cool! I know I heard it before and enjoyed it, but I never really sat down and gave it a thorough listen... I'll definately do that as soon as I get my hands on the album \m/
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
More things I LOVE about Pro's and Con's....
1. He does such an incredible job portraying the guilt the protagonist has for cheating on his wife in his dream. The guilt is so real, and takes so many different forms from arabs breaking into his room before he is going to fuck her, to just cowering and feeling completely humiliated from the deed. The guilt is so overwhelming and just drives the loneliness that absorbs him later in the album.
2. I love how towards the end, the experience has been so real and vivid, that he isnt sure if he was even dreaming.
3. LOVED the second to last song when he he comes to this great fantastic epiphany that is the answer to life and everything... It is so clear and so real... and will save him from any more heartache.... and then the last song starts out with that thought completely disappearing like he never had it. lol. It is so funny. I can totally relate... I've had dreams where I feel like I just had this major realization and breakthrough and it will change my life and every ones life come into contact with... and then before I can write it down the thought is just gone. I love that idea. It is so smart.
4. how fucking awesome is Eric Clapton's guitars on "4:41 AM (Sexual Revolution)" ??? Fucking LOVE those licks
5. I love when he uses choir to emphasize certain really non important words.... Like (I'll put the choir in bold to show the emphasis)... "Then the Kids got bronchitis, and the space heater ran out of diesel . One weekend a friend from the east, rot his soul, stole your heart... and I said fuck it then (FUCK IT THEN) take the kids back to town, maybe I'll see you around". It's funny. Using a Choir to emphasis fuck is funny. and it happens other times in the album too.
Kickass man! I'll be sure to use this as I'm listening to the album. I can definately see your passion for Waters and thats fucking awesome! I'm gonna listen to the album when I'm alone so no interupptions and I'll make sure I have this on heand so I can be like "fuck yeah, that's what wake was talking about." I should get it tonight unless the record store doesnt have it, then I will just order it and it should be in the store in a few days \m/ ... but thanks for the breakdown of the album, I'll be sure to listen closely to what you have told me and I'll give a stellar review when I'm done. FUCK YEAH
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited March 2011
\m/ Look forward to hearing what you think.... If you are anything like me though, give it a few listens. I rarely like albums on the first listen, and it isnt until I have heard it a half dozen times that it truly starts to sink in. I think this album is especially the case because there is so much hidden detail that you can't possibly catch on the first listen...
And warning... try not to be disappointed that it is not radio friendly. There arent songs that stand out by themselves... he forsakes being radio friendly for the sake of the story and the experience. I love it for that, but others might not. some people like a song to be a song, and not have to listen to a whole album to see its place. I am not like that.
trust me, I never judge anything based on radio friendly. I think alot of crap they play on the radio is alot forcefed garbage that would be unheard of if it wasnt for the radio and the only reason they get play is becasue they keep their music radio friendly.
i listen to alot of hardcore/punk. i seem to be the only one who likes that genre, there are a few others on this board, but I'm in the minority, and I am totally fine with that. I grew up in south jersey/philly where hardcore had a big following and its been a huge influence on my life. the passion and drive on those types of bands is like nothing i've ever seen before weather it be positive or negative. the genre has a brotherhood aspect to it and i've met alot of great people throughout the years that i consider true friends and i think the meaning and morals from alot of the bands in HC have helped me throughout my life. weather they are a postive band, negative, political, anti war, the bands always preach family, self motivation, and respect. thats what i love most about hardcore. and i've been going to HC shows for over a decade and I still havent seen any other genre come close to the throwing a show as fun, insane, and exciting as a hardcore show.
now let me say this, I donot turn or shy away from any music genre, there are bands in every genre that i like and dislike, hardcore just happens to be one of my favorites. I can listen to anything from Madball to Fiona Apple or from Dying Fetus to Phil Collins. I t just depends on the artist for me I have a very open mind and am willing to give anything a chance. just thought I should share a little of my past when you brought up the radio friendly stuff, cause thats just not me.
lol, sorry for the diversion, now back to waters... in the first paragraph i definately agree, I'll listen to an album and it wont click right away, I might even have to put it away for a while and come back and listen to it somemore and then it will finally sink in. and in other cases i'll listen to something once and love it, for example, theres a newer instrumental band out there called Scale the SUmmit, I listend to their album and instantly loved it, but other artists it takes a while. but i will give you a reveiew after the first listen and comeback and give another one after a while of hearing it.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
btw, is pros and cons your favorite all time album?
