I just don't like the sound of Phase 3's eating. It's 20% Protein, 60% Carbs, and 20% Fat. All those Carbs don't sound good at all. Of course, they're healthy/good Carbs, but nonetheless.......
Pretty sure Im'ma up my Resistance Band to 60 Lbs. for the next Strength. All the moves were easy today with the 50 Lb. Band, and it took a lot longer to break a sweat, way less fatigue in my muscles too, think it's safe to up the weight at this point.
why kind of bands do you use? you never need to 'one up' bands.. most to almost all exercises you can just step on the band more or loop the band bigger...
I have triple grip handles that can fit 3 bands in them at once. I currently have the 50 Lb. Band in it, so Im'ma add my 10 Lb. Band in the 2nd slot to make it 60 Lbs. .
Today was Gameday with Overtime for the first time. Now, Overtime is only 13 minutes, but after the 60 minutes nonstop of Asylum's hardest workout, it's absolute Hell. That had by far the hardest moves out of all of Asylum and Insanity. Had shit like Floor-Up Single Leg Power Jumps, which is putting your knee to the floor with your other leg behind you like a lunge, and springing up off the floor with one leg, bringing that leg's knee to hip level, bringing it back down, landing on the single leg, and bringing yourself back down to the starting position with one leg, shit was brutal, I don't know how I was physically able to do it, guess my legs are really that strong at this point. Had other shit like Floor-Up Split Leg Decoy Jumps, Tricep Push-Ups To Hover, Single Leg Moving Push-Ups, where you spring up out of the plank position after the Push-Up, and land with one leg inside of whatever box you're on in the Agility Ladder, Etc., and then it ends with 10 Pull-Ups, and 25 Push-Ups, which technically isn't hard, but after 75 minutes of brutality, where my energy was below 0%, those were the hardest Pull-Ups and Push-Ups I've ever done. Great fucking workout doe, absolute Hell, but I loved it, I feel empowered right now.
In other news, my Rocky Mountain Switches improved, didn't drop as much (Before, my feet almost touched the floor before I was able to get my hand around the other side of the bar.), and I was able to do it for a good and steady 30 seconds before having to let go.
Done with Week 3 of Asylum, and down to 178 Lbs. and 12% Body Fat! That's 6 more Lbs. and 2% Body Fat lost so far! Only 3% more to go until I'm in dem single digits!
One week left of Asylum, and then it's on to P90X. Gonna miss Shaun T as the instructor lol.
Also, it's looking like the live Insanity workout that I'm going to with Shaun T, is gonna be outdoors. Watch it be fucking 90 degrees out that day ahaha.
Seriously man, no homo, but Ulysses physique is fucking perfect, perfect combination of mass and aesthetics. Bodybuilders like Coleman, while admirable for their dedication to get that massive, just end up looking terrible, they lose all the attractive aspects of being fit, and in some cases, look just as bad as just being straight up fat. Never wanna look like an even bigger Incredible Hulk. Ulysses is what Bodybuilders should aim for. That perfectly symmetrical and popped 8 pack is fucking impressive as it is. The only thing I'd say about Ulysses, is that, in my personal opinion, his thighs are a bit too big, but that's about it. Massive, while still keeping the aesthetic aspect of fitness. I hope to reach that level one day.
Today was Gameday with Overtime for the first time. Now, Overtime is only 13 minutes, but after the 60 minutes nonstop of Asylum's hardest workout, it's absolute Hell. That had by far the hardest moves out of all of Asylum and Insanity. Had shit like Floor-Up Single Leg Power Jumps, which is putting your knee to the floor with your other leg behind you like a lunge, and springing up off the floor with one leg, bringing that leg's knee to hip level, bringing it back down, landing on the single leg, and bringing yourself back down to the starting position with one leg, shit was brutal, I don't know how I was physically able to do it, guess my legs are really that strong at this point. Had other shit like Floor-Up Split Leg Decoy Jumps, Tricep Push-Ups To Hover, Single Leg Moving Push-Ups, where you spring up out of the plank position after the Push-Up, and land with one leg inside of whatever box you're on in the Agility Ladder, Etc., and then it ends with 10 Pull-Ups, and 25 Push-Ups, which technically isn't hard, but after 75 minutes of brutality, where my energy was below 0%, those were the hardest Pull-Ups and Push-Ups I've ever done. Great fucking workout doe, absolute Hell, but I loved it, I feel empowered right now.
In other news, my Rocky Mountain Switches improved, didn't drop as much (Before, my feet almost touched the floor before I was able to get my hand around the other side of the bar.), and I was able to do it for a good and steady 30 seconds before having to let go.
Quick glimpse of it at :40, this was the best I could find, but it's that, for 2 minutes straight.
One week left of Asylum, and then it's on to P90X. Gonna miss Shaun T as the instructor lol.
Seriously man, no homo, but Ulysses physique is fucking perfect, perfect combination of mass and aesthetics. Bodybuilders like Coleman, while admirable for their dedication to get that massive, just end up looking terrible, they lose all the attractive aspects of being fit, and in some cases, look just as bad as just being straight up fat. Never wanna look like an even bigger Incredible Hulk. Ulysses is what Bodybuilders should aim for. That perfectly symmetrical and popped 8 pack is fucking impressive as it is. The only thing I'd say about Ulysses, is that, in my personal opinion, his thighs are a bit too big, but that's about it. Massive, while still keeping the aesthetic aspect of fitness. I hope to reach that level one day.