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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    edited May 2023
    And you're telling me you don't want to play that in 4k 60 fps+ or? 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    Ima just wait a few for the kinks to be worked out with the emulator version and play that
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,104 master of ceremonies
    Xeno said:
    My fucking laptop is falling apart. Incredibly disappointed with the HP Omen. My speakers need replacing, the battery was always shit, and now my keyboard isn't working. The 'c' key, and '0', '2', '5' and '8' on the number pad intermittently work. Its so annoying, and impossible to type anything. This is the second laptop I've had where the keyboard failed after a couple years. It's always just a few keys too. So fucking irritating. This laptop is dated (it only has a 1070 graphics card) but I was hoping to at least get a few more years out of it before needing to upgrade, it's only a couple years old. 
    Lenovo Legion gang
    I might go MSI. Those seem nice
    MSI is the best performance for your money you can get, I've heard iffy things about the build quality for that reason though
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,104 master of ceremonies
    It's hilarious that I bought a gaming laptop instead of a tower because I was long haul trucking and barely stayed long haul trucking enough for it to be used on the road. I like it though, I can slide it into my backpack and bring it over to the bois on drinky nights
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    And idk what yall are reading or hearing, because all the reviews I’ve seen have actually said the complete opposite and that it’s unbelievable how well the game performs for how massive it is and how dated the hardware is. I think it was ACG that said the game is nearly flawless in that regard and how it’s a breath of fresh air to play a game that’s actually complete and works correctly on launch day. And the game looks fucking gorgeous in all the videos I’ve seen. That art style is timeless. I guess there is occasional slight frame rate dips, but saying it’s “constant” is pure over exaggeration.

    Yes, Nintendo is on dated hardware. I agreed and said the same shit a few months back and said that they really need to shit or get off the pot finally wit the Switch 2 or whatever it’s called, even if they have to go the 2 model route where the base version is cheap to keep their kid friendly sales in line, and a more powerful Pro version is there for the ones that want it. Although that wouldn’t be ideal either because then they’d run into a Series S/X problem, where the superior model never gets utilized to it’s full potential, because they’re bottlenecked by trying to compromise for the weak model. But either way it needs to happen, and I think it finally inevitably will on this next console because literally, what other option do they have? They’re gonna announce a new console in 2023+ and say it has basically the same specs as the current Switch and they’re staying wit PS3 tier graphics? Yea, not happening. ESPECIALLY not wit this emergence of Steam Decks, Allys, Ayaneos, Etc. These are all essentially Switches on steroids, and while Nintendo was clearly never about being a performance powerhouse, I highly doubt they’re going to willingly and intentionally be the weakest possible version of this type of device, when there is now a large selection to choose from. It was different when the Switch first dropped and it was the first of it’s kind to properly fuse home and on the go gameplay, but now, wit all the superior clones that their initial blueprint ended up producing? Not so much, they know it has to be different this time.

    But that all being said, they get away wit it because their games are like a BMW, where a lot of what you’re paying for is the damn near guaranteed high quality and reliability. Especially their flagship franchises like Mario and Zelda. TOTK is essentially a lock-in for GOTY already and it’s not looking like anything else this year will have any kind of chance whatsoever. Hogwarts Legacy might get some nods, and as far as upcoming releases, Spider-Man 2, but they still won’t beat it. To this day, games are STILL mimicking BOTW because it wasn’t only GOTY that year, but it left that big of an impression on the entire industry moving forward. There will be 100 games released this year that all technically outperform TOTK in specs, FPS, resolution, all that, but will any of them be better GAMES? Will any of them be more fun to actually PLAY? Yall will sit here and say that it’s about the actual gameplay and how you’re sick of modern gaming and all of it’s bugs, micro transactions, pretty games wit no depth, etc. But yet here’s a game without any of that, focused on pure gameplay and it fully WORKS….and you’re writing it off because it doesn’t hit peak FPS?? 😐 Like pick a side lmao. I consider myself a spec junkie too which is the whole reason I’ve sat here contemplating spending $4K+ to get an absolute top of the line PC wit a 4090 and have the best of the best. But I’m also not gonna be THAT nitpicky, especially when the actual game is that high of a caliber. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    I do think it preforms pretty well for the hardware it's on. I don't argue that. 

    And it is going to get better. 

    It would just be so easy to make a game like that look and run better with better hardware. 

    I tolerated it with violet I'm sure it's not really an issue. 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,104 master of ceremonies
    Finished dat ironman XCOM 2 playthrough
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,104 master of ceremonies
    Thankfully the chosen that I fucked up the stronghold mission on was the easiest one to kill over and over
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    Yeah fuck it probably just going to go get an oled and there lmao
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    Full set received now. Case and Amiibo jus came today. Can finally transfer over to the SWOLED and start using that. Was waiting for the case to get here cause it comes wit a screen protector so buying a separate one would have been pointless. I’m very careful wit my shit, but it would be jus my luck to scratch the screen up before I put the protector on, so I said fuck that and waited lmfao wasn’t even gonna risk it. Considering the fact that I already went all in, I guess I really shoulda copped the collector’s edition of the game too lmao. But honestly, especially the price they were asking for it, that shit was weak as fuck for a collector’s edition. It should have at least came wit a dope exclusive Amiibo or something but I’ll pass on $130 for a lil art book and a pin lmao.

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    Tempting but it only took me an hour to get it up and running in 60 frames  in yuzu so I think ima just use that. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer
    So the Ally confirmed runs some games in 4K docked, even without the XG Mobile. Very interesting. 🧐
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,104 master of ceremonies
    Hell yeah 15FPS
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,996 jayfacer

    Granted he’s running them at lower settings, but that’s still impressive for an iGPU. I’m literally gonna have to fuck around and cop that XG Mobile lmao it makes this the perfect all in one. I can’t wait to see the demo videos of the 4090 paired wit this in docked mode.
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,104 master of ceremonies
    I'm just still pissed at the Wild Hunt update on pc
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    Yeah I don't get that lol. 

    They should have just left the pc version alone. Mods could unlock pretty much everything they upgraded, and not break the game lmao
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Jedi Survivor has been so damn good. That’s how you build on a game and make the sequel
    better. The lightsaber combat is so much better in this one. I like how they started you off as a seasoned Jedi and not having to kinda rebuild like you haven’t been running and training your powers for years lol
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,924 jayfacer
    I can’t wait. Starting that after Hogwarts. Loved the first one 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,945 spicy boy
    Jedi Survivor has been so damn good. That’s how you build on a game and make the sequel
    better. The lightsaber combat is so much better in this one. I like how they started you off as a seasoned Jedi and not having to kinda rebuild like you haven’t been running and training your powers for years lol
    i actually started replaying the first one, and i have to admit i gave up on it too easily. 

    Its a fun game. Still not anything above average, but its really solid considering most star wars games suck lol. 

    Im hype to finish it but im not buying survivor. it will be on game pass in like 6 months
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