Didn't write them down, but am now averaging 16-20 reps on all Pull-Up variations, both rounds, and 20-30 reps, both rounds, depending on the Push-Up variation. 40+ easily on Standards.
Those red plates weigh 25kg each, plus the bar, collars and other plates...he's squatting at least 330kg in that pic = at least 700lb I've seen him squat 380kg = 830lb before Huge
Squats are generally heavier doe, I can squat heavier than my press, for instance. It's more impressive when presses are in that weight range. Don't get it twisted doe, not knocking him at all, that's still nuts.
For sure; deadlift and squats will always be heavier than bench. He's benched 300kg as well. Ironically he weighs 160kg so he's not benching more than twice his bodyweight, whereas I've benched twice mine.....but heavier weights are always more impressive to see
Build some bulk and lose the shitty attitude and get a job as a trainer sir. Clearly you like working out why not help others without dragging them down?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Oh my God, I'm in fucking love. Body Beast is already my absolute favorite program, just one workout in. I haven't been that fucking pumped during a workout in a hot ass minute, I was screaming at the TV the entire time, just fucking absolutely fired up.
I am fucking swole right now, the pump I got from that workout is nuts. I can already tell the DOMS is gonna be nasty tomorrow, glad it's Legs day ahaha.
And I think Sagi is my favorite instructor yet, even more so than Shaun T. Love his fucking attitude. Love when the nigga was complaining about how bad the Dips hurt, and he was like "What you want me to do about it, Barbie? You gonna give up? Think I can stop the pain?".
starting insanity tomorrow. im going to initially start with lifting and doing insanity as my HIIT since its only 40mins and mostly cardio based. well see how it goes cuz i might drop the lifitng for now
All before measurements were taken at the end of Asylum, a week before I started P90X:
Right Arm.......12" (13" Flexed)..................12.5" (13.5" Flexed)...
Left Arm.........12" (13" Flexed)..................12.5" (13.5 Flexed)....
Right Thigh.....21.5"..................................20"............................
Left Thigh.......21.5"..................................20"............................
Weight............176 Lbs..............................167 Lbs......................
Body Fat Percentage: 12% > 9%
Final results pictures, multiple angles this time:
Inserts ain't working, and neither in Tinypic. <_>
Started on them yet?
I've seen him squat 380kg = 830lb before
He's benched 300kg as well.
Ironically he weighs 160kg so he's not benching more than twice his bodyweight, whereas I've benched twice mine.....but heavier weights are always more impressive to see
Day 1 in the bag already, loved the workout but I'm already getting annoyed at him calling himself "The Beast" and talking in third person with it.
I am fucking swole right now, the pump I got from that workout is nuts. I can already tell the DOMS is gonna be nasty tomorrow, glad it's Legs day ahaha.
And I think Sagi is my favorite instructor yet, even more so than Shaun T. Love his fucking attitude. Love when the nigga was complaining about how bad the Dips hurt, and he was like "What you want me to do about it, Barbie? You gonna give up? Think I can stop the pain?".