Just finished Plyometrics. Great workout. Comparing it to Insanity's Max Interval Plyo, and Asylum's Vertical Plyo, it's not as intense, cardio wise, and once again, I didn't break a ridiculous sweat or huff and puff to breathe, BUT, I feel that it's an overall better Plyo workout in the sense that it has a way bigger variety of exercises, and doesn't stray away from Plyo (Both Insanity and Asylum started adding Push-Ups and shit.), this was strictly, 100% leg work. And it was more just slow burning, leg strengthening exercises. My quads burn more than they ever did with Insanity or Asylum's Plyo workouts, I'm just less burnt out. All of them are great Plyo workouts doe.
Also, way less explosive than Insanity and Asylum. Asylum had me doing 5 foot lateral jumps, pushing with all my power to clear the 5 feet, and doing it fast, in P90X, Tony stresses going slow and controlled, and landing very softly, to where you can't hear your feet landing.
They modify them both ways.... Watch the guys in the back. The girl did less jumping and lower impact, hands on hips etc. At least one guy in the back modify shit to be more intense, just like they did for chest & back and Ab ripper x.
Ah, will do. Wasn't focusing on him, 'cause I was focusing on my own form, and Tony didn't mention that the dude in the back was modifying shit, just the black bitch.
Went to The Fitness Factory Outlet today, they let me stack whatever weight I wanted on a barbell and bench it, so I did 100 Lbs. and hit failure at 8 reps, so Im'ma start with that. Their prices are dope too, $25 for the EZ-Curl Bar, and a buck a Lb. for any weights. So it'll only be $125 for 100 Lbs. and the EZ-Curl Bar, then I'll just need to cop a bench, and I'll have everything ready for Body Beast. Im'ma make the 100 Lbs. consist of 2 25s, 4 10s, and 2 5s, simply 'cause I could bench 100 Lbs., but couldn't even halfway curl 100 Lbs., so I'll be able to start at 50 Lbs. or 60 Lbs., and go up by 10 Lb. increments. Thinking of that, I should probably just get 2 25s and 10 5s, so I can distribute the weight evenly on both sides, and it'll still only cost $100 no matter what configuration of weights I end up going with.
I'm realizing how much Tony Horton annoys me lol. He never stops joking throughout the entire video, and they're all corny ass jokes. I miss Shaun T as the instructor. Shaun T is DAT NIGGA.
Shoulders & Arms was a fucking MONSTER. Absolutely loved it. Full fledged lifting workout. For the first time ever, I got that ridiculous pump in my arms where all the veins were just pushing out of the skin. Shit felt amazing. Can't wait to do it again next Wednesday, favorite P90X workout so far.
Ab Ripper X fucking killed me today, 'cause my abs were already so sore from the first Ab Ripper X on Monday, and this shit just made it feel like I was literally tearing my core in half. Pushed all the way through doe. Great fucking ab workout, that'll shape 'em up real quick at 3 times a week.
I would really like to start Insanity/working out heavily. The only thing in my way is motivation and staying away from fast food. It feels like a serious addiction
some days im all pumped up to work out and the adrenalines pumpin and i love the feelin
other days i feel melencholy and all depressed and the last thing i wanna do is workout
but shit like p90x and stuff you need consistency so i need 100 percent mental focus and commintment first so i know i will stick with it aka the eye of the tiger.. right now im like rocky in rocky 3 before he fights mr t for the second time
Yeah, but my fast food problem wasn't nearly as bad back when I saw it (freshman year of high school health class). Now remembering it, it's like ohgodwhy.jpg
I KNEW IT! nobody tell alex the secrets of workingoutnessdom
lol. I used to be pretty well built, but it was because I was REQUIRED to do weight lifting as a junior (hs) along with the rest.
The modifiers were to make it LESS intense if you have knee problems and shit.......
And nah, I still sweated my ass off, just nothing compared to Insanity and especially Asylum lol.
Ab Ripper X fucking killed me today, 'cause my abs were already so sore from the first Ab Ripper X on Monday, and this shit just made it feel like I was literally tearing my core in half. Pushed all the way through doe. Great fucking ab workout, that'll shape 'em up real quick at 3 times a week.
other days i feel melencholy and all depressed and the last thing i wanna do is workout
but shit like p90x and stuff you need consistency so i need 100 percent mental focus and commintment first so i know i will stick with it aka the eye of the tiger.. right now im like rocky in rocky 3 before he fights mr t for the second time
This is Butterbean vs Hernan Márquez