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*The official post your story/explain your life thread.*



  • Chicken_FuckerChicken_Fucker Posts: 15,691 destroyer of motherfuckers
    You fuckers will have to buy the book, sry
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    edited July 2011
    Guess I'll do one.

    I was born on a stormy August day in 1988 as a premature birth. I took my first breath and swallowed the amniotic fluid and died. I was brought back but I was so weak that I got pneumonia and spent the first nine days of my life hooked up to tubes in one of those plastic boxes. I was released to my parents. My mom was 19 and my dad was 27. I was the first of three children. My parents weren't the most responsible people. Both of them did a lot of drugs and drank a lot. I was a happy child though, living in blissful ignorance. My parents weren't too good with paying rent, so we moved around a good amount, but always in the same area. My brother was born when I was 4 and I hated him. I grew eventually to accept him as one of my best friends. I started school and was left back because I wasn't social enough. Elementary school was hell. I was teased by the majority of my fellow classmates because I had different interests than them. Oh well. I gained a little sister when I was 10. I also had a slight alcohol problem myself as a child. I quit around 12.

    I had a best friend by the name of Cindy. Cindy was two years older than me. Cindy had a crush. A crush on my dad. Strange. I found out when I was 13 that my dad had been having a sexual relationship with Cindy starting when Cindy was 13 till 15. Somehow it spread around school. My mom knew before I did and that's when things got bad. My dad had tried to strangle my mom when he was drunk when I was 12. My brother witnessed it. He's hated my dad ever since. I've had trust issues ever since the incident with Cindy.

    I changed when I was 13, as one would expect. I gave up listening to the pop music that was my childhood and found solace in rock and pop-punk bands. I had few friends in high school. They changed virtually every year, but looking back, I'm better for it. I started listening to metal when I was 15. Dressed in the stereotypical goth style. Around 17, I stopped caring what other people thought of me and just stopped really caring of the bad situation at home. I got my first boyfriend that year. We weren't together for long, but that was beyond either of our control. He was sent away. My dad threw my mom out a few days before I turned 18. So I basically had to help raise my sister. Got another boyfriend that summer, but he was an asshole, so I won't go any further than that. Senior year of high school I had fun. I found a true friend in a girl named Mindy. We're quite different, but best friends to this day. I graduated and went to county college for 3 years.

    At county college, I joined radio and that gave me a direction in life. I had something special to look forward to. Went through two more boyfriends. I graduated with an Associate's in English and this past September I transferred to Rutgers New Brunswick. This transfer had come with a move for me. I moved 90 minutes north of my family. It felt great. I was free. I joined radio again. Got a bitch-whore of a roommate. I changed my major to Comparative Literature. I'm home again for the summer and I can't wait to go back to school.

    On Monday, August 1st, my family is moving to a new house. The 14th house I've lived in.

    I haven't had a terrible life. Music and concerts, books, writing, and good memories have kept me sane. I get good grade and don't drink or do drugs. I consider myself lucky. I could have ended up like Cindy. A literal crack-whore with 3 kids on welfare. I will never end up like that bitch.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    Britt >:D< I'm glad you're here. :)
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    Thanks Jay. >:D<
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    Britt >:D< I'm glad you're here. :)
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    I once had a poison mushroom shoved down my throat and almost died. Then the old TV show Rescue 911 contacted my mom and asked if they could do a reenactment and interview me and my mom said no. <_>
    are u serious? i used to watch that show everyday, kick ur mom
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Wow Britt, that was crazy. Glad to hear you're doing ok now
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Rex, just read yours. Write a book dude, haha.
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    Wow Britt, that was crazy. Glad to hear you're doing ok now
    Thanks. I'm okay because I didn't make bad choices. I'm not going to follow in their footsteps.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    Rex, just read yours. Write a book dude, haha.
    lol thanks man, im glad someone got to read it....thats just a small portion of the stories i have...iv thought about writing before i just don't know if i have the patience lol
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    I read it too Rex. Deep stuff. >:D<
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Rex, just read yours. Write a book dude, haha.
    lol thanks man, im glad someone got to read it....thats just a small portion of the stories i have...iv thought about writing before i just don't know if i have the patience lol
    I want to be a doctor but I don't have the patience
  • drinkwine732drinkwine732 Posts: 20,418 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Some of this is making me want to tell mine...
    My Top Albumsidrinkwine732's Profile Page
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    Many years ago, it was a cold morning on the 6th day in the 11th month of the year, in the barren wasteland of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. The winds were howling and the trees were screeching. There was a loud cry of pain, and then I was brought forth into this world. My name had been chosen for me already: William Kriss named for my uncle, who was a consultant and dealer in enhancing goods. The Doctors were astounded; they had delivered many infants before, but something about me was different. They could feel my power, and they feared it. One surgeon knew that the baby he had just helped deliver was more than just human: It was pure evil. But he knew better then to mention it to his colleagues, and wisely so. My Mother and Father took me home, not knowing just how great the child they bore together would really become.