I dont know.... maybe. It is really hard to say for sure because my favorite albums change from time to time depending on my mood. Sometimes I will even say I like The Wall better. Sometimes I will say I like some DM album better.
But Pro's and Con's is absolutely an album from time to time I will claim as my all time favorite.
whats some other shit your are into man besides just floyd, i like a little of everything, hardcore, deathmetal, thrash grindcore, classic rock, experimental, sludge, blues, rap i guess i like a little of everything. I am very openminded do you like anything i like besides floyd?
i gave you some of my music past and other genres I'm into, just curious as to what yours are?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
okay... albums that I have much love for:
Ayreon - Human Equation (have you heard this???) At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul Bloodbath - Resurrection Though Carnage Death - Symbolic, Individual Thought Patterns Control Denied - The Fragile Art Of Existence Pantera - Far Beyond Driven Carcass - Heartwork Led Zeppelin - IV, II , Physical Graffiti Devin Townsend - Ziltoid the Omniscient Chris Cornell - Unplugged in Sweden (I hate the rest of Chris Cornell though) The Beatles - Sgt Pepper, Help, Abbey road, revolver Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal Frank Zappa - Apostrophe Gojira - From Mars to Sirus Tool - Lateralus
Genre's - My favorite genres are Death Metal (technical, melodic, and progressive), and classic rock and progressive metal/rock. I also like some thrash metal, blues, rap, pop, classical... every now and then i'll even stumble across a hardcore, metalcore band that I dont hate. Like Hatebreed for example... I wouldnt ever say their albums are great because they really are just 45 minutes of breakdowns.... however Josta is a pretty cool fucker and his concerts are dope.
in-spite of what image I may have given people around here, I am actually pretty open minded about music. I'll actually listen to quite a lot of different shit. I just dont have any problems calling out those bands for being unoriginal or untalented. doesnt mean I totally hate them or never listen to them.
Like Hatebreed for example... I wouldnt ever say their albums are great because they really are just 45 minutes of breakdowns.... however Josta is a pretty cool fucker and his concerts are dope.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Like Hatebreed for example... I wouldnt ever say their albums are great because they really are just 45 minutes of breakdowns.... however Josta is a pretty cool fucker and his concerts are dope.
This is exactly how I feel about Hatebreed.
If you like hatebreed, I dont think there is really any other way to think about them. unless you are an idiot when it comes to music composition. :-))
Far Beyond Driven got me into metal, it came out when I was like 11, it's my favorite Pantera album also. \m/ I like all the bands you listed, *highfive*
Yes, Hatebreed puts on one of the best shows around, and no they are not 45mins of breakdowns at all. They are one of the more metal/thrash driven hardcore bands out there. Hatebreed means alot to me personally, their music has lifted my spirits to get through alot of hard times in my life when I thought I was down and out. If you think Hatebreed is just 45 mins of breakdowns, I think you are very closeminded. I understand that style of music is not for everyone, but they are more then just breakdowns by far. But honestly, I think of Hatebreed of more of a metal band anyway, and I think this is where alot of people get confused with hardcore, when I say hardcore, I'm not talking about every metalcore or deathore or any band for that matter with a breakdown. I'm talking about bands who live and preach the family aspect of the genre. and yes I think Hatebreed is one of those bands, but they've evolved into a more metal style band. I still love them and think they have the best shows and have never waivered in their style and always bring it and put out positive uplifint music for everyone, theyre just not a traditional hardcore band anymore.
you seem to have an openmind to me, I never thought you were against any specific genre, you seem to have love for music as a whole in general. I also am into alot of music genre's I like to keep an open mind, but if I hear something that is not true I have to say something about it, if you want an album full of breakdowns, go listen to that Acacia Strain trash.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Yes, Hatebreed puts on one of the best shows around, and no they are not 45mins of breakdowns at all.
