I have a narrow stance with my feet about shoulder width apart. It's probably too narrow And my knees buckle in if the weight is too heavy - which is why flaring your feet helps to prevent it
Went nuts nigga, cashews. 70/85/100/85 on the Deaflift sets. 60/70/80 on EZ-Bar Rows, 30/40/50 on One Armed Rows. 40/50/60 on Lat Pulldowns I believe they're called. So fucking happy. I'm already hitting numbers that weren't possible a couple weeks ago. My arms won't stop shaking. Dat feeling is unbeatable.
Those numbers are weak dude. I've been doing 150lb dead lifts 4x12 reps and I don t workout half as hardcore as you although I have been lifting longer....keep working though you'll get there its only a matter of time.
Btw that was just an example, I'm lifting more in all those exercises. Not trying to put you down just giving you perspective to see where you fall comparatively if you ever want to brag in public or something lol
Whats your body weight Cheech? Just curious I just find that what you can lift is relative to your own weight I've posted these before I think but no harm in reposting them since I'm an attention ho...
That was me busting my ass trying to do a 440lb deadlift weighing in at 165lb. And this is me successfully doing a 347lb bench weighing 165lb.....I think I belw the blood vessels in my eyes that time...
Those numbers are weak dude. I've been doing 150lb dead lifts 4x12 reps and I don t workout half as hardcore as you although I have been lifting longer....keep working though you'll get there its only a matter of time.
Btw that was just an example, I'm lifting more in all those exercises. Not trying to put you down just giving you perspective to see where you fall comparatively if you ever want to brag in public or something lol
No, I know, and I know that if I went into a gym wit a bunch of huge niggas and started running my mouth "Oh I can Deadlift 100 Lbs.", they'd just laugh hysterically. But for me personally, it's an accomplishment, you get that feeling of power, and it feels amazing. And as you said, you've been lifting longer. I work out religiously, but you gotta remember, even wit P90X, it was 3 days of Cardio a week. It's been 6 months of mainly Cardio, and now, I've only been on a serious bodybuilding lifting routine for a little over a week, and for me to be seeing gains in what I can lift so fast, it feels amazing. I know my numbers aren't braggable yet at all. I hope to be deadlifting 250 by the end of my second round of Body Beast. I'll be doing it for 6 months.
These are in sets of 15, 12, 8, and on some lifts another 8. I did 140 on deads fairly easy but don't feel like my form is that good yet. Gotta protect my old man back lol. I did 95 on rows... Thought it was at 100 but I had a set of 2.5's on instead of 5's dammit.
Good job Erik. I'm not sure what comes after popsicle mode but you are on your way.
I'm already needing new plates, soon too, if I don't wanna be lifting shit that isn't making me hit failure on the final rep. Prolly gonna cop 4 10s, and 8 2.5s, which'll cost $30 at Play It Again Sports.
It's probably too narrow
And my knees buckle in if the weight is too heavy - which is why flaring your feet helps to prevent it
Btw that was just an example, I'm lifting more in all those exercises. Not trying to put you down just giving you perspective to see where you fall comparatively if you ever want to brag in public or something lol
Just curious
I just find that what you can lift is relative to your own weight
I've posted these before I think but no harm in reposting them since I'm an attention ho...
And this is me successfully doing a 347lb bench weighing 165lb.....I think I belw the blood vessels in my eyes that time...
Edit I Max out about 220 on dead lifts
No, I know, and I know that if I went into a gym wit a bunch of huge niggas and started running my mouth "Oh I can Deadlift 100 Lbs.", they'd just laugh hysterically. But for me personally, it's an accomplishment, you get that feeling of power, and it feels amazing. And as you said, you've been lifting longer. I work out religiously, but you gotta remember, even wit P90X, it was 3 days of Cardio a week. It's been 6 months of mainly Cardio, and now, I've only been on a serious bodybuilding lifting routine for a little over a week, and for me to be seeing gains in what I can lift so fast, it feels amazing. I know my numbers aren't braggable yet at all. I hope to be deadlifting 250 by the end of my second round of Body Beast. I'll be doing it for 6 months.
Good job Erik. I'm not sure what comes after popsicle mode but you are on your way.
The red ones are 25kg each