnt get much of a pump out of it. im gonna try it again once i get back to the gym. also on a side note wouldnt moving a storage unit and lifting things all day be a legs workout? lol obvs not as intense but youd get a leg fat burning workout since it would be all day
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Jobe said:

    >has to work one day
    >thinks he's busy

    Y u hatin' doe?

    Anyways, already officially halfway through the Bulk phase, and halfway through Body Beast as a whole. @-)
    Now weighing in at 178 Lbs., so, 11 Lbs. gained total, and at 6 weeks in, that means roughly 2 Lbs. gained weekly, which pleases me like a motherfucker, 'cause my goal was to add 1-2 Lbs. a week. And based on body composition alone, I'd have to say that half or more of that weight is lean body mass, since after a month, I had only gained 1% body fat, I haven't done a body fat measurement/calculation since then, I like to only do it monthly, but just looking at myself, it doesn't really look like much fat gain, I have a considerably more filled out frame, but everything's tightening up and toning up more, the only signs of fat gain I see is slightly more blurry abs, while at the same time, they're tightening up and gaining more definition like everything else, and I got a bit pudgy around my hips and lower back right above my ass crack lol. Feels fucking good doe son, so happy wit my progress, my traps are finally looking fucking juicy, and my chest makes me happier by the week. Legs are rock solid, and arms are finally hard to the touch, as well as another 1/4 inch added on. So stoked to see my final results at the end of my first round.

    Also, about Craze, holy fuark, took 2 scoops yesterday for Legs, and oh my God, I was on absolute auto pilot, I couldn't stop, I complained that, based on my first use of it on 1 scoop, that it delivered a ridiculous focus, but no physical energy, well, wit 2 scoops, I now see exactly why the fuck this PWO is so hyped up. 2 scoops is where it really shines. 2 scoops delivers the extreme mental focus that 1 scoop does, but wit an added energy and endurance that's just unbeatable. It wasn't the "Bounce off the walls, I wanna destroy something." Type of jittery energy like C4, but rather, an extremely clean type of energy and endurance, which, combined wit the focus and drive it brings, turns you into an unstoppable machine that just keeps going. For instance, normally, during the opening Lunges, I get through my sets, but sometimes have to take a quick 5-10 second break mid-set 'cause of the extreme burn and muscle fatigue, so, it'll be like, 9 reps, take a quick break, finish remaining 6 reps, etc. . But then yesterday, on Craze, of course, I still had the muscle fatigue, but it's like I simply didn't give a fuck, the burn was fucking crazy, but I was so driven that I couldn't stop until the set was finished, I wouldn't let myself, I was in my zone to the fullest fucking extent. It's hard to describe, but the focus gets so intense, that you literally feel like you're on a mission, and you HAVE to win, you have to complete your mission, all the way through, no breaks, strive through the pain, like it's life or death. I know I prolly sound nuts, and rightly so, but you'd have to experience it yourself, it's like being in a totally different world and mindset for an hour, where you just drop out, get in your zone, and nothing, and no ONE, else matters, just you and your goal, and your mind locks in on that goal 'til it's done. It's almost like a high, that of course ends wit your workout, but nonetheless. Needless to say, this is hands down the best supplement I've ever taken, and along wit that, delivered the best and most effective workout I've ever done, it was fucking amazing, I was a machine. It's an indescribable feeling. It's like, I'm in shape, I have the strength, I have the endurance, Im'ma push through my workout and give 110% regardless, supplement or no supplement, I never quit, I never have to give up, I never get too winded anymore, but something like Craze is just that extra push over the mountain, either way, it's all you, it's all YOUR effort, but Craze simply allows me to put in MORE of me. Unlocks my full potential. And for that, I can't praise it enough. I hope I never become tolerant of it and stop feeling that magic, 'cause that's literally the best way to describe it. Im'ma definitely cycle off of it for 4-6 weeks after I finish this tub to make sure of that. I made it through all 6 sets of Squats, 15, 12, 8, 8, 12, 15, at 70/85/100/100/85/70, without taking a single break, and keeping almost the same pace as Sagi and the crew were, when they use basically half the weight I was pushing. I've never done that before. I usually have to take a break or two somewhere along those 6 sets, and go at about half the speed that they do. Not only that, I finally feel ready to up each set by 15 Lbs., going 85/100/115/115/100/85, even on a Progressive Set. It's basically helping me break small plateaus I've had as well. Shit is amazing. One other thing to mention, is that, wit C4, I would take it, and feel it kick in in about 15-20 minutes, and get fired up wit that jittery kind of energy, ready to run a mile and smash through a wall, and that same kind of energy would last through my workout and taper off towards the end. Craze is kinda the opposite. I take it and don't really feel jackshit leading up to my workout, but then as soon as I pick up a weight, get through a set, and get dat blood flowing and heart pumping, it hits like a fucking train and just locks you into full tunnel vision, and it lasts throughout your workout, and then some, that tunnel vision focus tapers off once you finish your workout and cool down, and you get back to normal pretty quickly, but the energy and a sort of.......optimism, lasts a good hour or 2 past your workout, like you're still ready to go and lift again, wit an added good ass mood and general happiness. One sort of negative is that I noticed my heartbeat was a lot faster for a good 2-3 hours afterwards, however, I took 2 scoops again today, and I got the same focus and energy for my workout, but it's been about an hour, and my heartbeat is back to normal, no sudden rushes or anything, so maybe it was just a bit of a system shock at first, as I also was up all night 'til 7 A.M. 'cause I couldn't sleep lol, even after only getting 4 hours of sleep and being up since 6 A.M. . I know I went full TL;DR, but Goddamn, I'm just absolutely amazed by Craze. Fantastic product.
  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    You sound like ur still on it lol
  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    i will say though with the nano vapor i wanted to keep trying to get another rep up after i failed at it like 3 times lol.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I'm a solid 80% sure that Erik smoked some meth before he wrote that wall of text.
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  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers

