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More reasons Catholics are a pestilence



  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    that study is not debating skin color is not a factor when getting a job, but i also know for a fact that some black people get hired specifically cuz they are black and will bring diversity to the workforce..... both things in my eyes are terrible, the best candidate for the job should get the job, aybe we should be forced to do interviews over the phone so people cant even tell the race of a person
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    that study is not debating skin color is not a factor when getting a job, but i also know for a fact that some black people get hired specifically cuz they are black and will bring diversity to the workforce..... both things in my eyes are terrible, the best candidate for the job should get the job, aybe we should be forced to do interviews over the phone so people cant even tell the race of a person
    That's a double edged sword for me. I'm glad that minorities get hired because of their race when someone is trying to figure out out of the two best applicants they should pick (which is what happens with Affirmative Action). But I hate that it HAS to be this way. I hate that people add in POC to media and the workplace and everywhere else because they HAVE to add "diversity". It's like, they're being racist while trying so hard not to be, lmao.
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    aybe we should be forced to do interviews over the phone so people cant even tell the race of a person
    wont work. black people usually sound different then white people cause they have bigger lips or something.
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    that study is not debating skin color is not a factor when getting a job, but i also know for a fact that some black people get hired specifically cuz they are black and will bring diversity to the workforce..... both things in my eyes are terrible, the best candidate for the job should get the job, aybe we should be forced to do interviews over the phone so people cant even tell the race of a person
    That's a double edged sword for me. I'm glad that minorities get hired because of their race when someone is trying to figure out out of the two best applicants they should pick (which is what happens with Affirmative Action). But I hate that it HAS to be this way. I hate that people add in POC to media and the workplace and everywhere else because they HAVE to add "diversity". It's like, they're being racist while trying so hard not to be, lmao.
    exactly, and in the process they usually hire not the best black candidates cuz they have to and those black guys arent usually the greatest workers they just were in the right place at the right time...and when they arent the best workers then you hear that black people arent as good as workers...if you ONLY hire the best candidate for the jobs then you would have the best black people in the workforce and giving a better public view of hard workering black people instead of just black people being so so workers just as a result of a handout
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    aybe we should be forced to do interviews over the phone so people cant even tell the race of a person
    wont work. black people usually sound different then white people cause they have bigger lips or something.
    LOL yea and they will say axe instead of ask haha
  • SkullAndCrossbonesSkullAndCrossbones Posts: 16,452 destroyer of motherfuckers
    =)) =))
    "That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip

    exactly, and in the process they usually hire not the best black candidates cuz they have to and those black guys arent usually the greatest workers they just were in the right place at the right time...and when they arent the best workers then you hear that black people arent as good as workers...if you ONLY hire the best candidate for the jobs then you would have the best black people in the workforce and giving a better public view of hard workering black people instead of just black people being so so workers just as a result of a handout
    I have to disagree with you there. I'm not denying that's happened sometimes, but you can always hire someone that didn't turn out to be the worker you thought they would be, regardless of race.

    The reason people have this stereotype of the lazy black guy is because they were taught to think that. When you see a white guy being lazy at his job you think "Man, that guy is lazy...". When you see a lazy black guy you think "Man, black people are lazy...". You really need to remind yourself of the privilege our race has, and how much media and the rest of society affects the way we think of other races.

    I'll admit, I used to be pretty damn racist even though I hadn't realized it. It's much harder to detect racism when you're white and privileged.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    I have to disagree with you there. I'm not denying that's happened sometimes, but you can always hire someone that didn't turn out to be the worker you thought they would be, regardless of race.

    very true, but cant you see how affirmitive action breeds people with this attitude???
    i honestly dont think black workers are lazy but i find that when i work with black peeps theyre always looking for handouts cuz its what theyve been taught there whole lives..for example i can specifically remember our work letting us listen to music at work, the whites apprecitated the gesture and played there music quietly and respectively..the black workers played there music louder and louder until it was damaging there work..its that mentality to take as much as you can when peeps are trying to give you something cuz thats how there raised..when your poor you survival mentality is to take as much as you can..we need to overthrow this mentality...once you take away the handout mentality and make EVERY american earn what they deserve you will get better the mean time white people need to wake the fuck up and give black workers are real chance for once..both need to step up..
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    But that's the thing, you aren't seeing them as being people. You're seeing them as being the black people who turned the music up too loud. Not as just straight up assholes. And tbh I have never encountered a person of color who asked for a "handout". I have only seen white people do this. POC need government programs like Affirmative Action because without them they would be absolutely fucked. Even more so than they already are.

    Please believe me when I say I used to think the same way as you do. I understand what you are saying and the point you are trying to make, but after doing a lot of reading and analyzing your experiences you will learn that this stereotype of black people asking for "handouts" is bullshit. I'm sure there are some POC who have this mentality that don't actually try to do anything for themselves, but they are few and far between. Every bad apple in any group makes the whole group look bad.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    But that's the thing, you aren't seeing them as being people. You're seeing them as being the black people who turned the music up too loud.

    um yeaa because the white people didnt do stuff like that so obv im going to make that descrimination..that was just one ex. there were multiple where the case was the black people taking things to far when being given a kind gesture.... i dont understand when you notice things in life its an observation but when i do it a stereotype...

