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More reasons Catholics are a pestilence

ShaneShane Posts: 15,229 balls deep
edited December 2011 in Off Topic
Vatican’s Top Exorcist Says Yoga Is Satanic

There are plenty of reasons why people choose Yoga over other forms of exercise: it builds upper-body and core strength, increases flexibility, helps people learn to breathe and anchor themselves in the present, provides a great environment to check out people with enviably ripped bodies. Now, according to the Vatican, Yoga offers another enticing benefit: impressing Satan.

According to the Telegraph, the Vatican’s chief exorcist, 86 year-old Gabriele Amorth, spoke about the relationship between Yoga and the devil at a film festival in Umbria this week.

“Practising yoga is Satanic, it leads to evil just like reading Harry Potter,” he said.

Everyone knows by now that Harry Potter can lead to demonic possession—the whole series is about curses, spells and witchcraft. Just reading “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” probably does more damage to your soul’s immune system than licking all the seats on the G train would do to your body’s. But yoga’s relationship to the devil is a little more covert. According to Amorth, “Yoga is Satanic because it leads to a worship of Hinduism and ‘all eastern religions are based on a false belief in reincarnation,’” wrote the Telegraph.

Of course it’s not just yoga that poses a threat:

In 1999, six years before he succeeded John Paul II as Pope, he issued a document which warned Roman Catholics of the dangers of yoga, Zen, transcendental meditation and other ‘eastern’ practices.

They could “degenerate into a cult of the body” that debases Christian prayer, the document said.

Yoga poses could create a feeling of well-being in the body but it was erroneous to confuse that with “the authentic consolations of the Holy Spirit,” the document said.

I do yoga, and I have had some exposure to the Roman Catholic faith, and nothing about this surprises me. The little-known 11th Commandment is: “thou shalt hate your body.” Everything about yoga—or at least my experience with it—is the exact opposite. Not only does it “create a feeling of well-being,” but it lifts your ass, streamlines your posture and tightens your abs. What could be more Satanic than that?


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