It was in Iraq during the winter months, I was a tactical vehicle dispatcher at the time, when my Lieutenant walks into the hangar we were set up in.
Lt.- Hey Sgt T. what are you drinking? Me- Hot chocolate sir. Lt.- *looks puzzled* Ok *walks away*
*comes back five minutes later*
Lt.- Where'd you get the hot water? Me- Umm, the coffee pot sir..
*he walks over to coffee maker, and examines it like its from Mars.* *walks back over to me*
Lt.- Show me how you did that.
*we walk back over to the coffee maker, I get bottle of water, pour it in the back and turn it on.*
Me- Its like making coffee sir. Just without the coffee. Lt.-*looks at the coffee maker puzzled again* Ok *walks away*
Keep in mind this man has a college degree, and lead us through hostile territory on at least 2 dozen occations....
Told others in the platoon what happened, and they didnt seem surprised.. [-(
he was proly lookin through his regulation book to see if y00z was delinkwnentz cuz he wanted to put y00z in teh briggz... um sure the Military might have wasted their time writing regulationz for coffee pots/mechines
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
i was watching locked up or something like that and they were talking about when they strip search the prisoners
"we make um take off there close do a squat and cough to make sure they dont have anything stuffed up there rectum" and then they showed it...i about fell out of my chair
less than 14 hours away, im more focused and ready than ever, i've never been this confident before, im gonna walk away from tonite a winner on every level i can think of!
"Im glad I don't know nobody in New Orleans... but I gotta friend who live there who family there. Ima pray for them"
It was in Iraq during the winter months, I was a tactical vehicle dispatcher at the time, when my Lieutenant walks into the hangar we were set up in.
Lt.- Hey Sgt T. what are you drinking?
Me- Hot chocolate sir.
Lt.- *looks puzzled* Ok *walks away*
*comes back five minutes later*
Lt.- Where'd you get the hot water?
Me- Umm, the coffee pot sir..
*he walks over to coffee maker, and examines it like its from Mars.*
*walks back over to me*
Lt.- Show me how you did that.
*we walk back over to the coffee maker, I get bottle of water, pour it in the back and turn it on.*
Me- Its like making coffee sir. Just without the coffee.
Lt.-*looks at the coffee maker puzzled again* Ok *walks away*
Keep in mind this man has a college degree, and lead us through hostile territory on at least 2 dozen occations....
Told others in the platoon what happened, and they didnt seem surprised.. [-(
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
"...that's what it takes to make it in this business. a lot of knowledge, a little bit of luck, and testicle fortitude."
but I like testicular better
"we make um take off there close do a squat and cough to make sure they dont have anything stuffed up there rectum" and then they showed it...i about fell out of my chair
this goofy kid i knew on fb:
less than 14 hours away, im more focused and ready than ever, i've never been this confident before, im gonna walk away from tonite a winner on every level i can think of!
next post
grade 3 MCL tear, i want to go home and sleep now