I am also totally guilty of over-exaggerating almost everything, especially when it is something more negative. I do it to emphasis points even though I know it isnt totally true. I think it make language more fun and colorful.
for some reason when I read your hatebreed rant, I had defeatist playing in the back of my head. lol. I love that song! make you want to crush some skulls, doesnt it?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited March 2011
Far Beyond Driven got me into metal, it came out when I was like 11, it's my favorite Pantera album also. \m/ I like all the bands you listed, *highfive*
I think I was either 16-17 when that album came out.... Metallica/Megadeth/Slayer is really the bands that got me into metal. It is funny though, I feel as if Pantera has stood the tests of time much greater then those other three bands. There is very little that I don't love about Pantera. Cowboys, Vulgar, FBD, Trendkill, and steel... Just all \m/
Either the greatest or second greatest concert I ever saw was Pantera, Sepultura, and Prong. I know I've told this story before but just being 16 and at this show was so fucking epic. All ages show, and he is throwing 300 beers to the crowd (I caught one), having girls strip on stage, and the pit - JESUS what a fucking monster - I came home with a black eye, was high as fuck, and had a shirt that looked just like this :
my mom flipped! hahahaha... "Joel! Do you know what people are going to think when they see you wearing that shirt?!?" "no what mom?" "they are going to think you smoke (in whispered voice) marijuana" I just started laughing. it was funny. Pantera!!! \m/ RIP Dime
lol, I wasnt ranting, I guess I was guilty of taking what you said to serious. I was just trying to explain a few things. I heard bands that have nonstop breakdowns and it takes the life out of me, the acacia strain is a good exaple, they drive me nuts @-) breakdowns imo are supposed to be saved for a special part of the song and not the entire songs. I think Pantera for example used breakdowns the right way, few and far between, but always seemd to add it in at the right time. Use my third arm is a great example of that.
...listen, I know Hatebreed do not write the best music out there, I know they have alot of very simple songs, but they definately get the job done and are terrific at what they do. and Jasta's lyrics are very comdendable and powerful and have helped alot of people get through tough shit. The band in genral are a very positive aspect of the metal community. There arent too many bands that made it big that play hardcore, Hatebreed is great.
and yes, i like defeatist, its a great song, alot of their songs bring out the aggresion in me. lol. when I'm working a hard day lifting block all day,tired as fuck, i think of the song perseverence alot. that song gets me through it. that should be the bricklayers theme song :-))
yeah, I love Pantera. I don't get all the overrated talk at all? they were fucking killer. I notice alot of the overrated talk comes from people who are younger and prolly didn't even get into metal until way after dimebag died. Their who style was original and well before it's time. There are very few bands I consider a favorite and Pantera is one of them, they are not overrated. The only people who think that prolly never really listened to them. btw... I have the cover of VDOP tattooed on my arm, with the band's signatures, they signed my tattoo with a sharpie and i went to the shop and got the sigs tattooed on my arm \m/
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Sweet Tat! Post a pic!
yeah completely.... People who say they were overrated just don't understand what they were doing at the time. Grunge was so saturated in music, and finding anything else that wasn't apart of that Seattle scene was difficult. Yet there was Pantera, picking up the metal torch, and rocking the fuck out.... I know there were other bands doing their shit.... but just no one was as big as Pantera.
Their concerts were also just so fucking crazy. Never before has there been a concert more crazy then Pantera, and never again will there be. Pantera was the climax of really crazy shit at concerts... now a days, everyone is to sue happy and legal happy to pull the shit they pulled.
