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*The official post your story/explain your life thread.*



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    edited July 2011
    I read it too Rex. Deep stuff. >:D<
    thanks homie! yeah, see i always look at my life and what ive been threw and view it as easier then your story...i could not imagine going threw family is fucked up to...somethings have gone on i don't tell any one..only 3 people ever actually...but i give you some credit for tell your story as well homie! takes some balls

    but i tell you what you are a trooper! congrats on being able to go back to school tho
    I've gotten over a lot of the bad shit out of pure apathy now, so it hurts less to share now. Maybe if someone reads my story, they'll realize they're not alone or something along those lines, just like your story. A lot of people have it worse, so bad they can't even voice it, but thankfully, I'm not one of those anymore. >:D<

    I was going back to school regardless of my parents. My dad wants me to drop out, but fuck that shit. >:D<
    yeah i know you were...i was just saying congrats cause i know the feeling of being able to get away for a while its awesome!

    and as far as the stories i agree. i tell mine in the hope that it will maybe help someone out and be able to overcome something in there life. Like the story of my friend being shot. i couldn't talk about that for a long time and still to this day its hard...but if it helps someone else its for a great cause!

  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    yawn @ this thread
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    oh hush
    it wasnt an attack on you, erik -_-
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    yawn @ this thread
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    also to add to my story i forgot this part to

    when i was 16 or so, our house caught on fire, my mom luckily put it out but it still basically wrecked the kitchen. well we didn't exactly have money to fix it, so we just lived around it. Our cat also had kittens and we had 2 adult cats and 4 baby ones...well our fag neighbor heard about our kitchen and call CPS on us. i was the only one home, our house at the time was not the cleanest (dirty dishes, cloths everywhere) well they came in and took pictures of everything..took my brothers and sister away for a week and condemned the house, told us we had ten days to find a place, pack all our shit and move. The bitches that came in and took pictures were huge bitches to. I was 16 and they were making comments like "omg look at this place" "how could any one live like this" in all truth it smelled like cats and was messy and the kitchen walls were black...we were poor..but its not like it was unhealthy conditions....they came into my home insulted my child hood home a place where my grandma died and then told me we had to leave within ten a child it was one of the most devastating things i ever dealt with..i was in such shock...luckly we found a place and were able to move in 10 still mad at those bitches tho...and i wish i was better at describing what happened lol
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    problem, meximelt?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    Leah >:D< >:D< >:D<
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    problem, meximelt?
    Yes. People are sharing a their life stories, a lot of 'em which went through some rough shit which might be really hard to share, and you disrepect them by saying
    yawn @ this thread
    If you don't care, whatever, but don't be rude.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    yeah i actually like this thread! good job eric!
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    problem, meximelt?
    Yes. People are sharing a their life stories, a lot of 'em which went through some rough shit which might be really hard to share, and you disrepect them by saying
    yawn @ this thread
    If you don't care, whatever, but don't be rude.

  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    ill be nicer again once i get laid
    until then,
    yawn @ this thread
  • MenAreTrashMenAreTrash Posts: 27,667 spicy boy
    problem, meximelt?
    Yes. People are sharing a their life stories, a lot of 'em which went through some rough shit which might be really hard to share, and you disrepect them by saying
    yawn @ this thread
    If you don't care, whatever, but don't be rude.

    ill be nicer again once i get laid
    until then,
    yawn @ this thread

    Bitches gonna bitch, I guess.
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    tonight, after a conversation about 'love' and 'family' with my mom, ya damn right =;
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    edited July 2011
    Rex, your fire reminds me of a fire we went through...sort of...kinda. Not really I guess. When we lived in an apartment building, the guy in the apartment next to us was a professional clown. He was also a child molester that specialized in little boys. My brother was 3? My mom was scared for him. So one night a bunch of people burned the fucker out. I have a fear of clowns because of that guy to this day. He never did anything to me or my brother, but every time I see a clown, that sicko pops in my head.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Well, I really don't know where to start here, so I might get off-track at times here.

