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More reasons Catholics are a pestilence



  • TravisTravis Posts: 4,971 balls deep
    you folks believe what you like. there IS no god, do devil, no heaven, no hell....there are no miracles. Jesus didn't have a virgin mother, there was no burning bush, no flood that destroyed the earth. And the book of Revelation is the biggest fucking TROLL in human history; written by some jackass after an opium delirium....I don't hate religion, I just think we as a species should leave the fairy tales to Hollywood....

    I spent my entire youth in a liberal Methodist environment, and can hold my own in a discussion of Biblical topics with most other 'church goers'

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    the fact that no one knows anything with 100 percent certainty is why agnostic >>>> atheist

    just be humble and admit you have no idea about anything supeernatural cuz there is so much shit that humans have no idea about yet..its just cocky as fuck to think you know the answers
    Atheist's don't make claims. I just don't believe in any gods, and if asked, I'd say that there most likely isn't one. That's what an atheist is, what is your definition of one?
    i personally believe when asked do you believe in god one should 'well no one really knows but it would seem like there isnt one'

    why say there is no god if your not sure? imo it just makes you look cocky

    i relate it to believing in aliens... it would seem that aliens would probably exist yet i dont go around saying aliens exist....i would say ya more than likely with the knowledge we have they prob do but i really have no clue
  • TravisTravis Posts: 4,971 balls deep
    but what if youre a good person who happens to deny god?
    then you go down to hell and burn forever and ever.....the bible said so...oh wait, just say the rosary or ask The Lawd for forgiveness....wait, why do we need the threat of hell if we can say a few hail marys, wipe our ass, and we're good to go?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    i explained the food restriction thing before...
    I'm not going to make the same point as Shane here so disregard his post when responding to this one.

    Do you believe that being gay is a sin that is rightfully justified by banishment to hell when one dies?
    any sin is. If you repent and admit your sin, then you can be forgiven and allowed to heaven. Just "being" gay doesnt damn you to hell, as long as you recognize that having sex with someone the same sex as yourself is a sin and that you dont do it, and if you do do it you pray for forgivness, then your ok... same goes for ANY sin, even one as small as lying, or swearing. Basically as long as you recognize what you are doing is wrong, and you ask for forgivness, and you really try hard to do your best and stop, then you can (as long as you believe that God exists and Jesus died for our salvation as well) can be accepted to heaven. If there was no forgivness, then ALL people including Christians would go to Hell.
    All sin is really the same. The thing about gay sex is that if you are gay, you are to remain abstinante. Which i know many people think is unfair, but the religious purpose of sex is to reproduce, not for recreation. Therefore you shouldnt really be having sex if you cant reproduce--- at leasts thats the way i see it.
    but what if youre a good person who happens to deny god?
    i struggle with this question myself. Like i've said before my father, and most of my friends arent believers. They're still all really great people, but they dont believe. Thats where the hardest thing about the religion comes in. If you believe in God and Jesus, you can live a life of treachery, and as long as you admit your wrongs, really feel like what you did was wrong, and believe you can still go to heaven, yet if you live pure and dont believe at all your damned. This is one part I struggle a little with tbh. Thats why the whole basis is faith i guess
    I believe in the flying spaghetti monster
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  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    i personally believe there is something a little strange with our earth tho, i mean in the supernatural sense..not everything has been figured out yet..i say its safe to say that the possibility of ghosts or spirits or w/e u wanna call them have the possiblity of existing..prob meaning there is more to this world than meets the eye... this could raise alot of questions so there is no reason to speak with certainty
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    why say there is no god if your not sure? imo it just makes you look cocky
    That's not what I'm saying though. I'm saying that given the available evidence it's illogical to assume that there is/are a god/gods. We can't know anything for certain, but I haven't seen reliable evidence to suggest that there's a god. Sure, it could be possible, but so could the invisible pink unicorn, and I doubt that you're going to tell me "we don't know enough either way to know whether the invisible pink unicorn exists". I can say that god probably doesn't exist in the same sense that I can say an invisible pink unicorn probably doesn't exist without making an absolute claim.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    i dont know how you could say that believiing in god is illogical, just improbably... no one really has any clue what the fuck our universe really is...we like to pretend we know but we are we sure there arent even different dimensions and shit that we cant even see or understand....we cant even create an answer on where everything begins or ends so i really dont think anyone has the proper tools to make a statement that we can conclude that there is 0 chance that something(god if u must call it) created all of it......
  • TravisTravis Posts: 4,971 balls deep
    run around and waste your life trying to "get into heaven"......
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    All of you are dumbasses.
    The answer is 42 Dr. Peppers.
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  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    any sin is. If you repent and admit your sin, then you can be forgiven and allowed to heaven. Just "being" gay doesnt damn you to hell, as long as you recognize that having sex with someone the same sex as yourself is a sin and that you dont do it, and if you do do it you pray for forgivness, then your ok... same goes for ANY sin, even one as small as lying, or swearing. Basically as long as you recognize what you are doing is wrong, and you ask for forgivness, and you really try hard to do your best and stop, then you can (as long as you believe that God exists and Jesus died for our salvation as well) can be accepted to heaven. If there was no forgivness, then ALL people including Christians would go to Hell.
    All sin is really the same. The thing about gay sex is that if you are gay, you are to remain abstinante. Which i know many people think is unfair, but the religious purpose of sex is to reproduce, not for recreation. Therefore you shouldnt really be having sex if you cant reproduce--- at leasts thats the way i see it.
    Please stop with your religious babble. I've heard this point soooo many damn times it makes me sick. I talk to evangelicals on a weekly basis MC, there is no need for you to throw this biblical garbage at me like I don't understand it.