    Time passed by, but during a celebration of great triumph, tragedy struck me early in my life. The fires of Hell attempted to claim me and bring me back to lead their empire in a war to regain control of the earth. While I was pulling my Sister in a wagon, some unseen entity tripped me and caused me to fall backwards into a massive blaze. Fortunately, my parents pulled me out in time, and I walked away with only 3 months of hospital and rehab time and a tell-tale burn scar on my lower back. Many years later, as I was entering a heavy milestone in my lifetime, I formed a great alliance with a woman named Elizabeth Story. In my time spent with her, she taught me the ways of darkness, as well as taught me how to hone my skills in all things great and small. In doing this, she helped me begin to find myself and put me on the right path. Without her, I would be nothing as I am today.

    In my current situation, I have reunited with my comrades and returned to my birthplace. I have returned after one year in exile in the far-off lands toward the south, in a foreign land known as “Kalamazoo”. In my absence, the land of my birth has gone from a barren wasteland to a steaming empire of industry and overpopulation, where crimes of hate are the norm and poverty is constricting the streets. I have returned seeking decadence and indulgence, as well as new alliances with the inhabitants of this land. I have taken employment in a house of horrors, sharpening my skills of terror and fear, striking panic into the hearts of many innocent mortals. Currently, I am attending an educational institute in the farther reaches of Mid-Michigan’s dark maple forests where I am in my 3rd year of advanced education in Language, Math, Psychology, Automotive Repair, and many other courses that I feel will expand my skills and usefulness.

    My future ambitions are to expand my knowledge of bartering and writing at a great institute known as Central Michigan University, where my skills will vastly improve. My intent is to open a Hookah Lounge, where many a hardened warrior may come to relax after a long battle, whether in the outer reaches of the woodlands beyond Mt. Pleasant, or the frozen badlands of Northern Michigan. I feel that this business will help me progress in life, and will make my name known throughout the lands. Someday, I will rejoin the army awaiting me in the fires of Hell, and take over this entire kingdom. The dawning of a new age will be fronted by me, where I will lose my current name and take the title of Infernus. I will crush mainstream music and spread the gospel of Heavy Metal throughout my new empire. I know, on this day, I will have claimed my destiny.

  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    edited July 2011
    Now, if you read that, you will know that I am just fucking around.

    I almost failed 11th grade english for writing that in the beginning of my junior year, actually.

    My actual life story will follow, however, I need time to write it, but it will be here eventualy.
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Ok..I was born at around 10:15 am on July 12th, 1989 in Stuebenville, OH. My mom had her tubes untied to have me so it's possible I wpuld have never been here. I have a half brother that's 13 years older then me but when I was little we had the traditional sibling bickering, even when I was a baby. Since he'd never let me play his computer games I'd pop off the keys on the keyboard, he'd toss me on the couch...shit like that. We all lived in an apartment that was a 3 minute walk from my grandma's until I was 2. That's when we moved into the house we have now. My brother moved out when I was 4 so I basically was a only child.

    I grew up watching 90's nick, mtv, ect. I would play outside alot, 9 times out of 10 by myself. I didn't have a lot of friends when I was little so my best friend was my cousin. I was a huge tomboy and played sports like football, soccer, hockey and basketball with friends but never got on a team. I did play T-ball when I was 6 though, still have the shirt ha. I also played with cars alot as well. My dad started taking me to WVU football games around the same time. My mom worked at the hospital so sometimes I'd stay up late and wait for her to get home. In the summer she'd take me to my grandma's and have to carry me to the car. My grandma would make me these awesome ass waffles in the morning and I still want the recipe for them. I used to look at all my aunts art that's hanging on the walls upstairs and play with 80's toys.

    The first concert I went to was Bryan Adams with my parents. I grew up on a variety of music...Journey, the BeeGees, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Van Halen, bands and artists from the 80's I don't remember the names of, same with the 90's. I started developing my own taste for music when I was young. I noticed I liked Nirvana, Metallica, Marilyn Manson...stuff I wasn't "supposed" to listen to. Loved the Spice Girls. Finally got a game consol in 1999, or 98. It was an awesome Nintendo 64 and I was addicted to it. Still have it and all my games. Got a clear purple gameboy a year after for christmas. Those were the good ol' days haha.

