To be, what is by a definition, a breakdown, then yes, it has to slow the song down.
Those aren't breakdowns.
End of story.
Again, breakdowns don't have to slow down. Lazarus AD has breakdowns just like any other band that uses them but their breakdowns speed up or remain the same, they're all breakdowns.
No, my metaphor flew over your beanie.
looks like that one flew over YOUR head. You know what an analogy is right?
Looks like somebody has a case of the Tuesdays....
To be, what is by a definition, a breakdown, then yes, it has to slow the song down.
Those aren't breakdowns.
End of story.
No. A breakdown is the use of the guitar by using certain simple cords. Doesn't really matter how fast or slow. It's just more noticeable when slowed down. Fucking listen...shit
To be, what is by a definition, a breakdown, then yes, it has to slow the song down.
Those aren't breakdowns.
End of story.
No. A breakdown is the use of the guitar by using certain simple cords. Doesn't really matter how fast or slow. It's just more noticeable when slowed down. Fucking listen...shit
Exactly. Simple chords that create a more br00tal riff. Can be fast, slow, etc. Whitechapel has breakdowns that remain the same speed as the rest of the song but they're definitely breakdowns
No. To be what is truly a breakdown, is has to be slow. Those aren't breakdowns. And breakdowns are more focused around the Bass Drums, so your Guitar logic is fail.
No. To be what is truly a breakdown, is has to be slow. Those aren't breakdowns. And breakdowns are more focused around the Bass Drums, so your Guitar logic is fail.
If we're going by those terms then read this: To be scene you must listen to scene bands, have gauges, long swooping hair, and jizz over bmth. Therefore Erik, you are scene. No exceptions. End of story.
You don't even play're a drummer. And I'm sorry, but your definition of a breakdown is absolutely retarded and what a "true scenie" would say and keep defending like a dumbass
You don't even play're a drummer. And I'm sorry, but your definition of a breakdown is absolutely retarded and what a "true scenie" would say and keep defending like a dumbass
Exactly. It's a breakdown, who cares? It's not like we're saying they're bad or anything but it definitely is a breakdown
No I don't play Guitar, but I know what a breakdown is based around, and it's mainly the Drums, which is why the Guitar follows the Bass Drums 99% of the time.
I'm not even defending it, I'm just sick of you faggots talking shit about shit you have no idea about.
Looks like you have no idea....Breakdowns don't have to be focused around the drums to be breakdowns, otherwise Whitechapel and other deathcore bands have a lot less breakdowns than people say they do
Did I say they never do? See you need to read the full sentence. I said they would have a lot less breakdowns than they do. I didn't say they would have no breakdowns
No I don't play Guitar, but I know what a breakdown is based around, and it's mainly the Drums, which is why the Guitar follows the Bass Drums 99% of the time.
I'm not even defending it, I'm just sick of you faggots talking shit about shit you have no idea about.
I don't know if this is because of you're a drummer or wtf...but to me the guitars would lead the drums. Such as, the drums follow the riffs. And I think its funny how everyone is always wrong, and you're right. I'm sure if you said the grass is blue, and we'd explain to you how its green, you'd still be right in your own little world..
Those aren't breakdowns.
End of story.
To be scene you must listen to scene bands, have gauges, long swooping hair, and jizz over bmth. Therefore Erik, you are scene. No exceptions. End of story.
I'm not even defending it, I'm just sick of you faggots talking shit about shit you have no idea about.