now that purple day is over, how about we have an ignore bianca day!!!
That's EVERY day for me.
On a separate note......Suicide is the most selfish act a person can do. Those that are of a mind-set to commit suicide don't think of anyone else but themselves and how they feel. They have no regard for those they leave behind, often with little or no explaination as to why. I tend to agree with Shane that the act itself is cowardly and weak.
of course the ACT is selfish but I really think it depends on each situtation. some people really suffer there whole lives from depression or other mentally illnesses that may or may not be diagnosed. before anyone really comments on the impact of suicide I think they should watch the HBO documentary 'Boy Interrupted' to really understand what some people go through in there life. some people dont have control of there thoughts like other normal people and have a skewed view of things which makes it hard for a normal person to understand. My brother has Apergers syndrome and he does things that would probably look selfish or wierd but I understand cuz I know him, but for a stranger on the street he would just be selfish and wierd. i think perspective is very important when talking about suicide
like i said, im too confident for that
That's EVERY day for me.
On a separate note......Suicide is the most selfish act a person can do. Those that are of a mind-set to commit suicide don't think of anyone else but themselves and how they feel. They have no regard for those they leave behind, often with little or no explaination as to why. I tend to agree with Shane that the act itself is cowardly and weak.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)