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New Star Wars Thread *SPOILERS*



  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    edited December 2015
    Dab said:
    SATAN said:
    Dab said:
    SATAN said:
    It's like they were like "how are we gonna find a way to shoehorn a token nig in for this series?" It made me lol that they still made him a coward and the jock white girl still wanted his D lol
    Why cant a character just be black? Why does it have to be a token nig?
    Mainly cuz he's still the only black dude in that whole galaxy other than Mase Windu. Star Wars is like KISS now. The art takes a back seat to the merch sales. They're trying to appeal to every demographic possible now. Seen a McDonalds commercial lately? Or really anything aimed at the 13-45 crowd? It's all evenly mixed groups of people being happeh together. Now little black kids have a hero they can emulate in light saber battles with their white friends. I'm not complaining. It's a beautiful thang from a certain perspective. But I'm a cynic when it comes to corporate art, especially something licensed to the gills like Star Wars. It's very calculated IMO, and it came across to me that way in the movie. I prefer the way Marvel handles it by adding in minorities in a very organic manner. These guys went and bent the lore of their story to toss a random black guy in. They pretty much made the Clone shit of the prequels an even bigger waste of time...aside from giving us more Boba Fett toys #yolo 
    A. Lando, the military captain on Naboo, Leia's adoptive father...

    B. I wouldn't say the bent backwards to change the lore. There were only so many clones produced, and it is 30 years later. Its a different empire. If they were to do it the Marvel way they would've just straight up changed Chewbacca into a girl or Leia would've been black
    And Billy Dee makes three! Good job Star Wars. They have more Darths than darks. And Finn...Why be a rogue Storm Trooper at all? Why not have the click show up on a planet full of black people? Something new. By attaching him to a previously established line of characters, they can't help but rearrange how you view the old lore. When did they start using non-clones? How did they find so many that are the same height and weight? Instead of opening a new road, they're just changing the map on an old one. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Dab said:
    SATAN said:
    Dab said:
    SATAN said:
    It's like they were like "how are we gonna find a way to shoehorn a token nig in for this series?" It made me lol that they still made him a coward and the jock white girl still wanted his D lol
    Why cant a character just be black? Why does it have to be a token nig?
    Mainly cuz he's still the only black dude in that whole galaxy other than Mase Windu. Star Wars is like KISS now. The art takes a back seat to the merch sales. They're trying to appeal to every demographic possible now. Seen a McDonalds commercial lately? Or really anything aimed at the 13-45 crowd? It's all evenly mixed groups of people being happeh together. Now little black kids have a hero they can emulate in light saber battles with their white friends. I'm not complaining. It's a beautiful thang from a certain perspective. But I'm a cynic when it comes to corporate art, especially something licensed to the gills like Star Wars. It's very calculated IMO, and it came across to me that way in the movie. I prefer the way Marvel handles it by adding in minorities in a very organic manner. These guys went and bent the lore of their story to toss a random black guy in. They pretty much made the Clone shit of the prequels an even bigger waste of time...aside from giving us more Boba Fett toys #yolo 
    A. Lando, the military captain on Naboo, Leia's adoptive father...

    B. I wouldn't say the bent backwards to change the lore. There were only so many clones produced, and it is 30 years later. Its a different empire. If they were to do it the Marvel way they would've just straight up changed Chewbacca into a girl or Leia would've been black
    Everyone always forgets Panaka

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    Dab said:
    Whats hilarious is a lot of the criticism's of TFA also can be applied to the prior movies.

    How much training did Luke have in A New Hope? Like a few days? Yet he uses the force to assist in his shot that destroyed the death star. 

    What about in Empire Strikes back? How long was he on Degobah the first time? A week? Maybe 2? 

    So between Obi Won and Yoda, Luke got MAYBE a month of training. Then he faces Vader, who had roughly 30+ years of training and is the most powerful force user to ever exist, and Luke doesnt get absolutely raped the first time they fight. 
    Yea but in Episode 4, the extent of Luke's force/lightsaber abilities come down to: He fought a training droid, he timed a proton torpedo shot. Using it as aim assist =/= being able to fight a trained sith. 

    Episode 5: He pulled a lightsaber out of the snow, jumped out of the carbonite pit, fought Vader who wanted to turn him NOT kill him - which he ultimately lost, and telepathically connected with Leia. 

    Episode 6: Used a Jedi mind trick, levitated 3PO, and fought Vader and Emperor - which he lost, and was being zapped by the Emperor, and Vader had to save the day. 

