Idk why yall are even disagreeing wit Rex. Yall look like dickriding shills because nothing he is saying is incorrect. I absolutely love Nintendo and their exclusives are overall my favorite, but they’re out of excuses wit this shit already. The Switch IS dated hardware, which was already the least powerful of the 3 even brand new at launch, it’s 7 years old and there’s no sign of even an announcement of a new console. It was 7 years from the release of the PS4/XB1 to the PS5/XSX. But on top of that, WHY continue to run on inferior hardware? It definitely ain’t a money issue, they’re worth an insane amount of money. They’ve always done this. GameCube was the weakest out of GC/PS2/Xbox. Wii was the weakest out of 360/PS3/Wii, etc. Yea sure their games still look great on inferior hardware because of great art direction, but wit that said imagine how drop dead gorgeous they would ESPECIALLY look if they were up to date on the hardware for once. For a Switch 2, I’m sure we’re at a point where they could pull off full power while docked, where you sacrifice graphical fidelity in handheld mode, that way they could still make both work, and I don’t think anybody would complain about that. It’s basically what the Steam Deck is doing.
Beyond that tho, the lack of 60 FPS is the most jarring and what truly makes it feel and look dated. That should be bare minimum at this point. It’s to the point that some games are best simply played in handheld mode because the lower FPS is less noticeable. Brilliant Diamond looks straight up horrible on a TV screen.
The Switch is what it is at this point because like I said, it’s 7 year old dated hardware. But there NEEDS to be some big changes for a Switch 2, and that announcement should come sooner than later. Cause yea as it stands, they look fucking insane trying to upcharge Switch games now.
"Why buy a console when you can build a PC for the same price with way more features and better graphics?"
You're demanding features for an audience that does not care. You said it yourself, the games still look great on inferior hardware due to great art direction. So why would they beef up the hardware? Better hardware = a higher price point. Nintendo will ALWAYS be the console for children, families, and casual gamers. You ever notice how Nintendo consoles are the lowest priced every console generation? They know they have that audience locked down, and that doesn't happen by charging $500-600 for a 4k 60 FPS handheld.
Steam Deck is the superior product specs wise, but what console do you and Rex both own? A Steam Deck or a Switch?
Nintendo isn't perfect but you kinda know what you're getting when you buy a Nintendo console. Third party titles are gonna run like ass so don't bother and just get the first party games or the best indie games which never need high powered graphics anyway
They can kill them fucking selves for charging $70 for Zelda though
The Switch is the 3rd best selling console of all time. Almost 120 millions units sold. Seems like it’s doing just fine.
Nintendo also holds the second spot with the DS. PS2 still holds the sales crown at #1. The Switch is still a baby compared to its other top sales competitors.
The fact that the Switch has sold so well is exactly why there hasn't been a sign of a new console. Take the fact nintendo has never given a shit about powerful hardware and the perceived risk of putting out a new console that might flop like the Wii U while also splitting the consumer base on first party titles, they don't wanna fix what ain't broke
Yea I spoke too soon on Prey. It DOES take entirely too long to pick up and I know that would throw a lot of people off but now that it did the game is fucking incredible. Plays entirely differently once you can actually competently fight back lmao.
Matter fact, I’m actually enjoying it enough that I’m prolly bout to add one more unintentional detour game to the list and play Deathloop after this, cause it’s “free” for PS+ Extra and up. That whole aesthetic and distinct type of setting like BioShock, Dishonored, Prey, etc. is so fucking addicting once you sink into it, and Deathloop was one of those games that I was always on the fence about but ultimately skipped because of the time loop mechanic. But for free and what I’m reading is only a 15-20 hour Platinum, I might as well while I’m already in the mood for Arkane games wit Prey.
You should look up a history of Prey video. It has a fairly interesting and controversial history
My bad, meant to reply to that. So I legitimately wanna see that, but looking that up on YouTube brings up a shit ton of results and idk which one I’m sposed to watch lmao. You got a link?
The Prey I played was one of my favorite games. I can’t remember fully it’s been so long but if I remember correctly it was about aliens abducting humans for body farms
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Was able to snag BioShock remaster collection for $10. 🤘🏻
I actually already replayed the entire trilogy when the remasters originally came out but had traded it in afterwards, but BioShock will forever tempt me wit a replay so I wasn’t gonna pass on that price, that’s $3.33 per game lmao.
They need to hurry up wit BioShock 4. Rumors are open world Antarctica. Forever in the top 3, can’t believe it’s already been 10 years since Infinite smh.
Speaking of BioShock, might play Atomic Heart next. Should be finishing Prey tonight, and Atomic Heart drops tonight/tomorrow. That game had actually completely slipped under my radar somehow until last month when I watched an upcoming 2023 games video from IGN, and it immediately caught my eye for obvious reasons. It’s day 1 Game Pass too and my shit is still active. Always down for BioShock clones.
