see i never got the whole...there dead lets talk shit about them
except for Michael jackseon...fuck him...oh yeah when bono dies fuck him
Don't worry about it, she just says stuff to get people upset. As for the Michael Jackson thing, I could not possibly agree more! His death made me so damn sick because of all this good shit that was being said about him. I'm with Kat Williams when he said "fuck Michael!" lol
Thank you for this thread this has been annoying me. Suicide is the cowards way out for people who are too weak to handle life. It is complete bullshit to have a day of remembrance. Why would I want to draw attention to something this stupid on top of it being solely towards gay people and not all the other types of people who commit suicide. All kinds of people have problems and work through them all types of people get picked on and bullied in school and elsewhere, but none or these others get a day no one who kills themselves should get a day.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
They kill themselves for being bashed and ridiculed for something they previously were "loud and proud" about supposedly. If you support something or do something and you're proud of it, fucking stick with it no matter how much you get bashed. Killing yourself over it is being a fucking bitch and I have no respect for them. You killed yourself because someone insulted your ideals....nice way to show that they actually meant anything to you. If I was gay, I'd straight up say fuck you I'm gay this is who I am, and fuck whoever bashed me over it.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Yea I have to agree with Bianca...
They kill themselves for being bashed and ridiculed for something they previously were "loud and proud" about supposedly. If you support something or do something and you're proud of it, fucking stick with it no matter how much you get bashed. Killing yourself over it is being a fucking bitch and I have no respect for them. You killed yourself because someone insulted your ideals....nice way to show that they actually meant anything to you. If I was gay, I'd straight up say fuck you I'm gay this is who I am, and fuck whoever bashed me over it.
You clearly don't get the point.
Being gay isn't the same thing as being conservative or being a pragmatist, it's uncontrollable. In fact, the most similar thing I can think of to it is race, except that it's widely considered immoral to be gay and billions believe that they are an "abomination." It's not an ideal. It's not something you can just say, "fuck you I'm this way" to. I can only imagine how angry I would be if people said I couldn't be heterosexual. It's difficult to see through they eyes of a straight person, but it's much more than a belief.
I don't condone killing yourself over it, but it's not something you just get over.
They kill themselves for being bashed and ridiculed for something they previously were "loud and proud" about supposedly. If you support something or do something and you're proud of it, fucking stick with it no matter how much you get bashed. Killing yourself over it is being a fucking bitch and I have no respect for them. You killed yourself because someone insulted your ideals....nice way to show that they actually meant anything to you. If I was gay, I'd straight up say fuck you I'm gay this is who I am, and fuck whoever bashed me over it.
i think the point is they werent loud and proud of who they were, they were ashamed, embarrased and confused because the people who raised them and were around them didnt accept them for who they are. that's the point i'm trying to make. and I agree with rex's comments earlier, people are wayy overreacting to this, it's not about the suicide it's about bringing awareness to people who bully or treat people differently because they are gay. rex is 100% right, this is a positive thing and people are just thinking of ways to make it negative. people have been fucked up towards gays forever, the whole purple thing is just to spread the word that they are equal and deserve to be treated equal.
They kill themselves for being bashed and ridiculed for something they previously were "loud and proud" about supposedly. If you support something or do something and you're proud of it, fucking stick with it no matter how much you get bashed. Killing yourself over it is being a fucking bitch and I have no respect for them. You killed yourself because someone insulted your ideals....nice way to show that they actually meant anything to you. If I was gay, I'd straight up say fuck you I'm gay this is who I am, and fuck whoever bashed me over it.
You clearly don't get the point.
Being gay isn't the same thing as being conservative or being a pragmatist, it's uncontrollable. In fact, the most similar thing I can think of to it is race, except that it's widely considered immoral to be gay and billions believe that they are an "abomination." It's not an ideal. It's not something you can just say, "fuck you I'm this way" to. I can only imagine how angry I would be if people said I couldn't be heterosexual. It's difficult to see through they eyes of a straight person, but it's much more than a belief.
I don't condone killing yourself over it, but it's not something you just get over.
It's just a hopeless attempt IMO. It won't change shit. If people hate gays, they hate 'em. Not much to do.
If everyone wore whatever fucking color tomorrow to try and stop the hate on desert rats, it wouldn't change my mind in the slightest. It's just a hopeless attempt. Just like people burning Metal CDs and what didn't change ANYONE's opinion. People still loved Metal.
Almost everyone gets picked on and bullied at some point. There is no reason to have a day to remember one certain group and not all the others who killed themselves. People who do kill themselves are cowards. They should not have any attention drawn towards them.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
It's just a hopeless attempt IMO. It won't change shit. If people hate gays, they hate 'em. Not much to do.
