I was nutz at 15. I was using drugs/drinking all the time, got thrown out of school, disrespecint my parents.... i was taken to scared straight and all that crazy shit.. i was arrested multiple times for all kinds of shit and even was locked up for 6months when i was 17, so yeah... people can change. when i look bcak at my behavior then, its embarrassing. I am not justifying my behavior or anyones behavior, i'm just saying what Erik said was not that bad, I've seen wayy worse up in here.
i tried warning people when we started switching everything up that bad things were gonna happen. i was told to stfu and deal with it. u all brought this on yoourselves [-(
So how did Erik hurt himself after all this happened exactly? Anyone know that?
He hurt himself? What?
Here's his public FB post:
"Going to fucking bed. Still so fucking pissed. My hand is all shredded up now and looks like it went through a fucking meat grinder. Fuck everything.
And this is why I don't respect Erik. He may be 15 but he acts like an 11 year old who just learned curse words.
His comments on the 1st few pages of this thread were hysterical. "Fuck this! Fuck that! Fuck you, you fucking faggots! You're all pieces of shit!"
He says shit like this instead of having a logical argument. I'm not the biggest fan of Bianca, but she handled her side of this argument quite nicely honestly. She thought out her comments and was for the most part respectful in her comments even though she disagreed with the point of this thread.
Erik just flips out, doesn't explain why he's pissed off at all, curses, and now apparently hurts himself over an internet forum. Has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard (well, dumbest since he fake commited suicide just so we would feel bad for him).
His comments in this thread were those of an 8 year old who didn't get the toy they wanted so they threw themselves on the floor and had a temper tantrum.
I don't care if he is 15 or not. The kid needs to grow the fuck up and show some maturity (and respect) for once.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
apparently people still don't know how to read so I'll post this again.
I read it before and don't really agree with everything you said.
paragraph 1 - ok. I wasnt blaming Tim.
paragraph 2 - ok. Erik didn't racially attack anyone.
paragraph 3 - ok. Erik didnt make it personal either. BT doesnt think he should be banned over what he said in that thread. Ie... BT didnt take it personally.
paragraph 4 - no one is freaking out. People are just voicing their opinion in disagreement of the mods decision. I don't agree with the ban on the grounds stated.
FTR - if he really did hurt himself over this incident, then my "give a fuck meter' just dropped all the way to zero.
So how did Erik hurt himself after all this happened exactly? Anyone know that?
He hurt himself? What?
Here's his public FB post:
"Going to fucking bed. Still so fucking pissed. My hand is all shredded up now and looks like it went through a fucking meat grinder. Fuck everything.
And this is why I don't respect Erik. He may be 15 but he acts like an 11 year old who just learned curse words.
His comments on the 1st few pages of this thread were hysterical. "Fuck this! Fuck that! Fuck you, you fucking faggots! You're all pieces of shit!"
He says shit like this instead of having a logical argument. I'm not the biggest fan of Bianca, but she handled her side of this argument quite nicely honestly. She thought out her comments and was for the most part respectful in her comments even though she disagreed with the point of this thread.
Erik just flips out, doesn't explain why he's pissed off at all, curses, and now apparently hurts himself over an internet forum. Has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard (well, dumbest since he fake commited suicide just so we would feel bad for him).
His comments in this thread were those of an 8 year old who didn't get the toy they wanted so they threw themselves on the floor and had a temper tantrum.
I don't care if he is 15 or not. The kid needs to grow the fuck up and show some maturity (and respect) for once.
its the booze. When he's high, he's always chill lol
"Going to fucking bed. Still so fucking pissed. My hand is all shredded up now and looks like it went through a fucking meat grinder. Fuck everything.
His comments on the 1st few pages of this thread were hysterical. "Fuck this! Fuck that! Fuck you, you fucking faggots! You're all pieces of shit!"
He says shit like this instead of having a logical argument. I'm not the biggest fan of Bianca, but she handled her side of this argument quite nicely honestly. She thought out her comments and was for the most part respectful in her comments even though she disagreed with the point of this thread.
Erik just flips out, doesn't explain why he's pissed off at all, curses, and now apparently hurts himself over an internet forum. Has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard (well, dumbest since he fake commited suicide just so we would feel bad for him).
His comments in this thread were those of an 8 year old who didn't get the toy they wanted so they threw themselves on the floor and had a temper tantrum.
I don't care if he is 15 or not. The kid needs to grow the fuck up and show some maturity (and respect) for once.
paragraph 1 - ok. I wasnt blaming Tim.
paragraph 2 - ok. Erik didn't racially attack anyone.
paragraph 3 - ok. Erik didnt make it personal either. BT doesnt think he should be banned over what he said in that thread. Ie... BT didnt take it personally.
paragraph 4 - no one is freaking out. People are just voicing their opinion in disagreement of the mods decision. I don't agree with the ban on the grounds stated.
FTR - if he really did hurt himself over this incident, then my "give a fuck meter' just dropped all the way to zero.
Seriously, you people are nuts.