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*The official post your story/explain your life thread.*



  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    It's funny, because the ones who I thought would be faggots about this, were. Oh well, thanks to everyone who participated. :) Didn't expect this to be successful.
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    +10 internetz for Wake
    wake...mad lulz
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sittin' on the porch with my family, singin' and dancin' down in Mississippi...
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    No reason to be a Jerk Satan
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I may post mine later, idk
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    ill do this later, i like the idea of the thread....most of what i post tho will probably be shit that i have talked about before lol
  • SATANSATAN Posts: 25,824 spicy boy
    nobody would believe my story
    I'll participate.

    Huh, where to start. I was born in the rougher part of Denver, Colorado. My dad left when I was 2, so it was just my mom and I growing up. She worked hard to keep us in our shitty one bedroom apartment, working 2 and sometimes 3 jobs just to stay afloat. Since money was obviously tight, I didnt get a lot of things as a kid. We ate so much cheap pasta and ramen noodles while I was a kid its sickening to even think about. Material items were moot too. Before the school year started she'd take me down to the thrift store and spend hours trying to find clothes that didnt look totally horrible and embarrassing. But more often than not I left with shitty ripped up jeans and stained and worn mickey mouse sweaters. As far as birthdays and christmas goes, forget it. My mom would scrap up a few bucks and get me a cupcake with a birthday candle sometimes, and at a young age I became very humble and didnt expect much. Even now years later I refuse to celebrate christmas because I went so many years without it.

    But the worst part wasnt the lack of food, or money, or the everyday chiIdhood treasures that a lot of you guys probably nostalgia about. It was dealing with the neighborhood kids. Being a white kid in East Denver wasnt easy. I couldnt walk a block out of my house without some group of kids harassing me. Whether they were black, asian, mexican, or anything else really, they all decided to gang up on the white kid. At first, I tried to be the bigger person. I'd ignore them, sing songs to myself as I walked to drown out the threats and insults. But one day, i'd had enough. I was walking past the basketball court, when this tall black kid who lived a few doors down from my apartment called for me. "Hey white boy!" I looked over to see him smiling with that stupid, cocky grin I had grown to hate. Well, I wasnt going to let him win. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared she said "you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air."
    With that ending, I can't tell if this was serious or not...

    First part made me sad either way.

    Nah broski just a straight up bel air for the lulz. My lifes pretty boring. Grew up in a stable household, had friends, childhood was good, high school was good. Dated a girl for close to 5 years, broke up. And here we are.
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    Ellie, Brian, Erik >:D<
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    Well lets see, i was born and raised in Grand Rapids Michigan. My moms name is Tina, my dads name John. They split before i was even one year old thank god lol. I live with my mom most of my life, at the age of seven she met a man that from the ages of 7-13 i considered my father. They had three kids, so i have 2 brothers and a sister all younger. Around the time i was him and my mom bought a home in Grandville michigan which is about a 10 minute highway drive and that is where i went to school and hung out during the week.

    On the weekends i would go to my dads, which is where when i was 4 years old i met my best friend and the only person i truly trust with everything in this world. we have know each other for 19 years. His name is dave but everyone calls him by his last name of hamel

    When i was around 9-10 my grandpa (dads dad) died and my dad received a life insurance policy of right around 100,000$ dollars. Life was great, i had everything i wanted, my dad had a nice car and we always did all kinds of fun things. Then something happened, at the time i was to young to really notice, but my dad had developed an addiction. That addiction was to crack. Over the next to years i watched my dad throw everything away and hide in the basement with his pipe. It got so bad that he eventually had to sell every thing just to pay rent, and to this day still can't cash checks at meijers because he used bad checks to but food.

    After that happened with my dad i for the next couple years spent most of my time with my mom, and step dad. It was a good time i was going into middle school had tons of friends. And then when i was 13 9/11 happened. It a day i will never forget, i was sitting in 3rd period and had heard a plan hit one of the towers and the teacher turned the tv and not even 5 minutes into us watching it the second plain hit, then the towers fell ect. everyone knows that story. My point in talking about the math class is because it is where i received something that has followed me my whole life. Its where i got my nickname of "Rex" we were sitting in math class and i was in a 4 table group with my 3 best friends in this class (2 of them i am still friends with this day) they came up with it cause we were joking around and they said i would eat every thing like a T rex...and they started calling me rex, And after that the legend grew. By the time i hit high school no one really even knew my real name lol, even teachers called me Rex. I was always in the tight nit group of people that was 5 or so people that was the most popular people in school. Now i was not part of the popularity on there level at school, i was just with that group, and i was really good friends with all of them so i was always invited to there activities and shit. Im still friends with those people to this day. But that nick name will never die lol, and to tell you the truth i love it. It was the only true nick name that stuck at that time and it helped me gain recognition and stature in high school. Hell people didn't fuck with me because they knew my friends would fuck them up lol. The people i hung out with always made fun of me...but thats where it stoped, no one not in our group was allowed to give me shit. It is something i will always appreciate so much because i have always been a sensitive person..they probably don't know how much that means to me to this day.

    Well moving on, around the time i was a junior in high school my moms husband left us. My mom was a house wife, had no job, and had a house payment and bills and oh yeah 3 smaller children besides me to take care of. I was 16, id decided to get a full time second shift job, i went to high school and then from 330 to 11 i went to work just to help pay bills. This made my school work suffer and i was still not making enough money for us to survive, so i didn't the only thing i felt like i could. I dropped out of school and got a second job. It was the only way we could keep our home. Its something when i look back on it i wish i could change because i as of now don't have much of an education, but do not regret because i was able to help my brothers and sister be where they are today, successful young adults who my oldest brother is getting great grades and is going to be starting college soon.

