my family used to have blue cross blue shield. it was really good insurance. then the economy happened....
Yeah, we also had it when my dad worked at the steel mill. Then they made a bunch of people choose between involuntary retirement and something else. After that no more insurance. We made sure to take advantage of the last couple months we had it too. Had good vision insurance too...and I need that now =(
Yea, in the future. It sucks when everything is so new. I might be able to talk my mom into it but she's the type that money is everything and even if I pay for the rate she'd be paranoid about it somehow effecting her.
Yea but I have no clue what insurance he has or anything like that. Plus, more likely than not they won't cover a preexisting condition. Maybe I can catch my mom in a good mood and ask her to call them and see what it's about and if they'd be able to get me insurance for other stuff.
Depression, the only thing to bring us all together on here and stop raging at eachother for a second. Go fucking figure. Lolz.