    POC need government programs like Affirmative Action because without them they would be absolutely fucked. Even more so than they already are.

    first of all there black people please stop saying POC you sound silly...moving on i said that both sides need a change, whites need a major overhaul and give blacks a real chance but also affirmitive action is wrong. this sums it up pretty well:

    Opponents also contend that affirmative action devalues the accomplishments of all those who belong to groups it is intended to help, therefore making affirmative action counterproductive.[52] Opponents,[53] who sometimes say that affirmative action is "reverse discrimination", further claim that affirmative action has undesirable side-effects in addition to failing to achieve its goals. They argue that it hinders reconciliation, replaces old wrongs with new wrongs, undermines the achievements of minorities, and encourages individuals to identify themselves as disadvantaged, even if they are not. It may increase racial tension and benefit the more privileged people within minority groups at the expense of the least fortunate within majority groups (such as lower-class whites).[54] American economist, social and political commentator, Dr. Thomas Sowell identified some negative results of race-based affirmative action in his book, Affirmative Action Around the World: An Empirical Study.[55] Sowell writes that affirmative action policies encourage non-preferred groups to designate themselves as members of preferred groups (i.e., primary beneficiaries of affirmative action) to take advantage of group preference policies; that they tend to benefit primarily the most fortunate among the preferred group (e.g., upper and middle class blacks), often to the detriment of the least fortunate among the non-preferred groups (e.g., poor whites or Asians); that they reduce the incentives of both the preferred and non-preferred to perform at their best — the former because doing so is unnecessary and the latter because it can prove futile — thereby resulting in net losses for society as a whole; and that they increase animosity toward preferred groups.

    I'm sure there are some POC who have this mentality that don't actually try to do anything for themselves, but they are few and far between.

    youve obviously never worked in the inner city, people love there handouts...not even a race thing. poor people love there handouts....i have over twenty people of all races yell at me cuz they couldnt buy cigarettes with there EBT(state aid) card....they take advantage of a system that is designed to help them and its very sad...this is NOT few and far leftist want it to be that way so badly that you convince yourselves its not happening just like some white people convince themselves that racism still isnt happening..believe me i wish it wasnt happening but it is and it happeneds alot, maybe you just arent personally aware of it...i work with the poor and it happeneds alot..mainly with poor people not just black people specifically but the sense of entitlement and taking advantage of the system is strong believe me when i say this
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    What is the source of that large paragraph on AA?
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    well as you can see from the numbers indicated it has a few different sources but that paragraph is specifically from wiki
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    Eh, well Wikipedia shows both sides on everything. I pretty much dismiss anything saying AA is racist as bullshit.

    Again, I used to think the same way. Once you really do your research you realize how ridiculous it sounds.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    yeaaa i dont see anything ridicolous with that paragraph, it seems to make pretty good sense... and your going to judge my sources?? lol you prob get all your information from extremely biased websites that are so far from the center youd need a map to get there.. keep in mind i went to school for this stuff so easy on the research part sweetie
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    I'm not mad. I used to think the exact same way. A few years ago I would of been agreeing with everything you posted. I just wish you would understand the fact that you are white and have never had to experience racism in your lifetime and needed a government program to protect you from institutionalized racism.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    your right i havent real racism in my life, my life has never been harder due to my race that is for sure. being white is definitely 100 percent more beneficial to be than any other race even if you include every state and govt funded aids... but even so i dont see how what was said in that paragraph is too far from the truth..everybody has a slightly warped POV but id like you to dissect that paragraph and say where its wrong and making a valid counterpoint rather than you just saying "well do more research and youll figure it out" thats a cop out..anyone can say well i know more than you, once you learn more stuff youll figure it out.a much more effective way is to actually counter the information presented like you have with a few articles and when you do i give you props for it and take it into consideration..but as of right now i truly dont think AA is an effective tool and race descrimination in the work force/ housing feild needs to be completely overhauled and re looked at
  • Bottle_TreeBottle_Tree Posts: 7,166 just the tip
    I say that because obviously I can't convince someone about a subject like this over the internet even though I have tried. Secondly I ask you to research it yourself because I think you would get more out of it reading up on it by yourself, and you would get a much better explanation than I ever would. I apologize for using a cop out, but I don't know what else to say. I also don't think I would do justice to the subject as well as other sources could give you. I can provide you with many links and non-biased sources that would give you a much better explanation and would go much more in depth and has much more credit than I have.
  • TravisTravis Posts: 4,971 balls deep
    No, that doesn't work. It's the people's fault in the first place for electing shitty politicians anyway.
    we need hot politicians like that chick from russia :-bd
    I would enjoy it if people stopped focusing on what women look like in politics and stopped using that as their base for voting for them. Then maybe we would get more representation instead of a bunch of old white men.
    i usually dont vote anyway

    then shut your fuckin cum-dumpster
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    ^ For real.

    Like I always say, vote or shut up.
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Don't vote, don't complain.
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