    Around the time i was seventeen i was depressed cause all i had was work, work and work. I was sitting in the basement after work one night and just happened to have the tv on and a report of a kid overdosing on heroin and they showed a picture of the kid, he happened to be the kid who was the 3 of the three kids that gave me my nickname, and his overdose is why i left him out of the people i still hang out with today. I found out about it on the news at 5 in the morning sitting on my couch, doing oxi's....something me and him had in common...i never went to heroin, but thats how i found out. It threw me into a great depression, most people would think having a friend die cause of drugs would make you stop. Well it didn't, it made me just want to do more. I did so much oxi i lost my job and had to sell weed to survive.

    Well i was selling weed i got into it pretty deep, i got to know one of the main dealers for this side of the state and i was his errand boy. Now this is something i am not proud of but i had an addiciton and it made me do things i am not proud of. Basically what i would do is i would take a car, he would put money in a duffel bag in the back seat, i would take the car meet someone at a meeting place and we would switch cars, and in the car i would pick up would be somewhere in the area of 50 lbs of weed. At the time i did not realize how deep i was. I mean i was 17. Then i realized, a month after my 18 birthday he gave me a present, that present was in a heavy box and he told me to open it when i got home. When i got home i opened it and it was 9mm pistol complete with a loaded clip and a note. Ill never forget what the note said, " you have been a loyal partner of mine, always doing what i ask, now that you are 18 its time for you to step to the big time, keep working and there is more where this came from, after i read that note i did the only thing i thought i could. I hopped in my car drove over to his house, gave him the gun and told him i was done, told him i was in to deep and that it was over and if he wasn't ok with that then to do what he had to do. Now i am lucky i had been friends with him for years and he could trust me. He handed me a wad of cash, told me to never come back, and wished me luck lol. It was crazy, i never thought a drug dealer would give me a bonus when i told him i was done working for him. He told me he admired the balls i had and respected my decision.

    Well there i was 18, no job, drug addiction and had around 8-10000 in cash. I lived the high life for about a month lol. Then i had to get a job. I got that job at meijer, and this is where i met a friend i will forever be in debt to. Her name was Katie. She is an amazing girl and from the time i met her i knew she was it, the chick i had always been looking for. And while it never worked out, i knew that if i was to keep a person in my life that was so amazing i had to quit drugs, and from the 3rd time i met her i gave up oxi for good and never touched it again, its been over 5 years and boy does it feel good. My time at meijer was great. I feel for her, she fell for me, we were happy, for about a month and then out of no where she decided it wasn't what she wanted and cut it off right then and there. It sucked we worked together and continued to for 3 years after that, hell we even shared an aparment before i got evicted for having parties. She had 2 kids with 2 different people that don't pay child support and are total d bags...while im sad it didn't work out, everthing we have been threw has mad our friendship stronger then i can ever imagine. I don't see her much cause she is in grad school, works and has 2 babies to take care of, but every time we see each other and talk its like no time has passed. She will never know how thankful i am for her literally saving my life, if it wasn't for her i have no idea where i would be. Im pretty excited tho i get to hang out with her in 2 weeks shes coming with me to a wedding! open bar!

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    Well work at meijer the crazy night of september 30- october 1st morning 2009 happened. This story im going to keep short cause its still hard to talk about. But me and about 8 friends were leaving a party standing in the front yard and talking when this car pulled up and started waving something around and talking shit. My friends were people who were not scared of anything, and then the guy got out and started shooting hollow point bullets at the friend standing about 3 feet to my right was hit in the are...and my friend standing about 5-10 feet to my right was hit in the chest. The car sped off, there was so much blood. My friend hit in the chest died at the hospital, while my other friend survived. It was a very traumatic time that shattered our friendships...nothing has been the same since and i hardly ever see those friends any more, but when we do see each other its like time has never passed. It was a ruff time in my life.

    Since then i have spent most my time with the only friend i really have, Dave, someone who is always there for me, like i said iv know him for 19 years. He was not a part of most of those stories tho cause during our ages from13-19 we drifted...but then some how reconnected and are about as close as two people could be.

    These really isn't my whole life story just a couple of the stories that i have had that i believe truly shaped who i am today. While a lot of it was hard i wouldn't trade it for any made me the funny caring, put a smile on everyone in the rooms face kind of guy.

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    holy shit that is long :-))
  • Stoned_CatzStoned_Catz Posts: 34,915 jayfacer
    i am a cat and i smokez pot therefore iz stoned


    blue turbins

    From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    i am a cat and i smokez pot therefore iz stoned
    :-)) :-)) :-))
  • streetsstreets Posts: 3,351 just the tip
    edited July 2011
    holy shit that is long :-))

  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Mine was short because I was 2 minutes from leaving work. But oo well. And Erik you're a liar I bet you expected me not to participate. :-)
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,593 spicy boy
    i figure why not....most of that is stuff i have said in here any ways...iv had a lot of experiences in my life, and shit iv been on here over 3 years so why not
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I'm considering writing something, but my life is way too fucking boring.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,031 master of ceremonies
    I'll participate tomorrow.
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