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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Sorting hat always tried to put me in gryffindork but fuck that I went with slytherin 
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Finished Kirby And The Forgotten Land last night. 100 percented it including target times for all Treasure Road challenges so took 35.5 hours roughly. Overall absolutely loved it, it’s like a hybrid of Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Odyssey Jr. Wild that it took them this long to make a non-side scrolling Kirby. Only things that knock some points off are quality of life issues that were irritating at points. The controls and mechanics aren’t the tightest, especially compared to Mario, which is fine for the most part due to how laid back and easy most of the game is, but it made some of the challenge times on Treasure Road annoying as fuck as a result, but that’s optional anyways. And then the game doesn’t do a great job of explaining pretty much anything lmao. Like I literally went at least 20 hours of my playthrough without knowing that there was a dedicated dodge mechanic in the game lmao. Like it never tells you at any point. Only found out because I was finding it impossible to not get hit for one of the boss fights, which was needed for one of the Waddle Dees. Looked up a solution and got it first try after learning about the dodge. 🤦🏻‍♂️ The worst of these issues was the fact that there was no dedicated restart checkpoint button which makes no sense in a game like this, and it made certain Waddle Dee requirements more frustrating and tedious than they ever needed to be. Fucked it up? No problem, restart checkpoint and try again….except to do that, you need to kill yourself, but the game is so easy even on “Wild” mode, that it can take upwards of 60 seconds of repeated hits from fodder enemies for you to finally die. And then there was also the way items and power-ups were implemented. You could stack the duration of the Attack-Ups and Speed-Ups, but you could only buy one at a time, eat one at a time, buy again, eat again, rinse wash repeat, so if you wanted max duration attack and speed increase, this meant buying 10 separate times and eating 10 separate times. Making it like a 2-3 minute process each time. And you can only store one single item. Shit like that jus makes it seem so low budget and indie, which is especially weird coming from Nintendo. That’s barebones shit that should not be in place in any modern age game. 

    So wit some glaring issues like that in place, I can’t in good conscience give it a perfect score, but the overall fun factor was so high that this could have been perfect if those were fixed. Fantastic fucking game and I hope they move forward wit more full 3D Kirby. This was my first Kirby game and at the very least I’ll pick up this new Return To Dreamland Deluxe and experience one of the side scrolling ones as well, although I’ll wait for a sale on that. Remaster or not, I’m not paying full price for a 10+ year old game lmao. But this ended up being one of my favorite 2022 games. Prolly #4, behind High On Life. Crazy that I was gonna skip it altogether. 9/10

    Next Switch game is finally starting this Skyward Sword HD Remaster. Never played the original so this is brand new for me.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    How well does Windows run on Steam Deck? Basically, I was looking into a cheap laptop so that I could play Rocksmith+, as well as maybe some old PC games, like Backyard Baseball lmao. But cheap because this lil side function would be basically all I use it for since I otherwise have the Mac. Maybe use it for shows here and there too. But at that rate it almost seems like the better idea to spend the extra coin and get a Steam Deck so that it doubles in function, as long as Windows runs fully featured and efficiently on it. 🤔🤔
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    edited March 2023
    Almost done with Pokémon Violet. Just have some post game clean up to do with the Pokédex (3 more of those legendary seal Pokémon and head back down to Area Zero). Yeah not gonna lie this one kinda sucked. Sword and Shield were infinitely better imo. Obviously it’s Pokémon, we all know what it’s about at this point so I won’t bother with a score or an overlong review but it just felt weaker to me. The story is never mind blowing but this felt particularly uninteresting when stacked up with the Ultra Beast plot line from Sun/Moon or even the legendary Shield/Sword Pokémon. The entire game builds up to Area Zero and it’s a snooze fest of a boring, ugly and bland location. 
            The game was also super buggy for me don’t know if anyone had that problem. Took textures forever to load in, exploration was fun but traversal was still janky and annoying most of the time and nothing location wise aside from the Mountain Peak stands out to me as any kind of memorable. It’s honestly kind of shittily designed. Also not being able to physically go into any of the buildings or shops or change clothes was actually insulting lmao it also made breeding way shittier and the sandwich mini game is one of the stupidest fucking things I’ve seen in these games in a long while. 
        The actual new Pokémon designs aren’t terrible. Nothing super great but nothing that bad either. I stan Smolive. I know Sword and Shield got a lot of hate when they first came out but damn dude Gen 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gen 9. Also if anyone has Scarlet and feels like being amazing I need some mons for my living dex assuming anyone is willing to part with them. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,022 spicy boy
    I loved Scarlet. Had no bugs or issues. Thought the gameplay was super addictive.

    I can help trade you though. I need a Quaxly and some of the area zero mons if you have them.
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  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    I can breed you any starters you want. I got all of them through wonder trade. If you can breed the iron mons I’ll give em over but if you can’t I have to hold on to them for a living dex. If it’s not too much trouble I’ll need you to evolve a charcadet for me. He has evolutions specific to scarlet and violet. I can do the same with charcadet on my end for you 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    You can’t breed them it looks like but it’s saying duplicates can be found in area zero so I’ll catch em for you. I’ll also need the equivalent of whatever they are on your end please and thank you. Violet got “Iron” Pokémon. I’m assuming scarlet has a past like equivalent?
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    Also if you’re going for dex completion as well level up a Finizen to level 37 before we trade. It has a unique evolution where it can only evolve while your with friends in the union circle when it hits level 38
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,022 spicy boy
    Yea, Im near completion. I have most of the Violet Pokemon from my girlfriend, but since she had Sprigatito, I had no access to Quaxly. I also need some of the Violet exclusive Area Zero ones. I have everything else (minus the event Pokemon). 
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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy
    No bugs or issues 😂

    Straight up LIE

    Mc just pandering to one of his favorite franchises. 

    I've seen the game streamed for hours, and played it for about 15 myself, and every single person I've seen play it or talked about it have experienced the issues with the game that fire had. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy
    Games fine overall. Nothing is game breaking. But it seems like a rushed project to me. 
    Yeah idk why MC gives Pokémon a pass. If any other AAA video game was as buggy and rehashed the same assets and gameplay like Pokémon does he'd be talking shit
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,022 spicy boy
    edited March 2023
    Because I literally didnt experience any of it myself. :| 
    I finished the entire thing, and the ONLY bugs I had was some occasional frame dipping during Team Star camps. I did not have a broken experience others claim to have had. 

    I also havent played a Pokemon game since X/Y. So if they were reusing assets, I wouldnt know. 
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  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    edited March 2023
    Yea, Im near completion. I have most of the Violet Pokemon from my girlfriend, but since she had Sprigatito, I had no access to Quaxly. I also need some of the Violet exclusive Area Zero ones. I have everything else (minus the event Pokemon). 
     Perfect. Should have everything you need in a couple days. Text me or message a specific list here of everything you need. Funnily enough, I picked Fuacoco and got Sprigatito fairly early on in surprise trade. Just last night when I was about to shut off the game and go to sleep I said fuck it one more surprise trade and got Quaxly lol 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy
    Everyone knows EA sucks but one game I feel like I at least get value out of is UFC. 

    Regardless of the game, they continously update it up to the release of the next game at least. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,952 spicy boy
    Never mind game sucks 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    That was fast lol
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,000 jayfacer
    Bag fucking secured. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    What is it Im blind drunk and can’t tell it I’m displaying my autism or not but I can’t tel what you order 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,926 jayfacer
    edited March 2023
    Omg it’s the steam deck in fucking retard 
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