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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Decided to try my first ironman playthrough (no loading saves, just one autosave file constantly updated) of XCOM 2, but on recruit difficulty. Was getting flawless mission again and again and got cocky.

    Just had my top 6 soldiers murdered on the first chosen stronghold mission and failed the mission obviously. Rage quit for a bit so I can have my wits about me while I try and salvage the playthrough
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Suicide Squad delayed (again) until February 2024 hahahahahaha.

    Jus call it a day and cancel it altogether at this point. That’s now 2 YEARS it was delayed, and that’s on top of the fact that there was already minimal hype for the game once it was revealed as some Avengers type GaaS bullshit.

    Shit bout to go double tinfoil in sales hahahahaha.
    Xeno said:
    Decided to try my first ironman playthrough (no loading saves, just one autosave file constantly updated) of XCOM 2, but on recruit difficulty. Was getting flawless mission again and again and got cocky.

    Just had my top 6 soldiers murdered on the first chosen stronghold mission and failed the mission obviously. Rage quit for a bit so I can have my wits about me while I try and salvage the playthrough
    A man after my own heart 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy
    Anyone with a PS5 might be interested in this

    Crucial P5 Plus 2TB PCIe Gen4 3D NAND NVMe M.2 Gaming SSD, up to 6600MB/s - CT2000P5PSSD8
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Wtfffff that’s less than I paid for 1 TB. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy
    Man I like a lot of the artwork for the cards in snap. Really love the upgrade game loop too. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    edited April 2023
    Nah Sonic Adventure 2: Battle in 1080P 60FPS is crazy.

    These old games don’t even look super dated wit some simple upscaling in place. Emulation is literally the ideal way to play most of these as a result. It’s basically a free remastered edition lmao.

    This shit keeps amazing me, I was sleeping hard by not jumping on the bandwagon sooner.
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,022 spicy boy
    Quidditch game informally announced
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    Beat (and got the platinum) for Mass Effect 3. Overall, pretty good. Steps up some stuff from 2 in the worst ways and then steps back from 2 in the worst ways lol I loved the story. I thought for sure if anything was going to tank 3 it was the pacing with the Reapers already being here and such but they did an excellent job with the established framework from the end of 2. I LOVED that you interacted and fought them a few times during the story, I was worried it was gonna be one of those “Save all Reaper fights til the end” things and feel either super rushed or too annoying stacking it all at the end. I had heard horror stories about the ending of the game but honestly I enjoyed it, though I understand they added and fleshed out quite a few things for the Legendary Edition as that has the “Extended Cut” as the standard ending so there’s no way to experience the original “botched” ending. I liked thematically that there’s no completely good ending as every one has heavy consequences that stay true to the core concept of the game (I chose Control). 
         The characters as always are absolutely amazing except for, as always, the generic male soldier lol everyone else is either still completely lovable and/or charming or bursting with amazing character development, especially Liara and I adored the direction they took EDI in. 
        The gunplay is improved and is probably the best in this game and I appreciated getting gun mods and such back. All that being said, there was some stuff I had issue with. 
        I appreciate trying to flesh out the cover system but all they did was make it more irritating. It’s wonky and barely ever worked like it was supposed to and I found myself more often than not dodge rolling right into an enemy instead of side shifting behind cover. The enemy AI and partner AI is also probably the best it’s ever been here but the partner AI is still a broken mess sometimes. There were several points in my play through where both my companions literally just ignored my directions, stood in one spot and did nothing lol my biggest issue with ME3 is gonna sound like a shitty nit pick but it was so frustratingly annoying every time so here goes: why the fuck did they break the quest log so fucking badly? It was perfect in 2. 
         With the oversimplified scanning system the way it is, this was just annoying. It no longer breaks the missions down in steps like the first two games which doesn’t sound like a big deal but it was. You no longer have the option to talk to people to get side quests, they just shout them out when you run past and it adds it to your missions. Okay fine. But then it gives you some blanket statement like “An Asari on the Citadel is looking for x item. Find it and bring it to them.” I find the item but it never updates the quest log to tell me I have the item and when you have no inventory system that’s such a mind boggling and stupid oversight on the devs part. When I’m running around trying to do story missions and I come back 3 hours later fuck if I can remember what indistinguishable random item I found when scanning a planet for a quest I didn’t sign up for that I received yesterday in real time lol and this wouldn’t be a huge deal if this wasn’t tied to your War Assets which help flesh the end game out. That and little shit like not being able to see what companion is where on the Normandy in the elevator menus instead having to pause the game and cycle through the map. I also would have enjoyed a fight proper with the Illusive Man after all his build up but his ending was satisfactory anyway so no big deal. Overall, a strong 7/10. 2 is still the peak but I really enjoyed 3. Also, Mordin’s death hurt every fiber of my body good God. 
        I’m really happy I went on this journey through these games. I’d always heard good things about them and despite my rocky start with the first game, I had an absolute blast. The characters are memorable as fuck and charming, with an amazing voice cast to boot. The story was amazing and imo they balanced the world ending stuff perfectly between having each game slowly build and dedicated to one big threat instead of throwing all the reaper shit at you at one time. Breaking it down between Sovereign and The Collectors before you finally arrive at The Reapers was genius. I liked Shepard way more than I thought fearing he’d just be a bland lead but he does get the job done and I have never played a game where I got this anxious over my choices lol props to Bioware for really selling the weight and consequence for what you choose to do across all three games perfectly. Mass Effect 2 also holds one of my favorite missions I’ve ever played in a video game (the suicide mission) and easily became one of my all time favorite gaming experiences. These were so good I may actually have to pick up Andromeda despite what I’ve heard and seen about it. Trilogy overall sits at a pretty damn good 8.5/10. 
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,106 master of ceremonies
    Had to be me. Someone else might've gotten it wrong.
  • MarcTheFallenMarcTheFallen Posts: 26,685 master of ceremonies
    Did you play the Leviathan DLC in part 3?
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    Xeno said:
    Had to be me. Someone else might've gotten it wrong.
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    Did you play the Leviathan DLC in part 3?
     Yes, the legendary edition came will all DLC’s except for one they couldn’t port over on the first game (Pinnacle I think?). My brother had played them about a month ago so he gave me a recommended play order. For 2, I did all DLC prior to the final mission but before reaching the point where it would start counting down and killing my crew if I dicked around, saving Arrival for until after I beat the game. 3 I did From Ashes immediately to get Javik, then Leviathian and Omega. Saved the shoreleave one for right before the final mission. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy
    Limited-time deal: SAMSUNG EVO Select Micro SD-Memory-Card + Adapter, 512GB microSDXC 130MB/s Full HD & 4K UHD, UHS-I, U3, A2, V30, Expanded Storage for Android Smartphones, Tablets, Nintendo-Switch (MB-ME512KA/AM)