    So nothing impressive in the short span of his training. Factor in his training with Yoda was away on a deserted planet, training for 12 hours a day on nothing but Jedi skills, it makes sense what he was able to do. 

    Don't forget, when Luke first saw a Lightsaber, he was looking into it with the blade pointed towards his eye. He didn't know shit. And he got shot by a training droid. He wasn't fighting Storm troopers with the saber in A New Hope. 
    Again, he does all of those things in the first 2 films with almost no training. In fact, everything he does at the beginning of Empire is suspect. Obi Won is dead at that point. So Obi Won trains him for a few hours and then he self-teaches himself enough to pull the lightsaber out of the snow?

    your point stands about Vader not wanting to kill Luke, but who says Kylo wants to kill Rey? He even offers to train her, just as Vader did to Luke.

    and in Episode 6, he doesnt lose to Vader. He cuts off his arm. So someone who has less than 6 months of training beats the most powerful force user ever.
    Dab said:
    Dab said:
    :| BB8's map was incomplete....
    yea but the reason Kylo captured her was because she saw BB8's piece. Rey did not know where Luke was. It is never explicitly said she does. There is no indication that she has met him before. And there is no indication that she had any force training prior to discovering it while captured. 
    BB8's map did not have his location on it period. It was a galactic map, and an incomplete one at that. So explain how her brain contained the information that Luke is on a small island?
    she didn't, outside of that vision. but Kylo didn't know that. And she still didn't know where Luke was other than him possibly being on a small island. That doesn't mean she has a past being trained by Luke, nor does it mean she knew she had force abilities at the start of the movie. 

    Not denying that she could be Luke's kid (in fact, it seems VERY likely and predictable), but I dont think she was raised/trained at all by him. 
    Its heavily alluded to. Luke had multiple padawans. You're telling me you think he would train his nephew, but not his own daughter?
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    The fighting stuff didn't matter to me. The force used the girl as a vessel to exhibit it's will against the dark side. End of story.

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Dab said:
    Dab said:
    Dab said:
    :| BB8's map was incomplete....
    yea but the reason Kylo captured her was because she saw BB8's piece. Rey did not know where Luke was. It is never explicitly said she does. There is no indication that she has met him before. And there is no indication that she had any force training prior to discovering it while captured. 
    BB8's map did not have his location on it period. It was a galactic map, and an incomplete one at that. So explain how her brain contained the information that Luke is on a small island?
    she didn't, outside of that vision. but Kylo didn't know that. And she still didn't know where Luke was other than him possibly being on a small island. That doesn't mean she has a past being trained by Luke, nor does it mean she knew she had force abilities at the start of the movie. 

    Not denying that she could be Luke's kid (in fact, it seems VERY likely and predictable), but I dont think she was raised/trained at all by him. 
    Its heavily alluded to. Luke had multiple padawans. You're telling me you think he would train his nephew, but not his own daughter?
    Yea, it doesn't make sense. But its not alluded at all that she had prior training. 

    Dab said:

    Dab said:
    Whats hilarious is a lot of the criticism's of TFA also can be applied to the prior movies.

    How much training did Luke have in A New Hope? Like a few days? Yet he uses the force to assist in his shot that destroyed the death star. 

    What about in Empire Strikes back? How long was he on Degobah the first time? A week? Maybe 2? 

    So between Obi Won and Yoda, Luke got MAYBE a month of training. Then he faces Vader, who had roughly 30+ years of training and is the most powerful force user to ever exist, and Luke doesnt get absolutely raped the first time they fight. 
    Yea but in Episode 4, the extent of Luke's force/lightsaber abilities come down to: He fought a training droid, he timed a proton torpedo shot. Using it as aim assist =/= being able to fight a trained sith. 

    Episode 5: He pulled a lightsaber out of the snow, jumped out of the carbonite pit, fought Vader who wanted to turn him NOT kill him - which he ultimately lost, and telepathically connected with Leia. 

    Episode 6: Used a Jedi mind trick, levitated 3PO, and fought Vader and Emperor - which he lost, and was being zapped by the Emperor, and Vader had to save the day. 

    So nothing impressive in the short span of his training. Factor in his training with Yoda was away on a deserted planet, training for 12 hours a day on nothing but Jedi skills, it makes sense what he was able to do. 

