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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Fuck that thing is straight up glorious lmao. Glad I held out on a SWOLED.

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    I’m prolly finna pull the trigger on that Ally. The AOKZOE has basically the same GPU and while it has better RAM and SSD, the company jus seems too bootleg for me to trust it. Even their promo videos for the console are presented in broken ass English and come off unprofessional, and the more I look into it, the more dirt I’m finding on the company as a whole. Apparently there were cases of their last handheld straight up blowing up in mf’s hands, and their customer service is essentially nonexistent. On top of that, being a more “underground” type of brand, not too many people will even own these, meaning there won’t be much support or community built around it for any troubleshooting.

    My only question about the Ally is how it looks docked. 1080P presentation in handheld mode, aight that’s cool I’m fine wit that, but can it display 4K if it’s docked to a 4K monitor? 🤔
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Also, copped all these this week.

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy
    I doubt we're going to see handheld ls output 4k on a TV.  Most rigs fail to output 4k and have a steady framerate on pc unless you are working with a beast of a rig. 

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Ended up backing the Aokzoe. For $799 to start you can’t beat the price to performance. If Asus’s big announcement in two weeks changes my mind I’ll refund and buy the Ally but I doubt it. 16gb of ram is simply not enough for these new AAA games. The 45 watt battery plus 120hz screen means you’ll only be playing for about 45 min to an hour without being on a charger. Now if they announce a 32gb of ram version with bigger battery I’ll definitely switch over. 

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    I doubt we're going to see handheld ls output 4k on a TV.  Most rigs fail to output 4k and have a steady framerate on pc unless you are working with a beast of a rig. 

    You might get close if you’re going to pay 2 bands to own Asus’s egpu. I feel like that’s what asus wants is for you to buy their $700 handheld then buy their 2,000 mobile egpu. It’s dumb. All of these companies suck except valve. 

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Yo wait so on that same note about emulation….if you want a permanent save state that you could come back to and continue years later, jus like a “real” save state on a memory card or hard drive, you effectively have to permanently stay on whatever version of the emulator you’re on and can never update? I did notice that on PCXS2. I downloaded The Simpsons Hit & Run, and I didn’t actually start a full playthrough yet, but I had initially fucked around for a few minutes jus to test it. I came back to it a few days later to try a different controller configuration, and there was an update for PCSX2. I installed it and when I started the game up, it said something about the save file being corrupted because of the software version. I lost nothing because like I said, I only played five minutes to make sure it was running correctly, but that’s a problem and a major oversight when I actually start playing thru these bitches if that’s the case smh.
    When you update your emulator you run the risk of your save State getting wiped or no longer being able to use it. Always make sure you do in game saves too as that will actually keep your progress. 

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,021 spicy boy
    NOCAP said:
    Yo wait so on that same note about emulation….if you want a permanent save state that you could come back to and continue years later, jus like a “real” save state on a memory card or hard drive, you effectively have to permanently stay on whatever version of the emulator you’re on and can never update? I did notice that on PCXS2. I downloaded The Simpsons Hit & Run, and I didn’t actually start a full playthrough yet, but I had initially fucked around for a few minutes jus to test it. I came back to it a few days later to try a different controller configuration, and there was an update for PCSX2. I installed it and when I started the game up, it said something about the save file being corrupted because of the software version. I lost nothing because like I said, I only played five minutes to make sure it was running correctly, but that’s a problem and a major oversight when I actually start playing thru these bitches if that’s the case smh.
    When you update your emulator you run the risk of your save State getting wiped or no longer being able to use it. Always make sure you do in game saves too as that will actually keep your progress. 
    Yea I know PCSX2 has virtual memory cards for it
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  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    edited May 2023
    BOTW 2 leaked already IYKYK

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    edited May 2023
    That shit is so fucking tempting especially considering the fact that I jus now got into the emulation life and the shit is already fresh and exciting for me lol. But naw fuck that Im’ma be patient and play it proper, I already went all in for this game. Copped the SWOLED, special edition Pro controller, special edition carrying case for the console, the game itself, and even the mf Amiibo which will be my first lmao. So I’m not gonna spoil that now. Although after the fact I may download the ROM jus strictly out of curiosity if the Galaxy Book can run it properly. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Sauce btw? Jus for future reference for more ROM locations. I been using strictly that ROM Megathread from Reddit cause it’s most convenient and has a huge library, but the newest it goes up to is PS3/360/Wii U, it doesn’t even have Switch games on there. So clearly there’s more up to date sources out there. Or is the leak all torrents?
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Btw I might seriously look into that XG Mobile EGPU. As I said in the random thread the other day, I been kicking myself for copping another Mac and not switching over to PC and making it a gaming rig as well. That XG plus the Ally is still $2,700, but that’s better than spending over 4 bands again, and I’d feel more justified in simply still keeping the Mac for music, and then the Ally could stay docked to my OLED and ran more like a console. That jus might end up being the move. 
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Sauce btw? Jus for future reference for more ROM locations. I been using strictly that ROM Megathread from Reddit cause it’s most convenient and has a huge library, but the newest it goes up to is PS3/360/Wii U, it doesn’t even have Switch games on there. So clearly there’s more up to date sources out there. Or is the leak all torrents?
    CDRomance has a lot of good roms. 

