these things don't just happen because of the skin color, it happens because a disproportionate amount of blacks think they can do anything they want and commit all sorts of crimes compared to any other race, especially young black males which are statistically almost 10 times more likely to commit a crime than a white. as for land owners if you have an upscale neighborhood those people damn well have a right to stop some thug niggers who got money from drug dealing buying into their development cuz it reduces everyone home values. this sort of thing falls into property rights and i forget which article but is in our Constitution. as far as i'm concerned blacks bring most of the racial profiling on themselves. you can't blame a cop for becoming bias when over 60% of all his arrests are blacks
No, it's actually the opposite. I've read plenty of statistics that have shown white males are much more likely to commit a crime. They commit more rapes, and MUCH more likely to have drugs on them. And the reason we have ghettos isn't because black people made it that way. It's because they aren't allowed to buy houses in nice neighborhoods and are forced to buy a house in a shitty one. Here's some statistics about housing in particular: Whites are offered more choices; 60%–90% of housing units shown to whites are not brought to the attention of blacks. 72.1% of whites own their own home opposed to 48.1% for African Americans 46% of whites had help from their family in making down payments on homes compared to 12% for African Americans Whites are half as likely to be turned down for a mortgage or home improvement loan Whites pay on average a 8.12% interest rate on their mortgage, lower than the 8.44% African Americans pay on average The median home equity for whites is $58,000 compared to $40,000 for African Americans
Not only that, but whenever a black kid is dealing drugs he gets sent to prison for much more than a white guy, and in prison it's not uncommon for anyone to get caught up in that whole lifestyle of going back and committing more crimes. As for the white guy who does the same thing, people look at him and go "Oh, poor guy! Let's get him some rehab!" instead of sending him to prison. That is why there are more black people in prison than white people. Blacks take up only 12 percent of our entire population, and have a long history of oppression in this country. That's why cops make most of their arrests black people. It's because they are specifically pointing them out due to their race.
Why is it easier to believe that they are just bad people because of their race instead of a white dominated society that has oppressed them in the past is still just trying to keep them down?
But that doesn't make any sense. You of all people know that people in power don't follow the rules.
If the kids who live a few houses down from us (that one of their mom's purchased for them) that deal drugs out of it were black I can guarantee that they would not be living in this neighborhood.
And the reason we have ghettos isn't because black people made it that way. It's because they aren't allowed to buy houses in nice neighborhoods and are forced to buy a house in a shitty one.
black people live in the ghetto because they can't really afford to live in a nicer neighborhood. and gangs made things even worse.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
And the reason we have ghettos isn't because black people made it that way. It's because they aren't allowed to buy houses in nice neighborhoods and are forced to buy a house in a shitty one.
black people live in the ghetto because they can't really afford to live in a nicer neighborhood. and gangs made things even worse.
Why do you think SOME can't afford to live in a nicer neighborhood? Some people can't get jobs or move up in life due to the fact that the people who hire them and promote them are white. Did you know that a white man with a felony is more likely to be hired than a black man without one?
Not only that, but it's a vicious cycle with all people, despite race, who are poor. The people that run this country keep the rich rich and the poor poor. Then if you're a minority you're double fucked.
I've lived in alot of ghetto areas the passed few years and its not all black. just ask brittz, right next to camden is an extremely ghetto city called glouchcter city, the same as camden just all white people. this argument is ridiculous. and the ghettos i did live in the black people were cool if you were cool with them, its the young white wannabe punks that you have to watch out for. basically....
there are scumbag black people there are cumbag white people there are kickass black people there are kickass white people
No, that doesn't work. It's the people's fault in the first place for electing shitty politicians anyway.
we need hot politicians like that chick from russia :-bd
I would enjoy it if people stopped focusing on what women look like in politics and stopped using that as their base for voting for them. Then maybe we would get more representation instead of a bunch of old white men.
where in gods name are you getting this information from, there is nooo way this is true, seriosuly
No, that doesn't work. It's the people's fault in the first place for electing shitty politicians anyway.
we need hot politicians like that chick from russia :-bd
I would enjoy it if people stopped focusing on what women look like in politics and stopped using that as their base for voting for them. Then maybe we would get more representation instead of a bunch of old white men.
i usually dont vote anyway
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
No, that doesn't work. It's the people's fault in the first place for electing shitty politicians anyway.
we need hot politicians like that chick from russia :-bd
I would enjoy it if people stopped focusing on what women look like in politics and stopped using that as their base for voting for them. Then maybe we would get more representation instead of a bunch of old white men.
No, that doesn't work. It's the people's fault in the first place for electing shitty politicians anyway.
we need hot politicians like that chick from russia :-bd
I would enjoy it if people stopped focusing on what women look like in politics and stopped using that as their base for voting for them. Then maybe we would get more representation instead of a bunch of old white men.
i usually dont vote anyway
Then you're part of the problem!
\m/ **==
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Whites are offered more choices; 60%–90% of housing units shown to whites are not brought to the attention of blacks.
72.1% of whites own their own home opposed to 48.1% for African Americans
46% of whites had help from their family in making down payments on homes compared to 12% for African Americans
Whites are half as likely to be turned down for a mortgage or home improvement loan
Whites pay on average a 8.12% interest rate on their mortgage, lower than the 8.44% African Americans pay on average
The median home equity for whites is $58,000 compared to $40,000 for African Americans
Not only that, but whenever a black kid is dealing drugs he gets sent to prison for much more than a white guy, and in prison it's not uncommon for anyone to get caught up in that whole lifestyle of going back and committing more crimes. As for the white guy who does the same thing, people look at him and go "Oh, poor guy! Let's get him some rehab!" instead of sending him to prison. That is why there are more black people in prison than white people. Blacks take up only 12 percent of our entire population, and have a long history of oppression in this country. That's why cops make most of their arrests black people. It's because they are specifically pointing them out due to their race.
Why is it easier to believe that they are just bad people because of their race instead of a white dominated society that has oppressed them in the past is still just trying to keep them down?
If the kids who live a few houses down from us (that one of their mom's purchased for them) that deal drugs out of it were black I can guarantee that they would not be living in this neighborhood.
Not only that, but it's a vicious cycle with all people, despite race, who are poor. The people that run this country keep the rich rich and the poor poor. Then if you're a minority you're double fucked.
there are scumbag black people
there are cumbag white people
there are kickass black people
there are kickass white people
and the same goes for any other race.
"Even more troubling, whites with a felony conviction fared just as well, if not better, than a black applicant with a clean background."
Edit: And here's one from Princeton.