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New Star Wars Thread *SPOILERS*



  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Hoooooooooly shit
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  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Hoooooooooly shit

    Pretty much the theme of the season. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Every episode it's just been a question of who shows up out of nowhere next.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
    Thoughts on who the stinger at the end could be? 
    Gus from Breaking Bad. 
    It didnt seem like it was Moff Gideon. No spurs on his boots :-? Boba Fett :-? 
    Called it 
    Also love how MC's little nitpicks with Mando/Clone Wars are getting shredded by Filoni and Farveau with each episode =))

    Specifically Jango and Boba being Mandalorian again, and the not removing your helmet thing being a plot hole

  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    The little pieces of busted helmets flying everywhere so such a nice touch. Boba was busting heads all over the place.  

    Now go watch Han knock him into the pit again 😂 
    Pass the god damn butter.
    You could definitely tell Robert Rodriguez directed this episode with how brutal the fight scenes were.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,015 spicy boy
    Also love how MC's little nitpicks with Mando/Clone Wars are getting shredded by Filoni and Farveau with each episode =))

    Specifically Jango and Boba being Mandalorian again, and the not removing your helmet thing being a plot hole

    Lol if you say so 
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
    Its objectively true though. You complained that Clone Wars made the Fetts not Mandolarians. The newest Mando episode confirmed that they are. You complained that the Mando helmet rule created a plot hole. An episode this season confirmed that it was just an offshoot of Death Watch that holds this custom, which is a perfectly reasonable explanation. 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Dime2 said:
    Im hesitant to start it too. Heard some reallllly dumb shit it did to the canon, and theres some major stuff I disagree with from the getgo. But Ive heard its also decent. 
     Curious. What dumb shit have you heard it adds to the Canon? A handful of us have actually seen the show, we can clear this up and possibly kick start you to watch an amazing piece of Star Wars media.
    1. I dont like they brought Maul back. Cheapens episode 1. Ruins the whole "rule of 2" thing. Also creates holes with why he's never in 2 and 3, and gave Disney wayyyy too much freedom to start shilling him in every other StarWars thing. He was almost in RoS :| He should not have been in Solo :| He should have died in 1.

    2. I dont like that Grevious is literally just a saturday morning cartoon villian. Such a wasted opportunity to make him badass like in the 2003 version. 

    3. Retconning the Fetts to not be Mandalorians - fucking dumb 

    And most aggregiously 4. The whole biochip implanted in the Clones to initiate Order 66. Just cheapens that whole thing, and is such a shitty cop out for what should have been one of the biggest betrayals in fiction. Plus I really like the narration in like the original Battlefront 2, where the Clones grew to respect the Jedi, but ultimately knew what they had to do. Again, it just cheapens an emotional plot point. 
    Never seen Clone Wars. Guess I always wrote it off as non-essential and non-canon since it’s animated (Although I love animation.)

    Should I start it? 🤔
    Plus there are several storylines that HEAVILY tie into The Mandalorian as well as provide some background on the planet of Mandalore. 
    Also has seeming lore contradictions with Mandalorian too though. 
    How so? 
    Mainly the whole "can't take the helmets off" thing in Mandalorian - in TCW Mandos took their helmets off all the time with no issues. 

    And the weird blurred lines with what is or isn't Mandalorian. The Mandalorian heavily implies it's culture over race/birthplace. Yet TCW denies the Fetts being Mandalorian despite them adhering to their culture, armor, and bounty hunting profession. 
    The helmet thing isn't necessarily a contradiction. Mando takes place 30 years or whatever after TCW. There are various offshoots of Mandolarian culture, its not a stretch to say that the remaining Mandos developed a rule like that. 
    Boba’s armor wasn’t made of Baskar. Cad Bane dented his fucking head. 
    They were still Mandalorians in Legends lore though, and descendents of Cassus Fett. In Legends lore they had custom armor because beskar was rare and expensive. But that didnt detract from them being Mando back then. That's a dumb Disney Canon retcon. 

    They dressed like Mandalorians, were descendents of a famous Mandalorian, wore the symbol of the Mandalorian, were bounty hunters like Mandalorians, and Jango was born on Concord Dawn - a Mandalorian controlled system. But nah, he's not Mandalorian. :| 
    Most of the Mando stuff has yet to finish playing out. Helmet shit we just don’t know about. Come on season 2!

    We do know we have New Mandalorians, old Mandalorians, and several different clans at odds with each other. But Jango didn’t have the same sense of clan or honor that the rest of the Mandalorians have. He wasn’t worried about clean kills or sharing credit. He didn’t give back to his people. Boba was a clone and was never raised with the clans. In Legends he didn’t even speak their language. 

    Pass the god damn butter.
    Wow it's almost like if you have questions about certain plot points you should just watch the fucking show and they'll get answered! 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    We nailed that shit Jake B)
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,015 spicy boy
    Also love how MC's little nitpicks with Mando/Clone Wars are getting shredded by Filoni and Farveau with each episode =))

    Specifically Jango and Boba being Mandalorian again, and the not removing your helmet thing being a plot hole

    Lol if you say so 

    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
    Also love how MC's little nitpicks with Mando/Clone Wars are getting shredded by Filoni and Farveau with each episode =))

    Specifically Jango and Boba being Mandalorian again, and the not removing your helmet thing being a plot hole

    Lol if you say so 

    I accept your concession
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,015 spicy boy
    edited December 2020
    Decided to finish Mandalorian season 1 (and since I found it on a website called Vumoo. I dont have Disney+). It's ok overall. I liked the set up, and the build up in the beginning. The first like three episodes and the prison episode were good. But as the show went on, there is some really stupid stuff. Lore and story things I wasn't a fan of and that don't make sense. But I digress... Episode 3 was definitely the highlight of the entire season. Final two episodes were pretty weak and stupid though, and I'm sick to death of fucking "baby Yoda". But, best thing since Legends at least, but thats not saying much. 

    I'm gonna watch through Season 2 this week, because I'm having a big "cancel con" thing with some close friends next weekend, and they want to watch the season finale together. So yea... 
    Post edited by MetalCoresades on
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  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    Let me save you some time, It sucks and you don’t like it. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,015 spicy boy
    Let me save you some time, It sucks and you don’t like it. 
    Most likely 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,015 spicy boy
    I'm tapping out. The Kenobi announcements, and new show announcements today just keep telling me this franchise isn't for me anymore. Im done crying about it, Im done being upset, Im done being disappointed. This isn't my Star Wars anymore, and I'm just going to need to move on. 

    I'll still chime in to discuss some Legends material I'm enjoying, if you're down to discuss that with me. But I'm done with this new shit. 

    Have your fun though. I'm happy for you that you all still like this franchise. 
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