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New Star Wars Thread *SPOILERS*

DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
edited July 2022 in Debate & Discourse
I figured this is probably the most spoiler heavy movie we're ever going to talk about on here and for full discussion it kind of requires its own thread. I saw it this morning and just finished crying so let's start this conversation. I thought it was a pretty damn solid movie, definitely worth the wait and done very well. Few flaws. It really wasn't original (it mimics New Hope in every single aspect) but then again, for the first movie in a decade owned by a new company, maybe its a good thing that they didn't branch out and try to do a bunch of different shit with it. Thoughts? 
Post edited by JLRedWing13 on


    I thought it was solid. Obviously didnt live up to the hype but thats basically impossible. But its a good start to the new trilogy. 

    My favorite thing about the film was how unexperienced all of the characters were. For example, the lightsaber battle wasnt your typical, well choreographed sword fight with twists and spins and shit. It was two people hacking at each other wildly. Which is exactly what two people not well trained in the force would do. Kylo Ren was a surpsingly good character. He's kind of a weenie, which annoyed me at first but i guess thats the point. He's not Darth Vader but he's desperately trying to be. I cant wait to see him grow into a badass villain.
    Things i didnt like. They massively fucked up Han and Leia's reunion. Was so awkward lol. 

    Also Fin and Rey can pick up a lightsaber and use it without any training? Idk it kind of diminishes the value of the force and the jedi way. I'm thinking Rey had training as a child, possibly from Luke (her father?) so that kinda explains why she could use some force powers. But Fin being able to use a lightsaber is fucking lame. They fucked that up in the prequels though by letting Grievous use them. 
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    edited December 2015
    1)The first half of the movie felt very convenient and fairly boring, 

    2)Kylo Ren is a bitch

    3)The big death in the film was extremely predictable, with the constant dramatic building of the character's part in the film. Plus, the actor flat out wanted them to kill the character off in a previous film. 

    4)The death scene itself was so incredibly over dramatic, almost cheesy. 

    5)A good bit of the film felt very rushed, they just wanted to introduce character after character, and then go to the battle/fight scenes. 

    I'd still give it a 6/10, it was solid. But not the masterpiece people are making it out to be, 
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Fuck you, I'll come in this thread and do what I want without seeing the movie. 
    image Photobucket
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    ... said:
    1)The first half of the movie felt very convenient and fairly boring, 

    2)Kylo Ren is a bitch

    3)The big death in the film was extremely predictable, with the constant dramatic building of the character's part in the film. Plus, the actor flat out wanted them to kill the character off in a previous film. 

    4)The death scene itself was so incredibly over dramatic, almost cheesy. 

    5)A good bit of the film felt very rushed, they just wanted to introduce character after character, and then go to the battle/fight scenes. 

    I'd still give it a 6/10, it was solid. But not the masterpiece people are making it out to be, 
    goddamn i wanna steal your jaw
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Wanna go just do I can be that guy during the previews that answers a phone call and be like "sorry I can't right now I'm about to watch the new Star Trek"
    image Photobucket
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    once I get home I got a lot to say about this one..
    I love winning with women
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    ... said:
    1)The first half of the movie felt very convenient and fairly boring, 

    2)Kylo Ren is a bitch

    3)The big death in the film was extremely predictable, with the constant dramatic building of the character's part in the film. Plus, the actor flat out wanted them to kill the character off in a previous film. 

    4)The death scene itself was so incredibly over dramatic, almost cheesy. 

    5)A good bit of the film felt very rushed, they just wanted to introduce character after character, and then go to the battle/fight scenes. 

    I'd still give it a 6/10, it was solid. But not the masterpiece people are making it out to be, 
    goddamn i wanna steal your jaw
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

    Another problem i had is that they strayed away from important story elements too much. 

    "Hey where the fuck did you get Luke's lightsaber?"

    "thats a story for another time"

    no how about you just fucking tell us. Or how Poe survived the crash on Jakku. Now normally i'd give a series the benefit of the doubt that they'd follow up on these stories in the sequel, but star wars is notorios for pulling this shit.

    for example, in episode 3 when Yoda tells Obi Wan that Qui Gon has learned to communicate from the dead at the end of the movie and that they need to talk....and then they never mention it again. 
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I think that was just a cheap nod to the force ghosts but yeah lol I know what you mean. I thought it was a pretty solid movie and I can't wait to see where it develops as we get along. Alot to say about it, I have. Also, I agreed with alot of what you said Jake. Good to see that you know whatsup. My nigga. Anyway

    New Characters
             -I loved the new characters. I loved how Po and Finn were really jokey but were brave and ready to do shit. Rey was my absolute favorite. Love her, love her character. She was terrific. I kind of liked that she had force powers and shit because it goes back to the ways of the Force being a thing that embodies living things not the retard medichlorean shit. Kylo Ren was pretty cool but the first time he took of his mask, I was a little bit underwhelmed lol but I like that he's just kind of this average dude who's confused about the path he wants to take. Makes it more believable and I can't wait to see his transition. 

