I am excited JJ is coming back for episode 9 and fixing this shit. I'm also excited for Kylo being the main villain and destroying fuckers with The Knights of Ren.
I've always been conflicted on that. Episode 1 had Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd which were both just awful but the Duel Of Fates scene is goddamn amazing and I even liked the opening scene and the Pod Race. Episode 2 has the Battle Of Geonosis, Droid Factory and Light Saber fight which are all great, but dear Christ the love plot is atrocious.
Honestly the main problem is Episode 1 isn't vital to the main story. You can skip it and not miss anything. All the cool characters in that movie are gone by the end, and the silly trade dispute plot is replaced in Episode 2 as well. Episode 2 pretty much fills in what you need to know from Episode 1.
Honestly the main problem is Episode 1 isn't vital to the main story. You can skip it and not miss anything. All the cool characters in that movie are gone by the end, and the silly trade dispute plot is replaced in Episode 2 as well. Episode 2 pretty much fills in what you need to know from Episode 1.
It's not crucial, but it expands the SW universe a ton. Great visual looks at places like Naboo, Gungan City, Corusant etc. First look at the Senate and Jedi Council. Set up characters like Plo Koon for the clone wars cartoons. First look at real Jedi at the height of their power. Qui Gon using the word padawan for the first time. First non-standard light saber. First look at the force being a living thing. Palatine taking the first steps in rising to power, removing the existing Chancellor for not taking action against the invasion/blockade of Naboo that Palps himself ordered as Darth Sideous.
Honestly the main problem is Episode 1 isn't vital to the main story. You can skip it and not miss anything. All the cool characters in that movie are gone by the end, and the silly trade dispute plot is replaced in Episode 2 as well. Episode 2 pretty much fills in what you need to know from Episode 1.
It's not crucial, but it expands the SW universe a ton. Great visual looks at places like Naboo, Gungan City, Corusant etc. First look at the Senate and Jedi Council. Set up characters like Plo Koon for the clone wars cartoons. First look at real Jedi at the height of their power. Qui Gon using the word padawan for the first time. First non-standard light saber. First look at the force being a living thing. Palatine taking the first steps in rising to power, removing the existing Chancellor for not taking action against the invasion/blockade of Naboo that Palps himself ordered as Darth Sideous.
I enjoy watching it, but from a purely objective standpoint you miss nothing by going straight to Episode 2. The Anakin/Padme romance doesn't seem as weird since they look similar in age in 2, and Episode 1 pretty much ruins the Sideous/Palpatine twist since Sideous is so visible in that movie. He's really only in one scene with Dooku at the end of 2 from my recollection. It's closer to supplemental viewing like Rogue One is than an essential chapter of the story.
The force is in balance
But where you rank these gems?
Ewok Adventure
Battle for Endor
Obe Wan Jesus, Dooku, and Jango
It's not crucial, but it expands the SW universe a ton. Great visual looks at places like Naboo, Gungan City, Corusant etc. First look at the Senate and Jedi Council. Set up characters like Plo Koon for the clone wars cartoons. First look at real Jedi at the height of their power. Qui Gon using the word padawan for the first time. First non-standard light saber. First look at the force being a living thing. Palatine taking the first steps in rising to power, removing the existing Chancellor for not taking action against the invasion/blockade of Naboo that Palps himself ordered as Darth Sideous.
It goes 4 > 5 > 2 > 3 > 6