    Don't forget, when Luke first saw a Lightsaber, he was looking into it with the blade pointed towards his eye. He didn't know shit. And he got shot by a training droid. He wasn't fighting Storm troopers with the saber in A New Hope. 
    Again, he does all of those things in the first 2 films with almost no training. In fact, everything he does at the beginning of Empire is suspect. Obi Won is dead at that point. So Obi Won trains him for a few hours and then he self-teaches himself enough to pull the lightsaber out of the snow?

    your point stands about Vader not wanting to kill Luke, but who says Kylo wants to kill Rey? He even offers to train her, just as Vader did to Luke.

    and in Episode 6, he doesnt lose to Vader. He cuts off his arm. So someone who has less than 6 months of training beats the most powerful force user ever.
    despite how short the training might have been, its better than somebody with no training at all doing things a lot more significant. 
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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    Y'know, thinking about the Deus Ex Machina in this movie was kinda insane...

    Also thinking about it, I'd say this one was on par with the prequel movies, but the inverse. Like what the prequel movies did right, this movie did wrong, and what the prequel movies did wrong, this movie did right. 
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  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    There were several characters in this movie that I wouldn't have even known had it not been for their toys. Kylo Ren was one of them
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    SATAN said:
    Dab said:
    SATAN said:
    Dab said:
    SATAN said:
    It's like they were like "how are we gonna find a way to shoehorn a token nig in for this series?" It made me lol that they still made him a coward and the jock white girl still wanted his D lol
    Why cant a character just be black? Why does it have to be a token nig?
    Mainly cuz he's still the only black dude in that whole galaxy other than Mase Windu. Star Wars is like KISS now. The art takes a back seat to the merch sales. They're trying to appeal to every demographic possible now. Seen a McDonalds commercial lately? Or really anything aimed at the 13-45 crowd? It's all evenly mixed groups of people being happeh together. Now little black kids have a hero they can emulate in light saber battles with their white friends. I'm not complaining. It's a beautiful thang from a certain perspective. But I'm a cynic when it comes to corporate art, especially something licensed to the gills like Star Wars. It's very calculated IMO, and it came across to me that way in the movie. I prefer the way Marvel handles it by adding in minorities in a very organic manner. These guys went and bent the lore of their story to toss a random black guy in. They pretty much made the Clone shit of the prequels an even bigger waste of time...aside from giving us more Boba Fett toys #yolo 
    A. Lando, the military captain on Naboo, Leia's adoptive father...

    B. I wouldn't say the bent backwards to change the lore. There were only so many clones produced, and it is 30 years later. Its a different empire. If they were to do it the Marvel way they would've just straight up changed Chewbacca into a girl or Leia would've been black
    And Billy Dee makes three! Good job Star Wars. They have more Darths than darks. And Finn...Why be a rogue Storm Trooper at all? Why not have the click show up on a planet full of black people? Something new. By attaching him to a previously established line of characters, they can't help but rearrange how you view the old lore. When did they start using non-clones? How did they find so many that are the same height and weight? Instead of opening a new road, they're just changing the map on an old one. 
    height and weight thing. They started kidnapping and brainwashing new troopers when they were babies. If they're all trained and fed the same, odds are they will all be of similar weight. They have a very strict regime that I'm guessing doesn't allow for a lot of dicking around, pigging out, or partying lol 
  • DimeDime Posts: 10,239 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Dab said:
    Also i'm fairly certain Rey has had training in the force if she is Luke's kid
    Did you pay attention to her at all during the movie? She thought the force and all that shit were fairytales. But they hinted strongly she has a major connection with the force which means she could be different than anyone else. Sort of like the lightsaber battle came naturally especially with some emotion involved 
    She never she thought they were fairy tales. She has knowledge of them all and when Solo tells her about it all she excitedly exclaims "So its not a myth." Suggesting she believed it all just had no concrete proof. 
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    SATAN said:
    There were several characters in this movie that I wouldn't have even known had it not been for their toys. Kylo Ren was one of them
    Lol this made no sense. Great job!

    What I meant was I wouldn't know their names. Lucas is genius at establishing character through merch 
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    Fett is suppose to be a fairly big role in the next film. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,010 spicy boy
    ... said:
    Fett is suppose to be a fairly big role in the next film. 
    Yea in his solo movie. Not in ep 8. 
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  • ...... Posts: 31,548 master of ceremonies
    I heard both, but obviously idk for certain. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    Thanks for reveling the plot xeno
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    I'd give it a solid 7 or 7.5 

    the he guy they cast Kylo with is second worst casting of all time other than the new lex Luther. 
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,946 spicy boy
    He didn't bother me. Kinda gave me the Jamie Lanister vibe
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    After some thought though jake is right. I just wasn't putting it into the perspective that he was a beginner. After seeing him get struck on the face it will be interesting to see his progression in the next movie. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,934 spicy boy
    i liked it but I'm not deep on the shaft. Really no need for me to go see it again like a lot of people have said. 
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