  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    edited May 2023
    Went like 2+ weeks straight in April without playing shit cause I had zero time so I fell way behind and I’m still on Saints Row 3 Remastered and bro this game is one of the most flaming piles of irredeemable broken ass dogshit I have ever played in my entire life. No joke this is easily in the top 10 worst games I’ve ever played list. I don’t understand how it’s even possible for essentially NOTHING in the game to work like it’s supposed to, which is even worse considering this is a 10+ year old game that has technically been remastered and “enhanced” twice now. Because the original remaster was PS4/XB1, and PS5 got even further enhancements for free. This garbage is about as playable as unplayable gets. Doing Platinum so I need to do all open world side shit and the effort on these was even LESS. Campaign missions barely function either but most these side activities are so fucking broken that clearing them means that you got lucky and had a run that actually didn’t glitch out and let you finish, not that you “won”. So many of the Trafficking jobs (Escort the pimp while he makes drug deals, basically jus a garbage horde mode.) were failed not because they were actually too hard, but because the AI is complete dogshit and you have to rely on him to drive you around instead of vice versa, so more times than not he would end up getting the car stuck or blowing it up or getting glitched out and stuck in the concrete. So clearing them felt only like “The broken ass system showed me some mercy.” and nothing more. Shit, this shit is so broken that escaping police or gang notoriety is essentially impossible without either quitting the game to reset the checkpoint, or letting them kill you/killing yourself, until you unlock the ability to call and wipe your notoriety. Why? Because even if you legitimately dodge and outrun them, it will consistently spawn new cop cars or gang vehicles directly in front of you out of thin fucking air, causing you to crash and reset the wanted level. Nothing. Fucking. Works.

    And even aside from being broken, 3 is where they started going over the top and adding chaotic off the wall shit, so they could have made it fun, they could have made it interesting, but it’s all delivered in such a by the numbers and stiff ass way, that none of it is ever engaging whatsoever. There’s a mission where you’re falling out of a burning plane and shooting mfs wit dual wield Uzis as you free fall fast as fuck. On paper that sounds like some stereotypical action movie shit that could be stupid fun to actually play thru in a game, but in action, all I could think was “could they have POSSIBLY made this any more completely fucking boring than it already is?” 

    As far as prior experience wit Saints Row, I never finished 1 + 2, too much of an inferior GTA clone without it’s own identity. 3 I never played originally, 4 I Platinum’d. Now 4 I did enjoy, and I remember it definitely wasn’t the most polished game and was janky, but I don’t at all remember it being straight up broken like this. Even then wit lower standards on polish, I don’t remember it ever being in an essentially unplayable state. And as far as how over the top and ridiculous it was wit the superpowers and shit, I personally liked it and felt that it finally had it’s own identity away from GTA, which started on 3. But since I never played the original 3, I can’t speak on if the original on PS3 was this broken too. And I don’t know if it’s worse if it WAS or worse if it WASN’T. Cause if it was, then you had 10+ years and 2 separate remasters, and still left it in a broken state. If it wasn’t, then you did 2 separate remasters and somehow produced a version that was actually inferior aside from graphics, and completely fucking broke it instead of improving it. Either way it goes, it’s a complete fucking failure. 

    I never played Saints Row 2022 yet, but I feel like there’s no possible fucking way that it’s worse than this. Story wise and the way they nerfed everybody and made them PC pussies? Yea, sure, maybe. But actual gameplay wise, there’s no fucking way it’s worse than this. And honestly even the tone shift is not much of a fall from grace either. Playing this now….yea it was never legitimately funny either. Lulz so raunchy and edgy. Lulz cock jokes. Lulz I’m 12. They legitimately didn’t lose anything by dropping any of that, although going woke instead was without a doubt still a horrible decision. But regardless, 3 is absolutely fucking horrible, and it’s considered the magnum opus of the series, which is why it’s the only one that got a remaster, twice. So if this was the peak, then maybe 2022 didn’t kill the series, but it was jus simply never that fucking great to begin wit. I do still have fond memories of 4, and it was legitimate dumb chaotic fun that worked pretty well, while still flawed, but 1 out of 4 is still a horrible average. 1/10
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Copped the most recent PS4 remaster of Bully on sale for $9. I never played the original so it’s one of those I always meant to catch up on. It is one of the games that I downloaded on the emulators, but for some reason, the more updated Scholarship Edition is straight up broken for the 360 and Wii. The original PS2 version works flawless, but that’s missing the extra content and missions and I’d rather have one of the full package remasters, so fuck it for $9. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,104 master of ceremonies
    I thought the SR3 remaster was fun as hell. Obviously buggy as hell but so was the original. I also played the original Saints Row before GTA IV so it has nostalgia for me
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    Bully is fun as fuck
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Been playing Doom Eternal on my Deck. Goddamn that game goes crazy. 

  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,021 spicy boy
    NOCAP said:
    Been playing Doom Eternal on my Deck. Goddamn that game goes crazy. 
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  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    In case yall are unaware, this website sells video game shirts that are fused wit Metal band logos. Here’s a few quick examples:

    I’m DEFINITELY getting me a few of these lmao these are fucking dope.
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