the other day at mayhem fest i went to go pee in the woods and i was out of sight from everyone but there was a few people a little further down the path but i didn't care so i started peeing right where i was. they started walking back and im assuming they saw me peeing cause they were like 5 feet behind me when they walked past me. so when i was done i saw them standing at the top of the path so when i walked past them i said "show of hands, who snuck a peek?" the 2 guys just gave me angry "wtf" looks lol. the girl quickly raised her hand, smiling, and said "i didn't even notice" ) )
who woulda thought that the girl was cooler with what i said then the 2 guys LOL.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
Something similar happened that you reminded me of. I was in Kalamazoo the other day visiting my old hangouts and to see old friends, so I'm waiting around the Crossroads Mall to get picked up, and I swear to god, I saw this chick that I had a small thing with right before I moved back up here. I don't know if it was really her, but damn, if it wasn't her, it was damn close.
To further drive home my point, I wasn't looking at her long for two reasons: A) If she notices me staring, and if it is her, she might recognize me, which I didn't want. If she notices me and it's NOT her, then I'll just look like a creep.
But I did look over for a few seconds and she was looking at me, almost trying to figure out if she knew me too. So I just looked ahead and went on with my business.
We ended on a really bad note. If that WAS her, I wouldn't know what to say.
"Gwen Stefani says her husband prefers her without make-up, most likely because he's sick and tired of scrubbing red lipstick off his dong." - Jenny F'N Johnson
A determined kid at work: Alright now, there's more than one way to skin a cat. *a minute later" Same kid: There's only one way to get this shit out the fucking box.
then my aunt posted this convo between my cousins on facebook and it made me lawl Keely: Would you wear socks and shoes if you had no feet? Maria: Uhhhh no? Keely: Then why do you wear a bra?
Britt, Bianca, her sister, her cousin, and I were playing Cards Against Humanity (which is an adult version of Apples To Apples).
>Britt's sister draws the main card "Instead of coal, this year, Santa will give the naughty kids _______" >I put down my card >she reads through the cards we put down >gets to mine >"Fingering" >Bianca's jaw drops >I laugh my ass off
"show of hands, who snuck a peek?"
the 2 guys just gave me angry "wtf" looks lol. the girl quickly raised her hand, smiling, and said "i didn't even notice"
who woulda thought that the girl was cooler with what i said then the 2 guys LOL.
Something similar happened that you reminded me of. I was in Kalamazoo the other day visiting my old hangouts and to see old friends, so I'm waiting around the Crossroads Mall to get picked up, and I swear to god, I saw this chick that I had a small thing with right before I moved back up here. I don't know if it was really her, but damn, if it wasn't her, it was damn close.
To further drive home my point, I wasn't looking at her long for two reasons:
A) If she notices me staring, and if it is her, she might recognize me, which I didn't want.
But I did look over for a few seconds and she was looking at me, almost trying to figure out if she knew me too. So I just looked ahead and went on with my business.
We ended on a really bad note. If that WAS her, I wouldn't know what to say.
-some little kid in the store just now
*a minute later"
Same kid: There's only one way to get this shit out the fucking box.
then my aunt posted this convo between my cousins on facebook and it made me lawl
Keely: Would you wear socks and shoes if you had no feet?
Maria: Uhhhh no?
Keely: Then why do you wear a bra?
>Britt's sister draws the main card "Instead of coal, this year, Santa will give the naughty kids _______"
>I put down my card
>she reads through the cards we put down
>gets to mine
>Bianca's jaw drops
>I laugh my ass off
-grandma walks in.
-everyone greets her.
-wifes cousin says "grandma you need to eat first"
grandma- Its my birthday I want a beer.
-no one argues, she eats 3 hours and six beers later.
wifes grandma is the coolest I know...
Happy 89th Bday!!! ^:)^ \m/ <:-P
Me: Not sure if I've asked you, but do you have any speakers lying around that I can borrow?
Him: Not that I can give up. Conner [our friend] might.
Me: Ok I'll check with him. Is he still living at PV [Palo Verde, a nearby residential hall]?
Him fifteen minutes later: Ya. And if you say Jesus backwards, it sounds like sausage.