drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Lol, of course you'd defend him, cunt. Besides that, it defeats the fucking purpose if you're gonna work out seriously and not include a clean diet along with the working out. It's half assing it, and shows a lack of discipline.
Michael Phelps wants a word with you [-(
Phelps' diet isn't what everyone made it out to be, he may eat 12,000 calories a day, but he still eats like a champ.
Lol, of course you'd defend him, cunt. Besides that, it defeats the fucking purpose if you're gonna work out seriously and not include a clean diet along with the working out. It's half assing it, and shows a lack of discipline.
Michael Phelps wants a word with you [-(
Phelps' diet isn't what everyone made it out to be, he may eat 12,000 calories a day, but he still eats like a champ.
Plus smokes weed while he trains.
Idk, I heard he also ate a lot of junk food just to get the calories in and didn't have the cleanest of diets, but it still worked out for him, I guess.
I forgot Erik, you're always right and never do anything wrong. The dude said you were a little guy...and you are. That isn't much of an insult imo
No, you're just being a stupid cunt and tryna make him out as some sort of a victim, just how you try to pin everything on me somehow, some way, no matter what it is. I ain't small, I'm small compared to bodybuilder standards, but as far as normal standards, no. And his fatass had no room to talk anyway, 'cause I'm overall still in way better shape. Only thing he had on me, was his fatass arms were bigger. Was just returning the poison and not being a bitch, sorry that you're spineless.
I forgot Erik, you're always right and never do anything wrong. The dude said you were a little guy...and you are. That isn't much of an insult imo
No, you're just being a stupid cunt and tryna make him out as some sort of a victim, just how you try to pin everything on me somehow, some way, no matter what it is. I ain't small, I'm small compared to bodybuilder standards, but as far as normal standards, no. And his fatass had no room to talk anyway, 'cause I'm overall still in way better shape. Only thing he had on me, was his fatass arms were bigger. Was just returning the poison and not being a bitch, sorry that you're spineless.
You were a dick, just like you are on here. Saying someone is small isn't an insult imo. I should have known you were gonna flip shit with multiple paragraphs
Yep, I was a dick, by responding to a dick comment that didn't need to be made, with a dick comment of my own. 8-| Just kill yourself, you're so pathetic.
That's like saying I'm not being a dick or insulting someone by going to a fat kid looking at the treadmills, and saying "Ha. Good thing you're here. You clearly don't exercise, or have a terrible routine, 'cause you're still fat, kid.". It's a comment that doesn't need to be made, unprovoked, and it's the exact same shit. Shut the fuck up and swallow my cock.
So, I got a free week at L.A. Fitness, went in today, didn't start my week, but went to the weight room, to see what kind of equipment they have, fatass that's swole, but only in his biceps, absolutely no definition and clearly doesn't watch his diet, says "Ha.......good thing you're in here."., I'm like "Excuse me?", and he's like "You clearly either don't work out, or have a terrible routine. You're tiny, kid.", so I told his ass "Nah, clearly, you never heard of working all muscle groups and that diet goes hand in hand with the exercise. Your body ain't impressive either, big biceps, but not much of anything else, and no definition. I'll guarantee I'm 10x more physically fit than you and more conditioned, size ain't everything, which will eventually come anyways.", he just gave me the wide eyed look and was like "Big, tough, mouth for such a scrawny kid.", I was just like "Yea, worry less about your arms and more about your diet, should try some squats some time, you know, work something BESIDES your arms.". And just walked out.
Man, I swear to fucking God. And I'm far from "scrawny". Scrawny is Will status. I don't have any major mass, but it's still getting there, and I'm very happy with my progress. Fuck that fatass. I hate fatfucks like that who think they're swole, but still have 10 layers of fat covering that huge muscle.
That makes you sound like the douchiest poindexter to walk the earth. The other guy started it though so it is what it is.
Plus smokes weed while he trains.
So that's what was going on...
That's like saying I'm not being a dick or insulting someone by going to a fat kid looking at the treadmills, and saying "Ha. Good thing you're here. You clearly don't exercise, or have a terrible routine, 'cause you're still fat, kid.". It's a comment that doesn't need to be made, unprovoked, and it's the exact same shit. Shut the fuck up and swallow my cock.