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  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 314 salt miner
    Reborn said:

    Which one is it Gary? Is Trump a very stable genius who is leading this country well, or is he leading some shadow government that cant be trusted and is overstating the covid problem to control us? 
    They are setting us up. Didnt I tell you to get a gun? Which one is it Jake? You cant read it you just like to start shit with me?
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 314 salt miner
    Ate you able to defend your family if need be? Let's just say fir some reason your girl test positive but has no symptoms and they try to drag her out if the home to a "SECURE"  location. Seem far fetched?
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 314 salt miner
    Now let's get that little bitch mod to flag and bury that post just like that vid. Little nerd prob didnt even watch it. Probably the red wing fan. Wings suck.
  • New_GaryNew_Gary Posts: 314 salt miner
    All Detroit teams blow
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I work with a 70 year old and an 82 year old. Were supposed to go back June 1st. Im going to cause quite a stink if i have to work with them. 
    Why? You don’t want to be responsible for their potential death? 
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Sweden took the correct approach for this pandemic and did not shut down their economy. They did ban large group events like sporting events however restaurants and services are all open. And that’s for eating inside the restaurant. 

    Sweden also has ten times the death total as it’s two closest neighbors that did a total lockdown... let’s look at those numbers and I’m providing this so you can see the actual danger without any safeguards 

    Note 3,478 deaths to those over 60 and 116 deaths to those under 60. 
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,666 spicy boy
    Fuck yes ween just postponed their lake Dillon shows till next year!
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,708 spicy boy
    Sweden took the correct approach for this pandemic and did not shut down their economy. They did ban large group events like sporting events however restaurants and services are all open. And that’s for eating inside the restaurant. 

    Sweden also has ten times the death total as it’s two closest neighbors that did a total lockdown... let’s look at those numbers and I’m providing this so you can see the actual danger without any safeguards 

    Note 3,478 deaths to those over 60 and 116 deaths to those under 60. 
    So if they have 10 times the death total, how did they do the right thing?

    Fucking dumbass
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,720 jayfacer
    God this thread is absolute AIDS.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    Yeah I take back my drunken statements about Gary not spamming to the same level as Wake and Catz. At least Wake can keep track of an argument.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    So if they have 10 times the death total, how did they do the right thing?

    Fucking dumbass
    Let’s try an analogy. On Tuesday you’re eating a nice expensive juicy steak and you’ve just about finished it, there’s only bone and gristle left, when your dog runs in and knocks over the table ruining what little you had left. The next day you’re sitting down to eat a similarly priced steak, you haven’t even taken a single bite when your dog rushes in an knocks the table over again ruining your dinner. What was the bigger loss? You can’t reasonably say the two events are even close to equal 

    Age and quality of life of a person should absolutely be a heavy weight factor when you consider the damage losing that person has to society. Someone who is over 60 has lived their life. They’ve been a producer, they’ve had their time building the world, and they are now sitting on the sidelines watching their kids and their grandkids shape the world in ways they want. Society losing someone who is no longer producing, will be a bigger burden to our medical system, and who only had a few more years left is not detrimental to society. 

    Hypothetically if this virus had Killed the same exact raw numbers, except the curves were completely flipped such that it mostly killed 0-9 year olds, heavy losses in 10-19, lots of people 20-29, and almost no one over 60..... then I would be saying the exact opposite of what im saying. In that hypothetical situation the lives we are losing are literally the most valuable members of society and we should do anything possible to save those lives. 

    What you don’t get MC is that the economic destruction our politicians have caused by this shutdown is going to have long reaching affects to your generation and future generations. A 25% unemployment rate leads to depression and suicides and crime and a very slow recovery of jobs. This lockdown does not have a zero sum effect and you gotta weigh the pros and cons of if the isolation is worth the lives it saves 

    all lives are not equal. And if I make it over 60 and it’s my time to sit on the sidelines you won’t ever hear me claim I’m providing value to society. The most you’ll hear from me is at least I planned my finances ahead and I don’t have to been a huge financial burden to society like most of my age peers. I’m not saying your parents or grandparents can’t be important or special to your life - obv they are, and obv they are interesting people who you can learn from.... but from a societal perspective they are “taking” more then they are “giving” 
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Cuz the economy is open and Wake doesn’t have to cook for himself. And the people dying are older than him so fuck em. 

    Classic Wake. 
    My opinion has nothing to do with “it’s not my age bracket”. If I was over 60 I’d have the exact same opinion now. At 40 I’m noticing major reduction in my quality of life. It takes longer to recover from working out, it’s easier to gain weight, body aches are common.... my quality of life has diminished a little but I’m still producing and providing a huge benefit to society. In terms of taxes in fact I’m likely close to my peak in giving to society... when I’m over 60 I will say I lived a very good and successful life. If I die over 60, no matter when and no matter the cause I wouldn’t want anyone to say it was tragic that I died. At that point in time I’m just a spectator to life and I’d want people to celebrate the success I had in life. People dying under 60 is tragic. People over 60 dying is sad for those directly affected but it is the way of life. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,597 spicy boy
    You really think you are going to feel the same way you feel about things today in 20 years?
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    You really think you are going to feel the same way you feel about things today in 20 years?
    If you mean “things” as in how I feel about the societal value of those over 60, then Yes I really do. My thoughts and opinions on things do change through the years though, but I don’t think I’ll be providing much value to society when I’m over 60. There is always trade offs with decisions and I think people have just become to emotionally wrapped in the death toll number to think about it objectively 
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