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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    It just came out last night. You tested this new one? Ive been in discord threads and everyone seems to be liking it. 

    I should have benchmarked before the change 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Pikmin 4 is quietly one of the best games of the year. It will get criminally slept on and it’s a damn shame. Game is a complete fucking treat. *chef’s kiss*
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    Yeah, can confirm that the new driver makes madden playable lol. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Also, finished Resident Evil 4 Remake last night. 23 hours so 4 longer than Dead Space Remake. Given that this was officially my first ever full playthrough of it in any form, I do have to say that even wit the new coat of paint, it does feel a bit dated and overrated, especially compared to the Dead Space Remake. I understand that Dead Space came after Resident Evil 4 anyways, but the Dead Space Remake could have very well been a brand new 2023 game and it woulda fit right in, whereas Resident Evil 4 still FEELS like a 2005 game, if that makes sense.

    For one thing, it felt WAY too linear. Literally on rails in every sense of the word. Given how they top to bottom redid 2, I felt they could have done the same on here and opened it up a lil instead. Dead Space was technically very linear as well, simply due to being on a ship, but at the same time, there were so many fucking rooms and chambers and different floors and shit that it would have been way too easy to straight up get lost without the objective tracker. Definitely can’t say the same for RE4. It’s extremely “Point A to point B, color inside the lines.”

    On top of that, what really bothered me and showed it’s age, is how completely fucking HEAVY Leon feels. He literally controls like he’s wearing magnet boots. And it’s especially irritating because in cutscenes, he’s this all out badass military type mf, nimble and quick as fuck, expert hand to hand martial arts master, but yet you don’t even get a fucking dodge/evade button? Now he moves like he’s 80? Technically there is an evade button, but it’s QTE/situational and only triggers for very specific attacks. There’s no general hop out of the way dodge type button. What this led to is situations like the final boss battle, where I legitimately didn’t know if it was even possible to not get hit by certain attacks. His toxic ink attacks, the horizontal one could be ducked, but the ones from above that “whip” you, I seriously have no clue if you have any other option other than laying down and taking it. You can’t jump out of the way, you can’t pre-run and sprint out of the way since even the sprint is extremely fucking slow and clunky, and the QTE evade never triggers for it, so you can’t even do that. I still beat it, obviously, but it did not play out in a satisfying way at all.

    I also hated how over the top scarce ammo was, especially more towards the end when it starts turning more and more Call Of Duty. Survival Horror or not, there were literally multiple instances where I literally had nothing whatsoever to defend myself wit in the middle of heavy combat. No ammo, no knives, either no or not enough resources or gunpowder to craft ammo, nothing. And it’s not like you can buy any either at the merchant, most you can do is somewhat stock up on resources, (And even then, they severely limit how much you can buy.) but you can’t buy gunpowder, so you’re then left praying to the RNG Gods that you get gunpowder from loot drops, and there were again multiple extended instances where they were giving me nothing but money or herbs and I literally could not craft any ammo. It’s especially egregious considering even headshots take 4-5 bullets to kill, even on maxed out guns. It was somewhat acceptable in certain levels, like the lab wit the regenerating zombies that you can simply run away from and don’t need to kill. But at the end when it’s full blown Call Of Duty and you need to clear mass enemies to even progress, it’s nothing but a complete annoyance that makes it tedious to clear. This was a slight problem in DS, but in hindsight and compared to this, it actually wasn’t a problem at all in that case.

    Lastly, the saves and how many hidden point of no returns there are. Dated ass quality of life type game design honestly. I get that it’s in place to incentivize replays, but it was overdone. It completely fucked me at the end, cause I was doing all the requests/side missions for the merchant and was literally at 17/18 complete, and got fucked out of the entire achievement for the entire playthrough on the very last blue medallion of the very last request. Had 4/5 and on the map, the last one was showing up directly above me on the top floor. So given how the entire rest of the game went up to that point, I figured, “Okay, it’s on an upper floor, I’ll scope it out when I head upstairs.”. Nope. Turns out there was no actual upper floor, and it was hanging in a clock tower above the building, but can only be seen and shot at from an angle in front of the door you originally came in at, except there’s a door in the building that locks behind you once you go thru it, so there’s absolutely no way back to go back and get it. And you can see the tower when you exit on the other side, but the medallion is obstructed by the pillars from that side, and splash damage from an RPG doesn’t break it either, so you’re all the way fucked. It wasn’t the biggest deal since I wasn’t doing all achievements on this anyways, doing so takes 4 full playthroughs minimum and LMAO yea absolutely fucking not, so ultimately this was nothing but one more out of a lot of achievements I missed on this game anyways, but still, it was the entire principle and the fact that I had gone out of my way and took the extra time to clear all the side shit, only to get completely fucked out of all of it on literally the very last fucking medallion. It honestly put such a sick taste in my mouth that I had ended the session right then and there. I had already been playing 4+ hours and had intended to fully close out the game, but that shit sucked all the life out of it and I didn’t even wanna play anymore honestly. Turns out I only had like an hour and a half left too lmao.

