so me being a bitch proves you've had sex? hmmm, I'm going to go with no. no one would touch you with even a 50 foot pole. you're fucking disgusting not to mention costing me hundreds of dollars in new monitors from causing them to break every time I stumble across a horrifying picture of you on here. but I'll let you live in your fantasy world.
Way too much reading for a joke that fell short. Sorry dayna : /
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
So we're going to resort to calling me ugly? Cool. Don't call me immature again though.
I HAVE fucked before though, I assure you. My worthless fucking ex, but still.
stating a very valid opinion is not immature. check yo facts. so again, stop lying, it makes you look like a dumbass.
Yes it is, considering you resorted to bashing my looks to try and insult me since you had nothing better to get back at me with. You need to take a fucking Valium and calm down. Sour ass bitch.
So we're going to resort to calling me ugly? Cool. Don't call me immature again though.
I HAVE fucked before though, I assure you. My worthless fucking ex, but still.
stating a very valid opinion is not immature. check yo facts. so again, stop lying, it makes you look like a dumbass.
Yes it is, considering you resorted to bashing my looks to try and insult me since you had nothing better to get back at me with. You need to take a fucking Valium and calm down. Sour ass bitch.
I THINK YOU NEED TO CALL THE WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHMBULANCE. and to cry about being insulted when you do nothing but insult other people? tsktsk. grow a pair.
Uhh yea.....NO.
I don't fucking insult people until they start shit with me. Shut your fucking mouth.
It's not a lie in the slightest. I don't fucking start with ANYONE on here. I mind my own fucking business, but you faggots seem to think it's a game to try and piss me off for the "lulz".
I HAVE fucked before though, I assure you. My worthless fucking ex, but still.
I don't fucking insult people until they start shit with me. Shut your fucking mouth.