My Nana: So, I think I want to go Spliching. Me: Splinching? Why do you want to go and Splinch yourself? Nana: Because it looked fun. Me: You know its not real, right? And that it's painful? Nana: Its real. I saw it on tv. Me: Nana. Spliching is a Harry Potter thing. Nana: Then what's that thing when you go in a cave with water? Me: Splunking? Nana: Yes. That's it! Me: Wow. Just wow. Haha.
During my senior year, I took a class at a separate school in their tech center. Most of the kids in there were raging pharmaceutical addicts. They were all smart as hell grade-wise, but they spent most of their class time railing addies, coke, xanax, ritalin, vicodin, ambien, and whatever other pills were collecting dust in their pockets at the time.
One kid actually took pride in being a "raging drug addict" <_> as he called himself. fucking kids these days, man.
My friends uncle is trying to help set me up at AT&T
Him: Alright if they call you and everything goes well, you'll go to Columbus or testing. You'll take one test, if you pass it, you'll take another..pass that they give you a third. On the first test you have to add, subtract, write well and read a fucking map. On the test, it's all basic electrical questions..Have no fear, I'll give you all of the answers in order..just study them.
Me: Splinching? Why do you want to go and Splinch yourself?
Nana: Because it looked fun.
Me: You know its not real, right? And that it's painful?
Nana: Its real. I saw it on tv.
Me: Nana. Spliching is a Harry Potter thing.
Nana: Then what's that thing when you go in a cave with water?
Me: Splunking?
Nana: Yes. That's it!
Me: Wow. Just wow. Haha.
Some random documentary on my tv
One kid actually took pride in being a "raging drug addict" <_> as he called himself.
fucking kids these days, man.
quote of teh year
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"when you lactate its the center of a pizza combo that oozes out of your tits"
its complex and difficult
Him: Alright if they call you and everything goes well, you'll go to Columbus or testing. You'll take one test, if you pass it, you'll take another..pass that they give you a third. On the first test you have to add, subtract, write well and read a fucking map. On the test, it's all basic electrical questions..Have no fear, I'll give you all of the answers in order..just study them.