    The whole pokemon thing happened, got all kinds of pokemon shit. Was made fun of a shit load in middle school and had a small group of friends. We were pretty much all nerds that watched anime. My favorite artists from then were Eminem and Blink 182. Had a huge crush on a boy named Chris..who was a drummer and a punk that also loved Blink. I'd always try to impress him with shit but would fail..poor me. I'd go to the mall alot with friends as well..cuz that was the only hang out spot at the time. One summer my grandma got brain cancer and it kinda fucked everyone up. She and my aunt too me out shopping once, even though I didn't want to, because they hated what I wore. Got some tommy hilfiger things. I remember my aunt bitched cuz I wanted a shirt with a banana half peeled. A year later after I was at the mall and bought a Trust Co. cd, my mom made me go to my grandmas. By this point she had a hospital bed in the living room. All my aunts n uncles were there. I wanted to go stay at my friends but wasn't allowed. 5 minutes later she stopped breathing and that was the first time I seen everyone cry and I had to hold up my dad, which wasn't easy.

    Not long after that other shit happened. My mom can't have a conversation with my dad, so she started conversating with somone else. My dad took it as cheating and I could see why but he blew it out of proportion. He slept in my bed for a while...which I hated and was awkward. Cops got called to my house one day coming home from school because mpof my dad cornering my mom. My dad and that side of the family tried to get me to stick on their side. My mom's health kept getting worse and all this gave her depression. The whole thing was shit.

    Then my old crush Chris hooked me up with his best friend, whom I fell in love with within 2 weeks. That lasted 2 months and a week or so...then he cheated. I've said this story enough. Got to HS and all my firends were seniors and juniors. Got my ex back for cheating on me 3 times. I probably shouldn't have though. The summer later a few weeks after my birthday I got a call that he died in a wreck. Didn't believe it for 5 minutes...that was fucking horrible. Literally a week before I saw him one last time at Chris' place. His car broke down and he had to fix it. That was also the night Satan happened to me and I got raped. All because I needed a ride outta there cuz Chris' stupid grandpartents thought I came with Oliver and got a stick up their ass. Never told anyone and blocked it outta my mind. Don't want anyone back home knowing about it. A lot of getting completely fucked up as often as possible after that. A year or so after my granpa passed. Started working at the haunted house all my HS years, started smoking when I was 12. Loved the haunted house unconditionally, still do and miss it horribly and my hh family. Was with the guy I got my ex back with for 6 years, cuz I couldn't be with who I I just gave up and settled. Did some crazy shit inbetween. My mom's health has gotten worse and would do a lot for her. Did a lot of shit inbetween, went to concerts, met people, ect. My health got knees started hurting and making fucked up noises went I bend em, headaches became more frequent. Shit like that. Tried the interweb dating worked, truly fell in love and now I'm in Texas. Was the craziest and hardest shit for me to do. I miss my mom and everyone else back home..including food joints, HH, the hills, trees, woods, ect. I do have a lot of regrets, should have worked harder in HS, made better choices with some things, been nicer to my mom, ect. There's my shitty life in a nutshell even though there's a lot of non-shitty things in it/about it.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    I read it too Rex. Deep stuff. >:D<
    thanks homie! yeah, see i always look at my life and what ive been threw and view it as easier then your story...i could not imagine going threw family is fucked up to...somethings have gone on i don't tell any one..only 3 people ever actually...but i give you some credit for tell your story as well homie! takes some balls

    but i tell you what you are a trooper! congrats on being able to go back to school tho
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    I read it too Rex. Deep stuff. >:D<
    thanks homie! yeah, see i always look at my life and what ive been threw and view it as easier then your story...i could not imagine going threw family is fucked up to...somethings have gone on i don't tell any one..only 3 people ever actually...but i give you some credit for tell your story as well homie! takes some balls

    but i tell you what you are a trooper! congrats on being able to go back to school tho
    I've gotten over a lot of the bad shit out of pure apathy now, so it hurts less to share now. Maybe if someone reads my story, they'll realize they're not alone or something along those lines, just like your story. A lot of people have it worse, so bad they can't even voice it, but thankfully, I'm not one of those anymore. >:D<

    I was going back to school regardless of my parents. My dad wants me to drop out, but fuck that shit. >:D<
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    speaking of grandmas....a big reason why my step dad left my mom was because we were taking care of my grandma...someone who i loved deeply and is a huge inspiration for my love of baseball...well on oct. 2 2001 she died...i will never for get getting up for schook that mom told me grandma wanted to see me before i left, by that time she was so sick i counldn't bring my self to do i went to the bathroom got ready and left. It is one of the single biggest regrets of my life..and i don't regret much. But that has hung with me ever since. I had one last opportunity to tell her i loved her and i passed it up. I remeber lying in bed that night crying over the mistake i made and feeling what felt like someone hugging me to tell me it was ok...Its still hard for me to live with the fact i did that...but any ways after that the happy family we had went to shit when my step dad left..see story above for that lol...i can't believe i left that out :(
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    Leah >:D< >:D< >:D<
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
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