Any controller with a Bluetooth functionality will work so you technically don’t need another Xbox controlle if you have a PS5 one lying around. But yeah you’ll have to keep connecting to whatever you want to use at that time. I got my wireless keyboard at a thrift store and I just got a cheap $20 Bluetooth Microsoft mouse from Micro Center. I don’t game with those it’s just for if I’m trying to do something and I don’t want to use the trackpads/virtual keyboard.
The Q handheld is dumb af. Why can’t Sony just make another Vita or at least allow you to download PS5 games to the device. Game streaming sucks dick for the most part.
I never played any of the MGS games (Yea, I know.) and always heard 3 was the magnum opus. The remake is the perfect way for me to introduce myself to the series. Definitely copping.
Really what it comes down to is I was too young when the original trilogy was popping off, I was like 4-5 and definitely not interested in tactical stealth games lmao. And then by time I did take an interest in it, MGS4 was coming out for PS3, and I was already 3 games behind on an extremely narrative heavy story, so I said fuck it.
Yo that Q is a fucking joke hahahahahaha. I can’t believe that’s the actual official release like the rumors were saying. It literally runs strictly off of Remote Play? Bruh that’s literally a rebranded Backbone/Kishi at that rate. Mfs already have that. Remote Play is halfway decent and I use it out of necessity, but it’s not at all ideal to play on. Away from home/your network, very slight input lag is impossible to avoid even if both ends have blazing fast wi-fi, meaning shooters are essentially out of the window in that form. I’ve done it before, but it’s such a compromise and feels so diluted that I usually jus don’t even bother. They especially look worse considering the fact that Microsoft is basically releasing an actual, official Xbox handheld, since they partnered wit Asus on the Ally. To the point that not only does the Ally run Xbox Game Pass, but it comes wit 3 free months of it, and the official Ally controllers that you can buy are literally rebranded Xbox controllers. So both Nintendo and Microsoft now have handhelds that can natively run their games in full on the go, no internet required and no lag or compromise involved, not to mention the emergence of all the Steam Decks, Ayaneos, Aokzoes, Etc., and all Sony offers is a half baked version of something that mfs have already been able to use for years now. Aight then. Yea they took a huge L on that piece of shit. Nobody asked for that.
Yo that’s so fucking dope, so I finally went to go register a horse at the stable cause I was slackin hard on it lmao, and dude at the counter was like “That’s odd, looks like you’re already registered here.” and it had all my old horses from my BOTW save file! Obviously that same mechanic has been used way more consequentially, Mass Effect series being a major example. And I’m not gonna act like I had some emotional tie to those horses, I forgot all about their names and everything until I jus saw em again lmao. But that’s convenient as fuck because all of em had high stats so it saves me the time of finding more again and building their stats up, plus it was jus a dope ass surprise, cause I legitimately had no clue that the game had any prior save mechanics implemented like that. Jus another example of how the game’s sense of discovery is so fucking strong.
THQ literally reached out to Remedy on Twitter to let them help make physical copies of Alan Wake 2. I know I refuse to support a AAA console release that is digital only. Most of these companies want to switch to digital so bad because then they control the market. Don’t buy digital!
I only buy indie games on digital because sometimes they don't make physical games, and the file sizes are generally smaller. Other than that physical til they stop making them
I only buy indie games on digital because sometimes they don't make physical games, and the file sizes are generally smaller. Other than that physical til they stop making them
Yep. Im digital only on PC because of necessity. But on console Im physical until I die
THQ literally reached out to Remedy on Twitter to let them help make physical copies of Alan Wake 2. I know I refuse to support a AAA console release that is digital only. Most of these companies want to switch to digital so bad because then they control the market. Don’t buy digital!
Dude for real. Fuck digital. All my games, movies and music are physical copies. The only game I ever purchased digitally was Cuphead and when it finally got a physical release I went and bought it
GF is working 12 Saturday and Sunday so I'm gonna play the shit out of zelda lmao.
I've never been a huge zelda guy, but I think I was just being a bitch lol.
Elden ring really taught me patience with games lol. Totk is a legit masterpiece though.
Going back and playing the old ones may or may not be hard now depending on your tastes. Obviously you know BOTW and TOTK are the only 2 like this in the franchise. But speaking of, since I’m simultaneously playing some of the older Zeldas alongside TOTK, (From Skyward Sword to Wind Waker now to Twilight Princess next.) it got me thinking bout how I hope Nintendo isn’t now backed into a corner where Zelda HAS to be open world and massive now and never goes back to the more traditional formula. I love both and I think there’s room for both, but I feel like they now will prolly feel like doing the traditional approach again would be moving backwards. But they’re so drastically different to the point that I know there’s people who only like BOTW and TOTK and can’t stand the others, and then vice versa. If they ever DO go the traditional route again, it will prolly now be delivered as a spin-off type title like Minish Cap or Phantom Hourglass, instead of a mainline entry.
Anyone here keep their PS5s horizontal? Moving next week, and Im going to probably need to keep mine horizontal because of saving space, but Ive seen that keeping them horizontal destroys the discs. Any issues amongst y'all?
It's pretty lit.
Game is straight GOATED. >>>>>>>>>>
But yeah there are a few things that carry over like that.
I've been to most of the stables because there's a side mission that brings you to them that's important, but I never ride a horse lol.
They seem clunky to me, but maybe that's because I dont ride them much.
I thought you just had to offer the horse god an Endura carrot and then you can pay for upgrades or something?
Im digital only on PC because of necessity. But on console Im physical until I die
I've never been a huge zelda guy, but I think I was just being a bitch lol.
Elden ring really taught me patience with games lol. Totk is a legit masterpiece though.
Either way I don't like the design of the PS5.
I'll be copping a ps5 pro if they ever make one that's smaller for sure