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The F.N.R.S. (Fit Niggas Runnin' Shit.) Thread



  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Fatty mad. It's cool doe, keep stuffing 12 packs into that huge one pack.
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    i hope um like livin to be 60 so i can witness when erik is 30yoldfaggatpedo


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Not gonna clone you. Sorry. And you'll be LUCKY to make it to 60.
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Jobe, more info was released about Body Beast today, it's a 90 day program and is gonna have 30-40 minute workouts. Does that sound about right for a heavy lifting workout? Seems short to me.
    Depends on what you end goal is. 3 reps till near failure for max strength. 5-8 reps for 'mirin size, 12-15 times for endurance. Do these in sets of 5. Lift progressively heavier weights using compound lifts, but don't sacrifice form for weight. If you can bench 120 half Rom, but 60 full Rom, do 60lbs. 40 minutes should be enough, you usually spend more time resting between sets and changing weights than actually lifting anyway. If 40 min isn't enough time when its done, just add more weight.

    Pass the god damn butter.
  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    Jobe, more info was released about Body Beast today, it's a 90 day program and is gonna have 30-40 minute workouts. Does that sound about right for a heavy lifting workout? Seems short to me.
    Depends on what you end goal is. 3 reps till near failure for max strength. 5-8 reps for 'mirin size, 12-15 times for endurance. Do these in sets of 5. Lift progressively heavier weights using compound lifts, but don't sacrifice form for weight. If you can bench 120 half Rom, but 60 full Rom, do 60lbs. 40 minutes should be enough, you usually spend more time resting between sets and changing weights than actually lifting anyway. If 40 min isn't enough time when its done, just add more weight.

    From what I've read 40-60 mins of lifting is good. Testosterone level decrease after that so you don't get as good of lifts.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Aight, thanks Jobe and Cheech. I mean, most of Asylum's workouts are 45 minutes, one of them 50, one of them 60, with Strength being 45. It wasn't really 40 that caught my eye, more the 30 minute one, that seems too short, but I'll have to wait to see which workouts are 30 minutes, it might just be enough time.

    Also, only one more full out workout left in Asylum! Last Relief today, then last Speed And Agility tomorrow, then the final Fit Test on Tuesday, and I'm done! Then it's on to P90X next Monday!

    Im'ma miss Asylum doe, truly amazing and fun program, and Shaun T is just dope, gonna be weird transitioning to Tony Horton as the new instructor. But, after I finish every program by itself, Im'ma do some hybrid programs, an Insanity and Asylum hybrid being one of them. Plus, I got the live workout with Shaun T next month, and Asylum Volume 2 drops this year! So stoked for that.
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    yea ive never even used a bench press really before but im def gonna use it now

    oh and they also left 6 huge beersteins that say Spaten on them with the little spaten logo... im spr pumped
    Don't get squashed under it by lifting too much little fella

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    i need to read up on bench pressing a lil before i get started but can you bench press without a spotter? do you need two peeps?
    i need to read up on bench pressing a lil before i get started but can you bench press without a spotter? do you need two peeps?
    You only need 1 spotter. And if youre a novice I wouldn't recommend lifting without one.
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    i need to read up on bench pressing a lil before i get started but can you bench press without a spotter? do you need two peeps?
    No you don't need a spotter when starting out just lift light.
    Start with the bar even and work your way up slowly
    Maybe doing 3 sets of 5 reps
    Make sure you lower the bar to your sternum/nipple area.
    Don't lift your head or arse off the bench
    Make sure you have a closed grip wrapping your thumb around the bar, not open and sitting on your palm
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    cool.. im gonna start doing upper body workouts for a couple weeks then im gonna start doing some bench pressin \m/
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    Do some close grip bench too to build up your triceps
    p.s and make sure you load and unload the bar evenly or you'll end up with the entire bar and weights crashing to the floor in a heap
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    I lift without a spotter at home, just do lighter weights for higher reps. You can also start with as much as you know you can do with good form, then pull some weight, do another set etc until your arms shake just doing the bar.

    Watch "so you think you can bench" on youtube.
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Yea, I'll basically be working out without a spotter. I mean, my Mom's usually home when I work out, not sure how much of a help she'd be with a huge bar doe lol.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Finished my last Speed And Agility today! Went absolutely fucking ham and killed everything, my energy was limitless. Last Fit Test tomorrow then I'm done with Asylum! Will post results pictures and my Fit Test results. 4 pictures (1 each week.) and 3 Fit Test numbers.
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,552 master of ceremonies
    I bench all the time at the gym without a spotter.
    Spotter should only be needed if you are trying to do a PB or squeeze one last rep out which you know will be a struggle
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    LEHGO! Asylum is over. Here's everything as far as results.

    Fit Test (Push-Ups/Pull-Ups isn't doing both, it's choosing one of the 2, and I did Pull-Ups for all 3 Fit Tests.):

    ..................................................Day 1.................Day 15...................Day 30.
    Agility Heisman............................6........................6...........................9.........
    In And Out Ab Progression...........24......................26..........................34.......
    Mountain Climber Switch Kicks.....76......................85..........................108.....
    Agility Shoulder Taps...................2........................3............................4.........
    X Jumps......................................24.......................26..........................30.......
    Moving Push-Ups........................3.........................3............................3.........
    Agility Lateral Shuffle...................11.......................12..........................14.......
    Agility Bear Crawl........................7.........................8............................9.........

    Measurements (Couple Notes; Arms were supposed to be measured while flexed, which I didn't know, so Day 1 is an unflexed measurement. And I'm extremely happy that I gained in my chest, even doe it's a small gain, shows that I gained chest mass):
    .......................Day 1....................................Day 30...............
    Right Arm.........12'.........................................12' (13' Flexed.)
    Left Arm...........12'.........................................12' (13' Flexed.)
    Right Thigh......22'..........................................21.5'.................
    Left Thigh.......22'...........................................21.5'.................
    Weight............184 Lbs....................................176 Lbs............

    I also dropped either 3% or 4% Body Fat, can't remember if I started Asylum at 13% Body Fat, or 14% Body Fat, but it was 1 of the 2, and I'm now down to 10% Body Fat, and my goal is single digits, so 1% Body Fat away from reaching my goal! And then, I'd ideally like to get down to 7%-5% Body Fat.

    I've lost a combined total of 16 Lbs. between Insanity and Asylum, and 54 Lbs. since starting to work out daily last June.

    And of course, the pictures (Sorry for the pixelation.):


    Extremely happy with my results, but of course, this ain't the end. P90X starting next Monday! Lehgo! #DigDeeper.
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Individual pictures, in order, non-pixelated:




  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    you look good, Erik
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Great progress bro! Gotta hit those traps a bit more, but made good progress on them in the last pic, the first 3 pics have dat Scooby neck lol. Where you are at now you would get better gains lifting weights for the summer than doing P90x. You've lost the skinnyfat, but now you should to bulk up and pack on muscle. 3 more months of fat burning will get you more cut but you won't pack on the muscle like you would heavy lifting.
    Pass the god damn butter.
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