    It may sound like I hated the game, but overall I did genuinely enjoy my playthrough, it jus had some glaring issues for me and I walked out feeling like it was overrated. I enjoyed Dead Space so much more than this honestly. I get how massively influential it was for it’s time, but maybe it’s one of those game changers like Super Mario 64 that did a lot for the industry, but didn’t necessarily age well. But that’s all the more disappointing because it’s one thing for an old game to feel old, but seeing how Capcom wasn’t at all afraid to completely overhaul other remakes, like RE2, to the point that the original and remake are essentially 2 entirely different, separate games, then they definitely could have did more on this one to freshen it up and remove dated bullshit. But seems like they were more hesitant to really change anything since this was always considered THEE Resident Evil game. Maybe Dead Space was jus ahead of it’s time or something, but like I said, the remake would feel right at home as a brand new 2023 IP wit no prior history, whereas RE4 I honestly can’t say the same. It feels like….a remake. But I did overall enjoy it. And graphically it’s one of the best looking games I’ve ever seen, like top 5 level. 8/10
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited August 2023
    FINALLY starting Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. It had been my “next game up” so many times and kept getting held up for one reason or another lmao. Ironically, it was originally sposed to coincide wit my Clone Wars/Rebels watch throughs, as well as the newest Bad Batch and Mandalorian seasons, while my mind was still freshly on Star Wars, but it never happened, and now I’m finally bout to start it, coinciding wit the premiere of Ahsoka anyways. Go fucking figure lmao.

    Next 3 will be this, Hogwarts Legacy, and Jedi Survivor. Would do both Star Wars back to back but I’ll do Hogwarts in between so I don’t get burnt out on Star Wars cause each game is individually pretty long.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Installed those new drivers and GPU is staying locked at 800MHz now even on Turbo and plugged in. How do I change it?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Yea this shit ass lmao how do I revert?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Went back to old drivers and GPU usage is now 0% and won’t play any games. Fucking lovely.
  • FLATFLAT Posts: 60,803 spicy boy
    Y’all nutting over this thing but almost every post is downloading or reconfiguring something. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,013 spicy boy
    Dark Forces and Turok 3 remasters announced!
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    edited August 2023
    FLAT said:
    Y’all nutting over this thing but almost every post is downloading or reconfiguring something. 
    Naw the problem is this assclown is spreading an update that wasn’t optimized for the Ally yet. This is literally the first time I ever had issues wit it. 5 hours later and it still ain’t fucking fixed. Remind me to never do any bullshit like this ever again. It wasn’t officially rolled out for a fucking reason.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Jus finally got it back to normal. Jesus fucking Christ. Nearly bricked the fucking thing. Yea next time I’ll be patient and wait for the official rollout. No fucking problem. Smh. Shit took up my entire fucking night.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,990 jayfacer
    Aside from the massive fucking headache it was to fix it after the fact, it was clear that it wasn’t ready for the Ally yet. I played a little bit of Pikmin 4 and the shadow flickering was finally 100% gone, so like Ed said, it specifically does improve Switch emulation, but as far as native games, Halo Infinite kept crashing upon launch every time. And GPU usage would not go any higher than 800 MHz, it stayed locked. Apparently this was only an issue if you were unplugged and anything lower than 30W Turbo, but I was plugged in the whole time and it never went above 800MHz. And based on the bullshit I faced afterwards, it looks like it’s an issue wit not playing nice wit the SE version of Armoury Crate on the Ally. Cause when I tried to revert back, the same issue persisted, except now it wouldn’t raise above 0. GPU usage on Armoury Crate was the consistent problem on both drivers, and it didn’t exist until I tried installing this new one. 

    Absolutely nothing about that was worth it, even as flawless as Pikmin 4 looked. If the official rollout ain’t til end of next month, so be it. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    Lol. It's a 5 minute install, and just as easy to roll back. 

    You installed the old drivers from the link. I said that those ones were old, but that it was the instructions lmao. 

    Yeah that one glitches the gpu. This one fixes that, and it's a major stability improvement. 
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    This is why we don’t trust people who work in insurance 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    I need to re-download jedi survivor, because the game breaks the Ally lol. 

    It's so poorly optimized that no one can get through the first travel point without the game crashing lol. Most people have been playing it on a different device and then switching over. 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    LOL I told y’all niggas don’t install them drivers. I’ll let you know when everything is good

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    AMD has dropped the ball hard on the 7000 series. We’ll prob be on the 8000 by the time we get competent drivers. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,937 spicy boy
    NOCAP said:
    LOL I told y’all niggas don’t install them drivers. I’ll let you know when everything is good
    Erik just didn't do it right. 

    Zero problems and it's never ran better. 

    Most of the performance you are seeing is a stability improvement. A few frames, but for games like madden, or any new game that isn't perfectly optimized, these are going to help. 
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