    Now, without reverting to your bible, please tell me why you think that being gay should be punishable by hell. I'm tired of this "all sins are the same blah blah blah", I want to know why YOU personally believe that it's justified to send a man to hell because he has consensual private sex with another man that he likes. Don't tell me about repenting, I want to know why you personally believe it's wrong, other than "because the bible tell me so".
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    i bet 100000 dollars that if u asked jesus about homosexuality he woulda been fine with it
    So crusades, straight people only have sex when trying to conceive a child, correct? Any thing else is for recreation and is a sin?
  • TravisTravis Posts: 4,971 balls deep
    So crusades, straight people only have sex when trying to conceive a child, correct? Any thing else is for recreation and is a sin?
    also don't wear two opposing types of fabric or you can be put to death.....
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    any sin is. If you repent and admit your sin, then you can be forgiven and allowed to heaven. Just "being" gay doesnt damn you to hell, as long as you recognize that having sex with someone the same sex as yourself is a sin and that you dont do it, and if you do do it you pray for forgivness, then your ok... same goes for ANY sin, even one as small as lying, or swearing. Basically as long as you recognize what you are doing is wrong, and you ask for forgivness, and you really try hard to do your best and stop, then you can (as long as you believe that God exists and Jesus died for our salvation as well) can be accepted to heaven. If there was no forgivness, then ALL people including Christians would go to Hell.
    All sin is really the same. The thing about gay sex is that if you are gay, you are to remain abstinante. Which i know many people think is unfair, but the religious purpose of sex is to reproduce, not for recreation. Therefore you shouldnt really be having sex if you cant reproduce--- at leasts thats the way i see it.
    Please stop with your religious babble. I've heard this point soooo many damn times it makes me sick. I talk to evangelicals on a weekly basis MC, there is no need for you to throw this biblical garbage at me like I don't understand it.

    Now, without reverting to your bible, please tell me why you think that being gay should be punishable by hell. I'm tired of this "all sins are the same blah blah blah", I want to know why YOU personally believe that it's justified to send a man to hell because he has consensual private sex with another man that he likes. Don't tell me about repenting, I want to know why you personally believe it's wrong, other than "because the bible tell me so".
    alright, i think its wrong because you can't concieve a child.
    So crusades, straight people only have sex when trying to conceive a child, correct? Any thing else is for recreation and is a sin?
    i suppose... technically the purpose of sex is to reproduce, but the bible says that sex within marriage is ok.
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    So crusades, straight people only have sex when trying to conceive a child, correct? Any thing else is for recreation and is a sin?
    also don't wear two opposing types of fabric or you can be put to death.....
    thats another ancient jewish rule that was revoked with Christ, like the Shellfish
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  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    edited December 2011
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    Which i know many people think is unfair, but the religious purpose of sex is to reproduce, not for recreation. Therefore you shouldnt really be having sex if you cant reproduce--- at leasts thats the way i see it.
    I know you said from a religious standpoint, but this is where science comes in. It's been proven that a few other animals, which are extremely intelligent, have sex for pleasure. Humans are physically wired to have sex for pleasure. Please explain to me why god gave me a clitoris that is purely here for pleasure if he didn't want people to have fun with their genitals.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    sex is forbidden because it feels to good. heaven forbid adults want to engage in activity that gives both of them pleasure and happiness..
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    Oh and because this seems like the most appropriate thread for some shameless promotion...

  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    sex is forbidden because it feels to good. heaven forbid adults want to engage in activity that gives both of them pleasure and happiness..
    I think god is just pissed because he can't get any so he doesn't want anyone else to get any either.
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