Finished Prey last night. Slow ass off putting start like I already mentioned, and story wise I felt it didn’t hit like they wanted it to, both because of how it was delivered, and because of the multi ending thing. I did all 3 main endings from a manual save for a few extra achievements and jus to see all of them, and all of them seemed too abrupt and inconsequential. Like “That’s it?”
Overall tho game was a fucking treat and one of the more unique games I’ve ever played. Yes it’s “BioShock in space”, but it very much has it’s own distinct aesthetic and flavor at the same time. Will definitely stand out in my mind down the line. Glad I finally got back around to it and didn’t skip over it for good like I had planned to. 9/10
I think next up is Deathloop. Was originally gonna be the new SpongeBob, but I have both installed and both are about the same time to Platinum, (Both 15-20 hours.) and I’d rather do Deathloop now while I’m in this “BioShock type” kick. Cause after these 2 is 2 stupid long playthroughs in both Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga and Hogwarts Legacy.
Also, on the Switch front, finished Yooka-Laylee And The Impossible Lair last week. It was an aiiiiiiiiight playthrough but overall I think it’s safe to say I won’t be returning to the series if another game is made. The first was so broken that I literally didn’t even finish it, and this one, while improved, was still jus wonky and unpolished. The controls never truly feel satisfying, and the game is too fucking hard and demanding at times to operate like that. It’s like it can’t keep up wit itself. Playing it back to back right after Rayman Legends didn’t do it any favors either, cause it exposed how much of a difference that shit makes. I 100 percented Rayman Legends, so I had to complete the most difficult shit that game had to offer, which included some of the most infuriating bullshit I’ve ever played. But that game controls like a well oiled machine, gold standard type shit, so it’s different when it doesn’t feel like the game is a suboptimal piece of shit that doesn’t perform like it’s sposed to and works against you. And too many mechanics were jus dogshit, including how it’s damn near impossible to retrieve Laylee half the time after taking a hit, and how taking a hit also disables you and removes half your moveset, since you can’t do half your actions without Laylee. Also backwards ass design like only having one opportunity to grab certain collectibles and having to kill yourself to get another chance to retrieve it. So much shit jus felt fucking amateur. Oh and I completely skipped out on the final Impossible Lair level. And that’s wit all 48 bees collected. When I seen that that shit was so poorly and ridiculously designed that even being able to take 48 hits was barely enough and I could only get to 30% of the way thru even wit that much padding, I said absolutely not. Replaying a 20-30 minute gauntlet level for hours on end in a game that already doesn’t perform well enough for that kind of demand gives me no reward and most likely only ends up in a Switch snapped clean in half. I’m all the way good on that. 5/10
Now on Kirby And The Forgotten Land tho and I’m only about 4 hours in so far but this game has been a fucking treeeeeat. Hype to dive further into this.
You're crazy Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is fantastic. Perfectly captured the Donkey Kong feel. I liked it much more than even DK Country Returns or Tropical Freeze
You're crazy Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair is fantastic. Perfectly captured the Donkey Kong feel. I liked it much more than even DK Country Returns or Tropical Freeze
You are fucking TWEAKING. Tropical Freeze was stupid hard too but again, the difference is the POLISH. Tropical Freeze was extremely fine tuned so the difficulty wasn’t insulting like it is on Yooka Laylee. It’s crazy to me too because they’re the OG developers of shit like this so it should have been a homerun but instead comes out like a half baked indie game. I don’t get it.
You're demanding features for an audience that does not care. You said it yourself, the games still look great on inferior hardware due to great art direction. So why would they beef up the hardware? Better hardware = a higher price point. Nintendo will ALWAYS be the console for children, families, and casual gamers. You ever notice how Nintendo consoles are the lowest priced every console generation? They know they have that audience locked down, and that doesn't happen by charging $500-600 for a 4k 60 FPS handheld.
Steam Deck is the superior product specs wise, but what console do you and Rex both own? A Steam Deck or a Switch?
They can kill them fucking selves for charging $70 for Zelda though
They need to hurry up wit BioShock 4. Rumors are open world Antarctica. Forever in the top 3, can’t believe it’s already been 10 years since Infinite smh.
Overall tho game was a fucking treat and one of the more unique games I’ve ever played. Yes it’s “BioShock in space”, but it very much has it’s own distinct aesthetic and flavor at the same time. Will definitely stand out in my mind down the line. Glad I finally got back around to it and didn’t skip over it for good like I had planned to. 9/10
I think next up is Deathloop. Was originally gonna be the new SpongeBob, but I have both installed and both are about the same time to Platinum, (Both 15-20 hours.) and I’d rather do Deathloop now while I’m in this “BioShock type” kick. Cause after these 2 is 2 stupid long playthroughs in both Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga and Hogwarts Legacy.
Now on Kirby And The Forgotten Land tho and I’m only about 4 hours in so far but this game has been a fucking treeeeeat. Hype to dive further into this.