You will grow from it dude trust me. Any time We face adversity we grow. Just make a plan and stick to it. Don't let depression drag you down. Power through that shit and you will feel like a new person.
Im not in a great spot myself. Been bummed out the last couple days. Im not exactly happy with the way I reacted as a person, kinda ashamed of myself actualy. I can take something from it though. I learned how not to react. I learned to better spot feeling that were building up. I didn't even realize I was having some overwhelming feelings before they boiled over.
Just find something positive out of this situation and use that to build on from each day here on out. It's the only thing you can do.
My friends band opened for Horse the Band and Heavy Heavy Low Low. I took my girlfriend at the time and we slammed a bottle of Jäger in the parking lot. When we got in, she met some other girl with a flask and they were trading shots when one of the choades from Horse the Band found them and brought them backstage. Apparently, the lead singer was running around backstage with his dick out wanting someone to suck it. The girl with the flask sucked it and he blew his wad on my girlfriends tits. She didn't even know who they were. She only came because our friend played. Anyways this was all going on while I was waiting outside for her, thinking she got lost or something. She actually told me when we were at the gas station after the show, but I didn't believe her til she showed me the cum on her tits. I'll never forget her being like "It's still sticky". It extra sucked because we were out of town and had to stop at her mom's house to sleep before heading home. I kinda forget it happened sometimes cuz it seems like a lifetime ago. I started my relationship with Amanda about 6 months later
Look I'll be honest. You're one of my best friends. And I have no secrets. I care about you a lot. But here's the deal.
I have been struggling with on-and-off feelings for you for years now. It's dumb, I know. But I've had a hard time getting completely over you.
I know you've said that you aren't interested in me in that way, but sometimes when we hang out I feel like you might. Obviously its mixed signals, and my brain interpreting conversations and actions differently than what is really happening. Human minds are irrational and stupid in that way.
Regardless, I am not healthy. Emotionally and mentally. And a lot of it stems from my conflicted feelings for you. In order for me to get healthy, I have to get over you.
I have been clinging to some false hope that you might someday change your mind. That if I keep at it long enough and hard enough I could convince you that I am worthy of you.
Last night, through various conversation its obvious that you do not feel the way towards me as I have towards you. And that's not your fault. That's part of life. I get that. My quest is a fools errand.
But for once, I am going to think of my own miserable life for once. And its because you're one of my best friends that I am thinking this way...
But I dont think spending 10 hours in a car, and a night in a hotel with you will be good for my mental health.
My friends band opened for Horse the Band and Heavy Heavy Low Low. I took my girlfriend at the time and we slammed a bottle of Jäger in the parking lot. When we got in, she met some other girl with a flask and they were trading shots when one of the choades from Horse the Band found them and brought them backstage. Apparently, the lead singer was running around backstage with his dick out wanting someone to suck it. The girl with the flask sucked it and he blew his wad on my girlfriends tits. She didn't even know who they were. She only came because our friend played. Anyways this was all going on while I was waiting outside for her, thinking she got lost or something. She actually told me when we were at the gas station after the show, but I didn't believe her til she showed me the cum on her tits. I'll never forget her being like "It's still sticky". It extra sucked because we were out of town and had to stop at her mom's house to sleep before heading home. I kinda forget it happened sometimes cuz it seems like a lifetime ago. I started my relationship with Amanda about 6 months later
Yeah I laugh about it now. It was pretty embarrassing at the time. The guys from Horse the Band all dogged her out in front of my friend, so everyone knew. My friends all hated her anyways.
I feels you guys can handle shot better than me lol if that horse the band shit happened to me I'd be pretty devastated lol thank god I've never knowingly been cheated on I literally don't think I could handle it.. I'm a very trusting person
And good job on tje letter mc I bet you will find that you feel better in general in a little time, you were gettin way to down man it's time to pick yourself back up a little
I feels you guys can handle shot better than me lol if that horse the band shit happened to me I'd be pretty devastated lol thank god I've never knowingly been cheated on I literally don't think I could handle it.. I'm a very trusting person
Look I'll be honest. You're one of my best friends. And I have no secrets. I care about you a lot. But here's the deal.
I have been struggling with on-and-off feelings for you for years now. It's dumb, I know. But I've had a hard time getting completely over you.
I know you've said that you aren't interested in me in that way, but sometimes when we hang out I feel like you might. Obviously its mixed signals, and my brain interpreting conversations and actions differently than what is really happening. Human minds are irrational and stupid in that way.
Regardless, I am not healthy. Emotionally and mentally. And a lot of it stems from my conflicted feelings for you. In order for me to get healthy, I have to get over you.
I have been clinging to some false hope that you might someday change your mind. That if I keep at it long enough and hard enough I could convince you that I am worthy of you.
Last night, through various conversation its obvious that you do not feel the way towards me as I have towards you. And that's not your fault. That's part of life. I get that. My quest is a fools errand.
But for once, I am going to think of my own miserable life for once. And its because you're one of my best friends that I am thinking this way...
But I dont think spending 10 hours in a car, and a night in a hotel with you will be good for my mental health.
Im not in a great spot myself. Been bummed out the last couple days. Im not exactly happy with the way I reacted as a person, kinda ashamed of myself actualy. I can take something from it though. I learned how not to react. I learned to better spot feeling that were building up. I didn't even realize I was having some overwhelming feelings before they boiled over.
Just find something positive out of this situation and use that to build on from each day here on out. It's the only thing you can do.
Sorry to hear that but fuck thats funny
a friend who has your best interests in mind would never say that lol