Co-worker: "Dude I wanna fuck her so bad that I would find the last dude she slept with and slam his dick in a door just to suck her pussy juice out of his tip." ) and also what the absolute fuck.
"August Busch was the last member of the family to run the company before it was bought out. When he was 19, he took a 25mph turn going 45 and flipped his car. His passenger flew out the sunroof and died when the car rolled on top of her. He fucking fled the scene and was found hours later as his apartment clearly disoriented with a sawed off. 0 punishment. The cops literally said 'Well he wasn't thaaaat drunk' as if the fact he fled the scene of a fatal accident that was directly his fault was nothing"
-"Yeah well I guess that just goes to show it doesn't matter how you spell it, you can get away with anything when your last name is Bush"
If you are driving drunk, which i don't recommend, but if you do and you hit something you should always leave the scene.
Its much easier to form a defense for a hit and run that you hit your head and were concussed and don't remember what happened than it is to form a defense for drunk driving.
Someone got misdemeanor death by vehicle here a few weeks ago. I was like what the fuck? How do you only get a misdemeanor for ending someone's life? It was prolly an accident but thats still pretty fucked up. I never heard the story, I just saw the mugshot and the charges.
Co-worker: "Dude I wanna fuck her so bad that I would find the last dude she slept with and slam his dick in a door just to suck her pussy juice out of his tip."
-"Yeah well I guess that just goes to show it doesn't matter how you spell it, you can get away with anything when your last name is Bush"
--"The key to success is an out of control Bush"
Its much easier to form a defense for a hit and run that you hit your head and were concussed and don't remember what happened than it is to form a defense for drunk driving.