I hate that Kylo is now THE villain in the end. He's a bipolar kid going through an identity crisis. Snoke went out like a bitch, almost as bad as the dude in Iron Man 3.
Thing is, Kylo's main status didn't even feel earned. He was a whiny brat in Force Awakens and a crybaby in Last Jedi. Sure, you can argue the same for Anakin but the fact of the matter is, Darth Vader was already a fleshed out characters when the prequels happened. They may have tarnished his legacy by dropping the ball characterizing Anakin, but he had already been fleshed out for decades. We're just getting to know Kylo and all we know is he may have sexual feelings got Vader and cries like a bitch lol
Vader was the conflicted one for 3 decades, having to choose between his master and his son. Anakin was just a name mentioned a few times and a lumpy disappointing fat head.
Whole series is basically daddy issues 101. Kylo got em too. Parents are the symbol of hope, legend of and uncle tries to kill you, Gramps was the very symbol of evil... what's a fella to do? He's gotta find his own path. Pulled down both paths. We all got family issues without the extra baggage, force powers etc. The conflict is 1,000 times more interesting than generic bad guy imperial officer #268.
Looking at you Hux. Your mother was a kitchen worker.
You guys keep viewing the other trilogies with hindsight, while still bitching about the current one in real time without the same benefit.
Every SW movie has their strength and weaknesses. Amazing universe. Wide variety of characters, cool ships, space battles, light sabers. The sound and music. The cinematography. Generic storytelling, Potholes everywhere. Over acting. Bad acting. Wooden acting. Bad cgi. Goofy creatures. Terrible dialogue. Continuity errors. And guess what. It's OK. It's what makes them what they are. It's fueled decades of nerd debates. It keeps them fun.
Half great. Half garbage. In balance. It's the way of the force.
Every SW movie has their strength and weaknesses. Amazing universe. Wide variety of characters, cool ships, space battles, light sabers. The sound and music. The cinematography. Generic storytelling, Potholes everywhere. Over acting. Bad acting. Wooden acting. Bad cgi. Goofy creatures. Terrible dialogue. Continuity errors. And guess what. It's OK. It's what makes them what they are. It's fueled decades of nerd debates. It keeps them fun.
Half great. Half garbage. In balance. It's the way of the force.
I agree but that doesn't stop me from thinking Last Jedi was a shit fest
Only half of it, as was to be expected. You should not expect the dark side to let the light side make a perfect Star Wars movie, only hope for it. Legends of long past whisper of a tale where the dark side got to make a pure trash Christmas Special, but that's not a tale the Jedi will sell you. Ancient Jedi profits have long foretold of a perfect Star Wars film to balance that out. We may have been led to believe that this was the movie that was foretold of, but the Jedi were arrogant in their mistakes. All we can hope for is that the long foretold profitcy will be born of this blood line.
Do you guys even Stars Wars?
Whole series is basically daddy issues 101. Kylo got em too. Parents are the symbol of hope, legend of and uncle tries to kill you, Gramps was the very symbol of evil... what's a fella to do? He's gotta find his own path. Pulled down both paths. We all got family issues without the extra baggage, force powers etc. The conflict is 1,000 times more interesting than generic bad guy imperial officer #268.
Looking at you Hux. Your mother was a kitchen worker.
You guys keep viewing the other trilogies with hindsight, while still bitching about the current one in real time without the same benefit.
Half great.
Half garbage.
In balance.
It's the way of the force.
Pray for a Thrawn movie then.
>stay silent
>flag here
>friendly lol there
>continue gaining powers
>never relinquish outdated powers
>Jaycup is Sith lord
I finally saw it today and have been catching up on 50+ comments.