No, you've failed at proving a point. You'd be great as a low end lawyer that could curse out the judge and anyone who opposes him. If only cases were done on the internet because then you could prove your point IN. A. MANNER. LIKE. THIS.
I'm going to agree with what chuck said and say quit obsessing.
I understand a lot of people don't like breakdowns but I will say this about Lazarus ad it is done in a way that it improves the song and doesn't overwhelm you with non stop breakdowns.
It is also sad people won't listen to certain stuff because their may be a breakdown in it
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
But they also came out with an album this year....I mean GD did the same and so have other bands (album one year and then a new one the next year) but whatevers
I know you've been out of the game for a while, but that's called a riff.
In an attempt to return this to a dialectic and not people bitching at each other, I will (try to) define a breakdown through my eyes. A breakdown is a repeated chord or note that acts as a bridge between various parts of the song. While it is commonplace to have a change in tempo during a breakdown, its main characteristics center around the riffing pattern.
My main issues with this primarily centers around songwriting and general listening aesthetic. Since the breakdown has become popular, it has been popular to write fewer riffs in an attempt to incorporate breakdowns into music to increase mainstream appeal. In my opinion, several of the best albums in history (Darkness Descends, Spectrum of Death, Altars of Madness) incorporate a large amount of riffs due to their ability to be versatile. Breakdowns however, are much less versatile, if at all. Also, it's incredibly boring to me to hear the same notes repeated in rhythm with little variation. It ruins the aesthetic of listening to music.
In many of the new metal bands that play in the fusion genre's of Deathcore / Metalcore they make heavy use of breakdowns, which are slow pace strumming on the guitar typically palm muted and on an open e.
In many of the new metal bands that play in the fusion genre's of Deathcore / Metalcore they make heavy use of breakdowns, which are slow pace strumming on the guitar typically palm muted and on an open e.
I'm just gonna leave this here...
Pretty much.
It's funny. I'm shit on Guitar, but I learned 2nd Sucks. It's all palm muted E and A strings on the first fret almost the entire way through. And it follows the Bass Drum pattern, so the pattern is easy.
Go God Go
I understand a lot of people don't like breakdowns but I will say this about Lazarus ad it is done in a way that it improves the song and doesn't overwhelm you with non stop breakdowns.
It is also sad people won't listen to certain stuff because their may be a breakdown in it
"Fucking great news coming next day or two..Kataklysm breaks new ground once again!!"
I'm guessing it's an album/other-related matter and not a tour one, seeing as they already have dates announced.
In an attempt to return this to a dialectic and not people bitching at each other, I will (try to) define a breakdown through my eyes. A breakdown is a repeated chord or note that acts as a bridge between various parts of the song. While it is commonplace to have a change in tempo during a breakdown, its main characteristics center around the riffing pattern.
My main issues with this primarily centers around songwriting and general listening aesthetic. Since the breakdown has become popular, it has been popular to write fewer riffs in an attempt to incorporate breakdowns into music to increase mainstream appeal. In my opinion, several of the best albums in history (Darkness Descends, Spectrum of Death, Altars of Madness) incorporate a large amount of riffs due to their ability to be versatile. Breakdowns however, are much less versatile, if at all. Also, it's incredibly boring to me to hear the same notes repeated in rhythm with little variation. It ruins the aesthetic of listening to music.
I'm just gonna leave this here...
It's funny. I'm shit on Guitar, but I learned 2nd Sucks. It's all palm muted E and A strings on the first fret almost the entire way through. And it follows the Bass Drum pattern, so the pattern is easy.