    I'm a solid 80% sure that Erik smoked some meth before he wrote that wall of text.

    Well, this shit faced a lawsuit for apparently having Amphetamines in it....... Ahaha, but nah, it just seriously amazes me as a pre-workout. The focus is as strong as I've heard people describe Adderall. Wasn't actually high, but while working out, and only then, when the blood is flowing, it's LIKE that, 'cause you just get so into your zone and lost in your own world.

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    yeah...i would never take anything that made me feel like that even if it helped me work out
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers

    it's probably just loaded with caffeine lol

    Nah. It does have Caffiene, but the ingredients are listed in order of dosage, and the very last ingredient is Caffiene.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited October 2012
    Not even that, but I'm like completely tolerant to caffeine. I been drinking energy drinks since I was like 6-7, my Mom would buy them OCCASIONALLY, but occasionally being used very strongly, so my Cousin would always buy them for me and sneak 'em to me. I can literally drink a Monster and just go straight to bed, needless to say, I only drink 'em for the taste, they do jackshit for me energy wise.
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,550 master of ceremonies
    Tried to squeeze out 3 sets of 5 reps of 92.5kg on the bench press at the gym today and failed :|

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    Episode said:

    Not even that, but I'm like completely tolerant to caffeine. I been drinking energy drinks since I was like 6-7, my Mom would buy them OCCASIONALLY, but occasionally being used very strongly, so my Cousin would always buy them for me and sneak 'em to me. I can literally drink a Monster and just go straight to bed, needless to say, I only drink 'em for the taste, they do jackshit for me energy wise.

    i would suggest cutting down then...those things are dieabeatuz in a can

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    rexum420 said:

    Episode said:

    Not even that, but I'm like completely tolerant to caffeine. I been drinking energy drinks since I was like 6-7, my Mom would buy them OCCASIONALLY, but occasionally being used very strongly, so my Cousin would always buy them for me and sneak 'em to me. I can literally drink a Monster and just go straight to bed, needless to say, I only drink 'em for the taste, they do jackshit for me energy wise.

    i would suggest cutting down then...those things are dieabeatuz in a can

    No, I drink the Monster Zero, zero sugar, zero calories, etc.

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    there probably still bad for you
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I have a Monster in the mornings. I have severe insomnia, and it works out that by the time I'm ready to go to bed, I crash hard as fuck. It's only a temporary solution, though. I need to get back on Trazodone as soon as I find a new doctor.
    I love winning with women
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Something isn't right about this... something is different...

    My old doctor never asked me to say Ahh.....
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  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Episode said:

    Not even that, but I'm like completely tolerant to caffeine. I been drinking energy drinks since I was like 6-7, my Mom would buy them OCCASIONALLY, but occasionally being used very strongly, so my Cousin would always buy them for me and sneak 'em to me. I can literally drink a Monster and just go straight to bed, needless to say, I only drink 'em for the taste, they do jackshit for me energy wise.

    I remember our energy drinks at that age was Surge.... :(
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,526 moneytalker
    Jolt ftw!
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    Jolt was great. It tasted like a liquid Icee.
    I love winning with women
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,664 spicy boy
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