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***Official Video Games Thread***



  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    edited January 2023
    Im paying what you are getting in credit for the game in the first place. The only games that aren't on sale 4 months after release are usually the AAA licensed games like Spiderman ect. It takes 4 months for games to even got on the ground these days lol. 

    The oled is worth about 50 bucks more. More because its the Pokémon, though i think you might be able to get one on ebay at cost now. 

    you did good on that one though. You can get something when doing it with the consoles like that. Im mostly just trying to get people talking. 

    I also just don't see the point in trading in games to buy other ones. I do wish i could have physical copies of older games. Thats something i might pick up. I think you'd be better off just buying older used games, and keeping what you paid full price for though. 

    new Video games are similar to cars in that as soon as you buy them, they drop by more than 50% in value. Idk what it is, but im sure the math on the 10-year span of someone who likes to trade things in is crazy in favor of Gamestop. 

    Then again, eric platinum's games too, so really even $5 bucks is worth it because hes essentially already gotten his value. 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,657 moneytalker
    Basically it comes down if you want to replay them someday or not. I prefer keeping my old games and systems though. Playing old shit is cool but it’s also a pain in the ass dealing with old equipment sometimes. Most of the old games I’ve saved are now available streaming online anyway. There’s always a few titles that don’t get the streaming treatment or a remastered version, so I keep my shit. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    The only time I use GameStop for trades is if they do the bonus 50% credit and I have some bullshit to dump. I sell or hold my games over time. You should take a look at the market for physical games below the 360/ps3/wii era. Hell even this generation we’re in now some games go for a hefty price because there aren’t anymore new copies in circulation. So newer games dropping in value isn’t always true. Yes AAA titles won’t be worth shit for a decade plus if ever but some lowkey games that not a lot of people picked up can get you some coin sooner than later. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    yeah the secondary game market is bonkers. Thats why if i was going to sell i would look on ebay/facebook first like MC mentioned. 
    I've always been a physical media guy for everything so I'll continue to get discs and cartridges until everything eventually goes digital only
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,001 jayfacer
    This shit literally isn’t even a debate lmao. GameStop’s normal trade values are usually bogus, but if you hold onto them for when they do trade deals, you can usually get a decent amount back. Or do like MC said and sell on like eBay or Mercari, but that’s a longer process that you also have to wait on for buyers. Valhalla alone got me almost $20, when I originally paid $40 since Ubisoft games are constantly on sale. That’s a game that I spent like 180 hours on in total and am most definitely never replaying again. So being able to instead get some money towards a new game for it, is the better option than being stuck wit the digital that you’ll never play again, there’s no argument there whatsoever. I don’t trade everything in, and all time favorites like Super Mario Odyssey or Kingdom Hearts or etc. all get kept because there’s always the chance of a rainy day where I feel the need to replay em, but even then, wit the backlog I have, I can barely keep up wit all the new shit I need to play, let alone setting myself back even further by going back and spending another 30-40 hours on something I already completed. So 90% of em will never get replayed once they’re finished and especially Platinum’d. So why would I not want a lil extra bread towards new shit? Even if it was only $5, that’s $5 off instead of forever sitting and collecting dust for free. But when you do it smart, it adds up real quick, and like I said, I jus got what will end up being 4 games for “free”, without any additional money coming out of my pocket. That straight up does not exist wit all digital. 
    Rex_Capone420 said:
    Plus when i do buy a game, regardless of price, i will have it basically forever. >>>
    Wrong. When you buy a digital game you are buying the license to use the digital copy. It can be pulled at any time. If the game gets pulled from the storefront you can't re-download it.

    And before you say that never happens, Scott Pilgrim vs the World is a personal example I dealt with. You couldn't buy the game digitally or re-download the game if you bought it. They then released a "remastered" version for the new consoles but you still couldn't download your original purchase on ps3/360
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    Oh yeah thats true. Doesn't happen a ton but over the years I'm sure licensing issues will pop up with some of the stuff I have. 

    I'm just basically saying I'm sure the math way works out in gamestops favor in the long run. 

    When it comes to video games we're basically throwing our money at air anyways. We're spending it on made up entertainment. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    This shit literally isn’t even a debate lmao. GameStop’s normal trade values are usually bogus, but if you hold onto them for when they do trade deals, you can usually get a decent amount back. Or do like MC said and sell on like eBay or Mercari, but that’s a longer process that you also have to wait on for buyers. Valhalla alone got me almost $20, when I originally paid $40 since Ubisoft games are constantly on sale. That’s a game that I spent like 180 hours on in total and am most definitely never replaying again. So being able to instead get some money towards a new game for it, is the better option than being stuck wit the digital that you’ll never play again, there’s no argument there whatsoever. I don’t trade everything in, and all time favorites like Super Mario Odyssey or Kingdom Hearts or etc. all get kept because there’s always the chance of a rainy day where I feel the need to replay em, but even then, wit the backlog I have, I can barely keep up wit all the new shit I need to play, let alone setting myself back even further by going back and spending another 30-40 hours on something I already completed. So 90% of em will never get replayed once they’re finished and especially Platinum’d. So why would I not want a lil extra bread towards new shit? Even if it was only $5, that’s $5 off instead of forever sitting and collecting dust for free. But when you do it smart, it adds up real quick, and like I said, I jus got what will end up being 4 games for “free”, without any additional money coming out of my pocket. That straight up does not exist wit all digital. 
    I mentioned you platinuming games in the last post. I do agree with that. 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,657 moneytalker
    Games get changed all the time. Other examples are Mike Tyson’s Punch Out and various games with licensed soundtracks. Destiny changing out Peter Dinklage as narrator. It just takes one update. 

    They even do it with streaming shows and movies now. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 5,001 jayfacer
    Man, so I jus today placed my preorder for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, cause Best Buy was offering a $10 gift card bonus for preordering, so I’m like fuck it, $10 off a different game, I’ll do that.

    6 hours later: Delayed by 6 weeks until April 28th. 😐😐

    Talk about crazy ass timing. Then again maybe that’s exactly why they were offering the bonus and heard about the delay ahead of time smh.
    @Rex_Capone420 friendly battles are now live in Marvel Snap.

    Let me know when you want to get wrecked hoe
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy

    i like that game, but i cant stay off of pokemon unite lately. 

    Im getting a second switch so we can all play that with controllers, so i anticipate playing more snap boi.

    im still a basic b
    I thought about downloading Unite. Is it pay to win? Is there a battlepass? 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    There is a battle pass. you get tickets you can use on item enhancers and item enhancers as well as cosmetics. Its 7 bucks. 

    You do have to unlock mons as you play, but you get so many tokens each week so you just gotta save up. In a sense you can say its pay to win because you level up your items, but if you play you will get them there. i think its a pretty skill/timing based game. 

    Its simple enough of a MOBA for me to enjoy it. I got in fairly early. Its not as complex as league so it was easier for me to get into.

    The player base is kind of ass and matchmaking is meh, but i enjoy it a ton honestly. Ive played like 2500 games since november lol. 

    IM excited because it just got into the CHINA market which is going to boost the devs productivity i think. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,958 spicy boy
    Updates aside from the holidays are pretty frequent. There's not always enough in them, but they usually do balance changes every 2 weeks. 
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,024 spicy boy
    Its literally developed by Tencent. The scummiest, most predatory company in existence. Dont play that garbage, and definitely dont give them money
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
    I'll probably download it tonight 
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