"Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! ..But He loves you." - George Carlin
*had been patiently waiting for this nugget of clarity to be posted* =D>
But didn't you just say all sins were equal? Why can you continue to partake in this sinful, gluttonous act even though you feel that it is just as bad as gay people having sex who will then go to hell for it?
i never really thought about eating like crap as a sin... but now i may have to reevaluate it.
your all bringing up alot of quesions im gonna ask in my small group now... i dont qute know how to answer everything.
Ask them to yourself. Stop asking other people about these things! You are a capable, intelligent human being who can think for himself. All they are going to do is twist things to their liking and lie to you in order to keep you from thinking for yourself. Which again, I know they are trying to tell you what is best for you and are probably compassionate people and good for them for taking their time to try to help others. But you need to explore and question these things for yourself.
i dont have the answers myself...
and these other people arent pastors or anything. they're other teens like me.
But didn't you just say all sins were equal? Why can you continue to partake in this sinful, gluttonous act even though you feel that it is just as bad as gay people having sex who will then go to hell for it?
i never really thought about eating like crap as a sin... but now i may have to reevaluate it.
your all bringing up alot of quesions im gonna ask in my small group now... i dont qute know how to answer everything.
Ask them to yourself. Stop asking other people about these things! You are a capable, intelligent human being who can think for himself. All they are going to do is twist things to their liking and lie to you in order to keep you from thinking for yourself. Which again, I know they are trying to tell you what is best for you and are probably compassionate people and good for them for taking their time to try to help others. But you need to explore and question these things for yourself.
i dont have the answers myself...
and these other people arent pastors or anything. they're other teens like me.
that have had the bible shoved up their asses until the can puke out scriptures im assuming
But didn't you just say all sins were equal? Why can you continue to partake in this sinful, gluttonous act even though you feel that it is just as bad as gay people having sex who will then go to hell for it?
i never really thought about eating like crap as a sin... but now i may have to reevaluate it.
your all bringing up alot of quesions im gonna ask in my small group now... i dont qute know how to answer everything.
Ask them to yourself. Stop asking other people about these things! You are a capable, intelligent human being who can think for himself. All they are going to do is twist things to their liking and lie to you in order to keep you from thinking for yourself. Which again, I know they are trying to tell you what is best for you and are probably compassionate people and good for them for taking their time to try to help others. But you need to explore and question these things for yourself.
i dont have the answers myself...
and these other people arent pastors or anything. they're other teens like me.
that have had the bible shoved up their asses until the can puke out scriptures im assuming
and these other people arent pastors or anything. they're other teens like me.
Then all the more reason to not keep asking them about things! Those people don't have answers either. And the ones they have are most likely flawed and it's the same thing you have heard over and over again. Look at other perspectives of people besides the ones you know. Do your research. Google is your friend! Don't ever be afraid to change your view about something or think differently about things. If God is a loving one like you believe he won't banish you to hell for anything you do.
Hell, even in Religilous with Bill Maher there was a pastor in the Vatican who said hell was made up just to scare children, lol.
Christian to English translation: I will pray for you = Fuck you
I've had this told to me countless numbers of times after discussions with our wonderful evangelical street preachers at my school. I just smile and nod like they just gave me the biggest damn compliment ever, but yeah it is kinda a slap in the face.
Christian to English translation: I will pray for you = Fuck you
I've had this told to me countless numbers of times after discussions with our wonderful evangelical street preachers at my school. I just smile and nod like they just gave me the biggest damn compliment ever, but yeah it is kinda a slap in the face.
It really isnt... we pray for eachother for everything
i HATE when people pray for me, im always like please dont
i tell them the same thing...
I just lol.
I remember when I was in fifth grade and someone in my class mentioned to our teacher that she had a gay friend who had a boyfriend and our teacher was like "We'll pray for him and his poor choices" (or something like that). Then I raised my hand and said... "that doesn't sound right. Why should we look down on her friend? He's just like the rest of us." and my teacher was like "Wow. We'll have to pray for you too." I was like
That's when I started seeing how ridiculous how I was raised until then was.
Christian to English translation: I will pray for you = Fuck you
I've had this told to me countless numbers of times after discussions with our wonderful evangelical street preachers at my school. I just smile and nod like they just gave me the biggest damn compliment ever, but yeah it is kinda a slap in the face.
It really isnt... we pray for eachother for everything
I smile and nod because I understand what they genuinely mean when they say it. They don't mean anything bad, but if you really break it down and ask yourself why they're praying for you. It's because I don't believe, and they think that I'm deserving of hell because of that and they pray for god to change me because they don't want me to go to hell. So yeah, they mean well, but it's still a tad insulting.
And anyways, if god knows every second of the future for all of eternity, what does prayer even do if it has already been decided by god?
As someone who was born and raised catholic I've seen how bad they can be first hand, my parents don't go to church anymore because when my brother was born he wasn't expected to live, the church said if he wasn't baptized he was going to hell, but if they took him off life support he would die in minutes, obviously my parents chose life because he is still around, thanks to a hospital.
i love when people pray when like someone gets in a car wreck and they dont know if there going to make, its like if god could save them then just dont have the car crash at all.. either there is no fate or gods a dick
and these other people arent pastors or anything. they're other teens like me.
Christian to English translation: I will pray for you = Fuck you
Hell, even in Religilous with Bill Maher there was a pastor in the Vatican who said hell was made up just to scare children, lol.
Nola has me fukkin rolling though
I remember when I was in fifth grade and someone in my class mentioned to our teacher that she had a gay friend who had a boyfriend and our teacher was like "We'll pray for him and his poor choices" (or something like that). Then I raised my hand and said... "that doesn't sound right. Why should we look down on her friend? He's just like the rest of us." and my teacher was like "Wow. We'll have to pray for you too." I was like
That's when I started seeing how ridiculous how I was raised until then was.
And anyways, if god knows every second of the future for all of eternity, what does prayer even do if it has already been decided by god?