1. He does such an incredible job portraying the guilt the protagonist has for cheating on his wife in his dream. The guilt is so real, and takes so many different forms from arabs breaking into his room before he is going to fuck her, to just cowering and feeling completely humiliated from the deed. The guilt is so overwhelming and just drives the loneliness that absorbs him later in the album.
2. I love how towards the end, the experience has been so real and vivid, that he isnt sure if he was even dreaming.
3. LOVED the second to last song when he he comes to this great fantastic epiphany that is the answer to life and everything... It is so clear and so real... and will save him from any more heartache.... and then the last song starts out with that thought completely disappearing like he never had it. lol. It is so funny. I can totally relate... I've had dreams where I feel like I just had this major realization and breakthrough and it will change my life and every ones life come into contact with... and then before I can write it down the thought is just gone. I love that idea. It is so smart.
4. how fucking awesome is Eric Clapton's guitars on "4:41 AM (Sexual Revolution)" ??? Fucking LOVE those licks
5. I love when he uses choir to emphasize certain really non important words.... Like (I'll put the choir in bold to show the emphasis)... "Then the Kids got bronchitis, and the space heater ran out of diesel . One weekend a friend from the east, rot his soul, stole your heart... and I said fuck it then (FUCK IT THEN) take the kids back to town, maybe I'll see you around". It's funny. Using a Choir to emphasis fuck is funny. and it happens other times in the album too.
And warning... try not to be disappointed that it is not radio friendly. There arent songs that stand out by themselves... he forsakes being radio friendly for the sake of the story and the experience. I love it for that, but others might not. some people like a song to be a song, and not have to listen to a whole album to see its place. I am not like that.
i listen to alot of hardcore/punk. i seem to be the only one who likes that genre, there are a few others on this board, but I'm in the minority, and I am totally fine with that. I grew up in south jersey/philly where hardcore had a big following and its been a huge influence on my life. the passion and drive on those types of bands is like nothing i've ever seen before weather it be positive or negative. the genre has a brotherhood aspect to it and i've met alot of great people throughout the years that i consider true friends and i think the meaning and morals from alot of the bands in HC have helped me throughout my life. weather they are a postive band, negative, political, anti war, the bands always preach family, self motivation, and respect. thats what i love most about hardcore. and i've been going to HC shows for over a decade and I still havent seen any other genre come close to the throwing a show as fun, insane, and exciting as a hardcore show.
now let me say this, I donot turn or shy away from any music genre, there are bands in every genre that i like and dislike, hardcore just happens to be one of my favorites. I can listen to anything from Madball to Fiona Apple or from Dying Fetus to Phil Collins. I t just depends on the artist for me I have a very open mind and am willing to give anything a chance. just thought I should share a little of my past when you brought up the radio friendly stuff, cause thats just not me.
lol, sorry for the diversion, now back to waters... in the first paragraph i definately agree, I'll listen to an album and it wont click right away, I might even have to put it away for a while and come back and listen to it somemore and then it will finally sink in. and in other cases i'll listen to something once and love it, for example, theres a newer instrumental band out there called Scale the SUmmit, I listend to their album and instantly loved it, but other artists it takes a while. but i will give you a reveiew after the first listen and comeback and give another one after a while of hearing it.
But Pro's and Con's is absolutely an album from time to time I will claim as my all time favorite.
i gave you some of my music past and other genres I'm into, just curious as to what yours are?
Ayreon - Human Equation (have you heard this???)
