Lol, Grind ISN'T Music, it's fucking noise and random blasting. They've had legit discussions about Death Metal, and nobody got ignorant.
No irony you fucking dumbass. You seriously need to learn how the fuck to use that stupid ass picture.
It is though. You constantly calls ignorant and ensure us that you're not, but you just displayed some prime ignorance. Just because you don't like =/= It's not music. I could say that all rap is just people talking over a beat and nothing more, but that's wrong. Stating that all grind is blasting is also wrong, because there is a fair amount of work that goes into grind, even if it just shorts bursts. I acknowledge both of these genres require skills to make, yet I think they're both bad. So yeah, claiming that we're ignorant then claiming that a genre we like isn't real music is not only ignorant, but ironic.
ya know, i really find it hilarious that erik continues to post when this is the kind of the response he gets every time and he CHOOSES to keep posting therefore putting more abuse on himself what causes ones to want to self mutilate in this way? ellie, thoughts since youre into psychology?
ya know, i really find it hilarious that erik continues to post when this is the kind of the response he gets every time and he CHOOSES to keep posting therefore putting more abuse on himself what causes ones to want to self mutilate in this way? Brian, thoughts since youre bored?
He gets no attention from his mom and step dad
ya know, i really find it hilarious that erik continues to post when this is the kind of the response he gets every time and he CHOOSES to keep posting therefore putting more abuse on himself what causes ones to want to self mutilate in this way? ellie, thoughts since youre into psychology?
Negative attention is better than no attention. It's common in troubled youth.
The negative attention gives him the delusion that he's up against opposition when really it's just a bunch of people on an internet forum that think he's retarded
its swaq
there you go
"You're being ignorant because of how you feel about a specific type of music."
"This other type of music isn't even music though, it's just fucking noise and terrible"
"You're all ignorant and not open-minded like me and others because of you being ignorant and not accepting genres"
what causes ones to want to self mutilate in this way?
ellie, thoughts since youre into psychology?
Negative attention is better than no attention. It's common in troubled youth.