    My family moved around a lot when I was very young, but we always stayed within the same general county. Eventually, we moved to the outskirts of a town called St. Louis, which is where I spent most of my years growing up. I had a pretty standard childhood at this point, I always got up early on Saturday to watch Fox Kids (back when cartoons were still good) and would regard Saturday as a weekly holiday. I laugh, because @DawntheBitch mentioned when Pokemon came out. I remember this too. That was a great year, I remember watching the show at Daycare and didnt really understand what I was watching at first, but as time went on, I was hooked. I bought the cards, I watched the show, and I collected the merch like it was a brand new religion. Controversy plagued Pokemon back in the day, and I never understood it at all. One kid who was my friend, who I would go to all the time because he had a Nintendo 64 with Pokemon Stadium, told me that the Bible says that pokemon worships the devil. I knew this couldn't be true, and I didn't know why the bible would say such a thing. Kids in school told me all this, and the teachers always told us not to bring our cards.

    In school, I remember being a fairly good student, and I was even a boy scout for a while <_> but as I was going into second grade, I was pulled out because my parents decided they wanted to homeschool me. My mom even asked if I would be interested, but I didn't really understand, nor would I have ever imagined, how much damage it would do to me. I imagine this being true of any kid at that age: The oppurtunity to not have to go to school, and sleep in every day. Sounds good? I thought so. I played little league <_> and would for a few seasons, but I realized how bad I was at the game, and my coach was very liberal on criticism, and eventually I grew to hate it (and every other sport), an attitude that follows me to this day. I despise gym class and playing sports. But I digress. So began a new chapter of my life.

    During the first few stages, my parents were fairly consistent in teaching me and my siblings (I have 2 sisters), and when they couldn't, they would have me do an online program. I often just guessed on that, skimming my way through. But eventually, either my parents got too lazy, or they got too busy, but they just stopped teaching me altogether. We were part of a Christian homeschool organization, and every friday we would meet with other homeschool families to play games and learn from the volunteer teachers, which were usually other parents. I was getting into Yu-Gi-Oh at this point, and even though I didn't have any hardly at all, I loved video games. It was around this time, however, that a guy from the homeschool group named John, who babysat me a few times, talked my mom into letting me have a video game system, because to that point I was never allowed to play them or have one. I would go over to other peoples houses just because they had video games. Luck came much later, and my first system was a Genesis, but it only worked ONCE. After that, it never played again. I got a PS1 after that, but I didn't (and still don't) have access to whatever the latest is, either through financial issues, or just pure bad luck. I owe John bigtime for that, because at least thanks to him I was able to have video games at all.

    My Mom was always really religious, and she took me to Sunday School and Church and youth group every single damn week. I vaguely remember hiding behind the couch a few times, hoping my Mom would go and just forget to bring me. It never worked. Either way, I accepted Christ as my savior, and was very Christian, praying every night and such, and all through my years, up until around middle school, I would look at things as "bad" or whatever for the stupidest reasons and wouldn't want anything to do with them. It was around that time that I started to reject the idea, although it would take quite a while longer. I didn't even start swearing until I was in 8th grade. My Dad was becoming an alcoholic, and I actually had to call an ambulance because he was fucking drunk and broke a few bones one night from stumbling around, and after a while, he got sober and became Christian, a move that I respect. My parents are still together today.

    Eventually, My parents told me that they were gonna put me back into a public "charter" school for middle school. They said it was different from public school, and that God was telling them that it was the best thing to do. I didn't give a fuck if it was different, it was still a public school, and I was scared shitless. Besides that Friday thing with other kids, we even stopped going to that after a while, and I had basically been completely isolated from other kids growing up, and as of late, I was having MANY social problems with being made fun of and all kinds of shit like that. I was socially awkward, and I didn't know how to act around other kids, pure and simple. Can you imagine, then, how hard it would be for someone like me to suddenly be thrust back into public school like that? If you've seen that South Park episode with the homeschool kid, the one with Dio in it, that kid was basically me, but a few years ahead, when I thought I was beyond help.

    (I'm not done, I'm gonna have a part 2 coming up, I just need a break for a little while. Enjoy this while I'm making part 2).
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    yeah i can understand how that connection can make you hate clowns.....iv had connections with things that make me hate other things for no apparent reason lol
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    I'm surprised my brother doesn't hate clowns, then again, I was 7 and he was 3. I had a better working memory and understanding.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
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