At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
Bloodbath - Resurrection Though Carnage
Death - Symbolic, Individual Thought Patterns
Control Denied - The Fragile Art Of Existence
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Carcass - Heartwork
Led Zeppelin - IV, II , Physical Graffiti
Devin Townsend - Ziltoid the Omniscient
Chris Cornell - Unplugged in Sweden (I hate the rest of Chris Cornell though)
The Beatles - Sgt Pepper, Help, Abbey road, revolver
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal
Frank Zappa - Apostrophe
Gojira - From Mars to Sirus
Tool - Lateralus
Genre's - My favorite genres are Death Metal (technical, melodic, and progressive), and classic rock and progressive metal/rock. I also like some thrash metal, blues, rap, pop, classical... every now and then i'll even stumble across a hardcore, metalcore band that I dont hate. Like Hatebreed for example... I wouldnt ever say their albums are great because they really are just 45 minutes of breakdowns.... however Josta is a pretty cool fucker and his concerts are dope.
in-spite of what image I may have given people around here, I am actually pretty open minded about music. I'll actually listen to quite a lot of different shit. I just dont have any problems calling out those bands for being unoriginal or untalented. doesnt mean I totally hate them or never listen to them.
Yes, Hatebreed puts on one of the best shows around, and no they are not 45mins of breakdowns at all. They are one of the more metal/thrash driven hardcore bands out there. Hatebreed means alot to me personally, their music has lifted my spirits to get through alot of hard times in my life when I thought I was down and out. If you think Hatebreed is just 45 mins of breakdowns, I think you are very closeminded. I understand that style of music is not for everyone, but they are more then just breakdowns by far. But honestly, I think of Hatebreed of more of a metal band anyway, and I think this is where alot of people get confused with hardcore, when I say hardcore, I'm not talking about every metalcore or deathore or any band for that matter with a breakdown. I'm talking about bands who live and preach the family aspect of the genre. and yes I think Hatebreed is one of those bands, but they've evolved into a more metal style band. I still love them and think they have the best shows and have never waivered in their style and always bring it and put out positive uplifint music for everyone, theyre just not a traditional hardcore band anymore.
you seem to have an openmind to me, I never thought you were against any specific genre, you seem to have love for music as a whole in general. I also am into alot of music genre's I like to keep an open mind, but if I hear something that is not true I have to say something about it, if you want an album full of breakdowns, go listen to that Acacia Strain trash.
for some reason when I read your hatebreed rant, I had defeatist playing in the back of my head. lol. I love that song! make you want to crush some skulls, doesnt it?
Either the greatest or second greatest concert I ever saw was Pantera, Sepultura, and Prong. I know I've told this story before but just being 16 and at this show was so fucking epic. All ages show, and he is throwing 300 beers to the crowd (I caught one), having girls strip on stage, and the pit - JESUS what a fucking monster - I came home with a black eye, was high as fuck, and had a shirt that looked just like this :
my mom flipped! hahahaha... "Joel! Do you know what people are going to think when they see you wearing that shirt?!?" "no what mom?" "they are going to think you smoke (in whispered voice) marijuana" I just started laughing. it was funny. Pantera!!! \m/ RIP Dime
...listen, I know Hatebreed do not write the best music out there, I know they have alot of very simple songs, but they definately get the job done and are terrific at what they do. and Jasta's lyrics are very comdendable and powerful and have helped alot of people get through tough shit. The band in genral are a very positive aspect of the metal community. There arent too many bands that made it big that play hardcore, Hatebreed is great.
and yes, i like defeatist, its a great song, alot of their songs bring out the aggresion in me. lol. when I'm working a hard day lifting block all day,tired as fuck, i think of the song perseverence alot. that song gets me through it. that should be the bricklayers theme song :-))
btw... I have the cover of VDOP tattooed on my arm, with the band's signatures, they signed my tattoo with a sharpie and i went to the shop and got the sigs tattooed on my arm \m/
yeah completely.... People who say they were overrated just don't understand what they were doing at the time. Grunge was so saturated in music, and finding anything else that wasn't apart of that Seattle scene was difficult. Yet there was Pantera, picking up the metal torch, and rocking the fuck out.... I know there were other bands doing their shit.... but just no one was as big as Pantera.
Their concerts were also just so fucking crazy. Never before has there been a concert more crazy then Pantera, and never again will there be. Pantera was the climax of really crazy shit at concerts... now a days, everyone is to sue happy and legal happy to pull the shit they pulled.