Catz is dead. Ain't gotta worry about it also if you ever met me you would be shocked. I'm nothing like the character I come off as on here. Im a very kind and generous person. Whether you believe that or not zi could give 2 shits but if you look back you people fucked with me first. I came here from RAMV and I was nice as pie. Go look.
Proof catz dead?
What was your sn on RAMV? Remember the mod over there that... was her name like sweetdark or something like that?
Anyone remember melodeathbabe from ozzyboards?
Hes either dead or in jail. 2 of the mods from the old ozzboards I'm friends with on fb. Leah is sweet dark. ..Really nice girl who lives in Calif with her daughter. Psychobitch is another from Fla...Zackfkingwild is the mid eho I got stripped of his status cause he overstepped his authority. Do you re.ember that shit show? It all started with football talk. I had that dude IT DIED YESTERDAY make the gif of a football player with the name Tallica247 running through him. Guy got bent.
Catz is dead. Ain't gotta worry about it also if you ever met me you would be shocked. I'm nothing like the character I come off as on here. Im a very kind and generous person. Whether you believe that or not zi could give 2 shits but if you look back you people fucked with me first. I came here from RAMV and I was nice as pie. Go look.
Proof catz dead?
What was your sn on RAMV? Remember the mod over there that... was her name like sweetdark or something like that?
We need Todd. Like I said I was super high and mesmerized by the fire and peanut butter cookies and I think that was my first time smoking in like 3 years so my account is probably not the most accurate lol long story short though Todd wound up kicking some dude off our camp site after talking to this guy the night before lol
He was aight the night before but just someone i knew I wouldn’t be friends with irl. All his story’s were definitely over exaggerated. He was asking to add us on snap and fb(literally just made a new fb because I had to many randoms.)
fast forward to the next night where us three are tripping and he shows up and starts telling some stupid story and I was just not feeling the vibe so I was like “aight dude you got to go, different vibe tonight. Later.”
wasn’t trying to be mean but I was not dealing with it.
He was aight the night before but just someone i knew I wouldn’t be friends with irl. All his story’s were definitely over exaggerated. He was asking to add us on snap and fb(literally just made a new fb because I had to many randoms.)
fast forward to the next night where us three are tripping and he shows up and starts telling some stupid story and I was just not feeling the vibe so I was like “aight dude you got to go, different vibe tonight. Later.”
wasn’t trying to be mean but I was not dealing with it.
Yeah she was cute !!!
fast forward to the next night where us three are tripping and he shows up and starts telling some stupid story and I was just not feeling the vibe so I was like “aight dude you got to go, different vibe tonight. Later.”
wasn’t trying to be mean but I was not dealing with it.
Can he ask his wife if he's allowed to come back and play with us in the sandpit yet ?