    Old Characters
                  -Loved seeing them all again. We got a wiser, funnier more bad ass Han Solo. Agreed though, the reunion with him and Leia was so awkward. Would have liked a little more development or back story on that front, but we might get that with the next two. It was plain awesome to see Luke again, albeit for like two minutes haha Mark Hamill made the easiest paycheck in history with this one. 

       -Was pleasing in almost every way. Yes, it was blow up the Death Star part 3 but the fight scenes were well done, the ship battles held true and really hooked you and I loved how they approached the action. Especially the lightsaber battles. Inexperienced, untrained as it should be with people just developing their skills. 

    The Scene (R.I.P.)
            -Thankfully, I avoided spoilers. You could see this coming a mile away. Since it mimics New Hope and a hero falls in that movie you could see it. Not to mention they dragged Kylo and Han onto a bridge by themselves, set all the characters up to watch and threw a spotlight on them lol even seeing it coming I was not prepared. To see Han Solo fall was emotional and gut wrenching and terrible all in one. The way it was organized was just so emotionally charged and brilliantly executed; Han thinking Ben was asking him to help him come back to the light while really it was to kill him. The way he runs his hand across his face as he falls over. Cherry on top. Bravo, Ford. Br-fucking-vo. 

         -Star Wars needs to get better at explaining things. I hate how they just shrug some of this shit off. Why does 3PO have a red arm? Where did the light saber come from? Does Rey have any ties to anyone? Why was Captain Phasma in so much promo work but so criminally underused? This bothered me the most. Like the Empire was notorious for dying with their secrets and the First Order was shown to be a take no prisoners, no bullshit regime. I feel like she would have rather died then let the shields down for them. Then she never fights or does anything and is gotten rid of just like that. Willing to bet she'll be back. 

    Anyway, this was a well-crafted, beautifully cared for movie. The fact I have to wait two years for episode 8 sucks but if its this good, I will deal with it. Easily an 8.5/10 minimum (for me). I could tell we're in for an awesome journey with these next couple of installments. Seeing it again on Christmas \m/
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers

    ... said:
    1)The first half of the movie felt very convenient and fairly boring, 

    2)Kylo Ren is a bitch

    3)The big death in the film was extremely predictable, with the constant dramatic building of the character's part in the film. Plus, the actor flat out wanted them to kill the character off in a previous film. 

    4)The death scene itself was so incredibly over dramatic, almost cheesy. 

    5)A good bit of the film felt very rushed, they just wanted to introduce character after character, and then go to the battle/fight scenes. 

    I'd still give it a 6/10, it was solid. But not the masterpiece people are making it out to be, 
    If Han Solo's death didn't hit you emotionally, then you do not Star Wars. Period. It was predictable, but still very well done. Not cheesy at all. Re-watch it. How did the first half feel convenient? Better we get a half of hour of set up and exposition now with the new characters, then have it bring the next two down. What did you want them to do? Throw a bunch of new characters into the story and just get going? Thats cheap movie bullshit. Its easier to connect with them when we know some story and background. 
    Oh yeah forgot about c3po's arm =))

    you know what'd be dope? If they did another Clone Wars type thing where they supplement a lot of the story in a tv show/cartoon

    i agree with you about the new characters too. I think it was nola who said "who is gonna give a shit about the new characters" and i kind of agreed but once i saw the movie that completely changed. Rey and Fin wer fucking awesome. Even Poe was a badass in the little that we saw him.
    Speaking of Phasma, when they released the toys and t shirts and pop figures and stuff for the new movie a few months back, i was so confused. Why would i buy shirts and figures of characters i've never seen before? Phasma is the perfect example. She didnt do jack shit lol she's the Boba Fett of this movie.
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited December 2015
    Dude yeah that would be dope. I really really liked the second Clone Wars series. Alot of cool shit to check out there. Thats what I'm saying about Phasma lol I saw her literally on EVERYTHING to do with Star Wars and she has like 10 minutes of screen time and does nothing but walk around and identify Finn's serial number =)) Finn and Po were bad ass and I fell in love with Rey's character. Definitely worthy additions to the Star Wars Universe. Fuck I'm already itching for more. 
    Dibs on marrying Daisy Ridley
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    We shall lightsaber duel to the death. 
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Side note: I really hope MC is able to identify what direction and the aim this movie was going for. He's going in skeptical which sucks because it really really did involve alot of effort and was so well done. This entire new trilogy shouldn't be judged by the first installment. This did such a good job settling us back into the universe and setting the sequels up. Fingers crossed that he ain't a purist about it. 
    He already hates it and he hasnt even seen it yet lol oh well his loss
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I hate that. When people go in skeptical about shit, sometimes even if they like it they'll stay skeptical because it was cemented into their mind set before hand. I want every Star Wars fan appreciating this thing goddammit lol 
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