If everyone wore whatever fucking color tomorrow to try and stop the hate on desert rats, it wouldn't change my mind in the slightest. It's just a hopeless attempt. Just like people burning Metal CDs and what didn't change ANYONE's opinion. People still loved Metal.
Yet again, completely different.
This is the same way saying how sit-down strikes never worked. They clearly worked well enough to get people to notice, and as long as people stop their xenophobia, they'll smarten up and realize that these people are really not different from them.
If you want to have a dialectic on why "desert rats" deserve hate, I'm willing. You find one sane argument. Just try.
Almost everyone gets picked on and bullied at some point. There is no reason to have a day to remember one certain group and not all the others who killed themselves. People who do kill themselves are cowards. They should not have any attention drawn towards them.
dayna, purple has always been a gay color i think sorry george, i dont think i should commemorate people who cant stand up for themselves
Can you clarify this?
You think gays don't stand up for themselves?
they took the easy way out and killed themselves weak people are weak
youre right, they are weak, but they don't have to be. tomorrow is a day to let people know we support them and they don't have to hide around in the closet anymore afraid of what others might say or do. nothing i said condoned suicide at all, i dont know what it feels like to be gay and hated by everyone around me for it, i bet it sucks. people need to know there are people out there who care about them no matter who they fuck. and people scared to death about not knowing how to come out and feeling like they can never live a normal life and theyre doing somsething wrong for being gay might see some people wearing purple tomorrow and get alot of hope that they can live a normal life and there are alot of people out there who dont judge a accept them for being gay.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Almost everyone gets picked on and bullied at some point. There is no reason to have a day to remember one certain group and not all the others who killed themselves. People who do kill themselves are cowards. They should not have any attention drawn towards them.
It's just a hopeless attempt IMO. It won't change shit. If people hate gays, they hate 'em. Not much to do.
If everyone wore whatever fucking color tomorrow to try and stop the hate on desert rats, it wouldn't change my mind in the slightest. It's just a hopeless attempt. Just like people burning Metal CDs and what didn't change ANYONE's opinion. People still loved Metal.
Yet again, completely different.
This is the same way saying how sit-down strikes never worked. They clearly worked well enough to get people to notice, and as long as people stop their xenophobia, they'll smarten up and realize that these people are really not different from them.
If you want to have a dialectic on why "desert rats" deserve hate, I'm willing. You find one sane argument. Just try.
It's not xenophobia though. Sometimes irrational hate, or hate for no reason, but not xenophobia.
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
It's not xenophobia though. Sometimes irrational hate, or hate for no reason, but not xenophobia.
Xenophobia is irrational hate, but specifically. People fear gays because they're different. I don't really see many other reasons...
You have an irrational fear, and you should seriously look at yourself for it. It's worrisome that you consider yourself to be a mature person when you are so willing to call a group of people a derogatory term.
except for Michael jackseon...fuck him...oh yeah when bono dies fuck him
They kill themselves for being bashed and ridiculed for something they previously were "loud and proud" about supposedly. If you support something or do something and you're proud of it, fucking stick with it no matter how much you get bashed. Killing yourself over it is being a fucking bitch and I have no respect for them. You killed yourself because someone insulted your ideals....nice way to show that they actually meant anything to you. If I was gay, I'd straight up say fuck you I'm gay this is who I am, and fuck whoever bashed me over it.
dont worry i brought enough for everyone
Being gay isn't the same thing as being conservative or being a pragmatist, it's uncontrollable. In fact, the most similar thing I can think of to it is race, except that it's widely considered immoral to be gay and billions believe that they are an "abomination." It's not an ideal. It's not something you can just say, "fuck you I'm this way" to. I can only imagine how angry I would be if people said I couldn't be heterosexual. It's difficult to see through they eyes of a straight person, but it's much more than a belief.
I don't condone killing yourself over it, but it's not something you just get over.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
If everyone wore whatever fucking color tomorrow to try and stop the hate on desert rats, it wouldn't change my mind in the slightest. It's just a hopeless attempt. Just like people burning Metal CDs and what didn't change ANYONE's opinion. People still loved Metal.
There is no reason to have a day to remember one certain group and not all the others who killed themselves.
People who do kill themselves are cowards.
They should not have any attention drawn towards them.
This is the same way saying how sit-down strikes never worked. They clearly worked well enough to get people to notice, and as long as people stop their xenophobia, they'll smarten up and realize that these people are really not different from them.
If you want to have a dialectic on why "desert rats" deserve hate, I'm willing. You find one sane argument. Just try.
You fucking win lol.
You have an irrational fear, and you should seriously look at yourself for it. It's worrisome that you consider yourself to be a mature person when you are so willing to call a group of people a derogatory term.