    512 gb SD card for 40 bucks
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    ASUS ROG Ally allegedly has full compatibility wit EA App, Epic Games, Steam, and Xbox Game Pass.

    Which reminds me that Xbox Game Pass should be more full featured. Currently you can only play games that are on XGP so it’s limited, but imagine they integrated an all in one feature where it also keeps a library of all the games you’ve purchased and you can run them from any device that the game is installed that also runs XGP. I mean that’s already being done wit Steam and shit. If you have a desktop and a laptop or a desktop and a Steam Deck, you can run whatever you have in your Steam library anywhere on either device, no remote play necessary. And fuck it, they could even still keep the feature locked behind a subscription and strictly on XGP, that would make me actually pay for it every month instead of activating a month here and there lol. I’m sure even physical copies could be worked into it where, you install the game on whatever other device you want to run it on, and then it uses remote play to connect to your console at home and do a “handshake” to confirm the disc is in your console (As a key.) but then you play natively on the other device you have it installed on.

    That alone would make me switch to primarily playing on my XSX and copping multiplatform for XSX. Unless PS+/Now integrated the exact same thing lmao.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Just beat RE4R on hardcore. That game was gas. Ain’t really excited for anything else coming up till Silent Hill 2 remake. Gonna spend this time catching up on my backlog and playing older games. I’m addicted to these handhelds. Just ordered a miyoo mini plus and about to drop a stack on OneXplayer 2 or just wait it out for the ASUS ROG Ally that’s gonna have the 7000 series chip in it. 

  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    Playing through Mafia Definitive Edition right now. Never played any of the Mafia games before. Story is great and well told feels like a mob movie which is clearly what they were going for. I’m sure glad that a game that’s made up of 70% driving has absolute dogshit driving controls. Great call by the devs 
    Day 187 of Rex ducking me in Marvel Snap 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy

    whats the highest rank you got to? im at a diamond almost plat right now and just haven't broken through. 

    Its probably because i honestly forget to snap all the time lol
    I hit 70 once whatever that is, Vibranium I think? But I usually hover between diamond and plat
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