i never understood the phrase "fresh air" until i was inside for 2 weeks 24/7. i always knew what it meant but my whole life the air inside seemed the same as the air outside lol, but as soon as i stepped out of that hospital i felt sweet relief. i was like "holy shit, what is this awesomeness? We need to bottle this and send it to poor/heavily polluted countries ASAP."
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
i have a similar story george. when i was 16 i had alcohol poisoning. me and my friends managed to get a shitload of alcohol and my thinking was "the faster and more i drink the faster i'll get drunk", it didnt work out so well lol. i woke up naked in the hospital strapped to the bet with a cathater in me. for some reason i decided to pick up a cinter block while i was drunk and lift it over my head, but then i dropped it and it whacked me on the hip. when i woke up in the hospital my face was all cut up, but that was from me constantly falling lol. half of what happened i dont even remember. i started drinking in my town, hamburg, but ended up passing out in the next town over (franklin) lol. at the time i had no idea how i got there. after i got out of the hospital i asked my friends why we went to franklin and they said "cause you wanted to" lol. that kind of jogged my memory a little bit cause i can remember bits and pieces of us walking down the highway and me constantly falling down on the highway lol. im surprised i didnt get hit by a car. but most of the walking down the highway and everything after that i cant remember.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
yeah man alcohol blackouts only lead to bad things. unforunately I have too many stories about that. It's madd scary waking up the next day not remembering a thing from the night before. one time i woke up with an ounce of chronic in my pocket with no idea how i got it and i was broke the night befoe, thats prolly the only cool balcout story i got. the rest are all public urination, fighting, police activity, injury type stories that are not cool. i dont miss those days. i'm grateful thats behind me.
Sorry for the loss. I hate the people who always say its the pussy way out. I hate Shane for that shit too. It's like OK, really now there's been times I've sat there crying at night wondering if my physical pain would ever stop and if I don't get sleep it becomes worse emotionally and physically. I know it sounds sadistic or morbid but when people do it I kinda understand sometimes rather than saying they shouldn't of done it.
ok judy you actually have a valid reason to off yourself. being in pain 24/7 with no relief is a pretty damn good reason. this people who kill themselves cause their sad are pussies. PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT, I LOVE YOU.
Everytime I think of doing it (which is really easy and I know of guaranteed ways) I always think of what would happen w/ Mona and Mocha. I think when Mona leaves I'll take it the hardest because she does help me a lot more than people realize. I now understand why they give handicap people companion dogs. I just hate having to be high 24/7 and knowing that another summer is coming up that I won't be able to do as much as even last summer.
ok judy you actually have a valid reason to off yourself. being in pain 24/7 with no relief is a pretty damn good reason. this people who kill themselves cause their sad are pussies. PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT, I LOVE YOU.
i dont know if that was sarcasm or not but when people decide to kill themselves they usually ARE in pain 24/7. severe mental/emotional pain causes physical pain.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
your comparing psychological induced pain to a degenerative nerve disorder? GTFO
thats like comparing MS to a fucking headache
not really. when i was at my lowest, the anxiety, severe depression, mental anguish etc. was by far the worst pain i've ever felt my entire life. its one of those things that you'll never fully understand unless you've gone through it.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I know about anxiety and depression but my pain is not related at all to mental. They've considered amputation at one point but then I'd just suffer from "ghost pain".
I have physical pain that causes emotional. Been through the whole shrink process. Got diagnosed w/ "situational depression" aka I'm depressed because at the age of 22 losing your ability to walk just fucking sucks. The only pain meds that could significantly make me live an almost normal life I'm deathly allergic to.
this quoting thing is pissing me off but i'm pretty sure i've got the worst metal problems on this board. i've had 2 psychiatric hospitalizations, one for attempted suicide ( it was after iraq. get ptsd then get the calls to balls call me a pussy. ) everyhting you have, i've been there done that, most likely worse than you so i do know wtf i'm talking about.
this quoting thing is pissing me off but i'm pretty sure i've got the worst metal problems on this board. i've had 2 psychiatric hospitalizations, one for attempted suicide ( it was after iraq. get ptsd then get the calls to balls call me a pussy. ) everyhting you have, i've been there done that, most likely worse than you so i do know wtf i'm talking about.
i love how people think they've had it "worse" then anybody else, you dont know that and neither do i. but whatever, lets just agree to disagree cause theres no point in arguing.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
this quoting thing is pissing me off but i'm pretty sure i've got the worst metal problems on this board. i've had 2 psychiatric hospitalizations, one for attempted suicide ( it was after iraq. get ptsd then get the calls to balls call me a pussy. ) everyhting you have, i've been there done that, most likely worse than you so i do know wtf i'm talking about.
i love how people think they've had it "worse" then anybody else, you dont know that and neither do i. but whatever, lets just agree to disagree cause theres no point in arguing.
no i won't agree because your retarded if you think metal pain is worse than physical pain. also i've been injured in war, i'm pretty damn sure i've been through worse than you
Ok, physical pain over time leads to mental pain. There's the whole "I can't live like I used to", having to deal w/ friends being able to go out and run up on waterslides but yet you can't do it. Things like going to store becomes a challenge, and all that stuff. Plus, when you're in so much pain you do think about suicide because what's the point of living if it's constant pain and you become a "liability" to employers. People feel obligated to help you and you sometimes wonder how much happy your spouse would be to not have to take care of you everyday.
thats like comparing MS to a fucking headache